Potential Remains Just a Potential unless You Act upon - TopicsExpress


Potential Remains Just a Potential unless You Act upon It “…and though they are strong, you can drive them out.” (Joshua 17:12-18, NIV) The sons of Joseph, the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, received double portion of land inheritance in the Promised Land. However, they were unable to fully enjoy them because they were too fearful and lazy to drive out the inhabitants living there. Potential remains just a potential unless you act upon it. The sons of Joseph had all the potential to become a great group. They had a great start in life. They were the children of famous ancestor Joseph. They had the promise of double portion blessing in the Promised Land. They could even boast that Joshua their general was one of their own. Yet, their words and attitude today show complete opposite. They complained to Joshua that their tribe was too numerous and they needed more land. Yet they were not willing to do the hard work of clearing out the hill country. They wanted something easy or already conquered. It reveals the problem that so many believers face when trying to claim and experience God’s promises of blessing. Great start in life does not guarantee success in life. Great start must be accompanied by great attitude and great actions. There is a close similarity between Caleb’s request and sons of Joseph’s request. Caleb and the sons of Judah had similar situation. They were numerous people and they had a land before them that was rough, unconquered, uphill battle, and full of giants. Instead of complaining, Caleb said, “Give me this hill country… perhaps the LORD will be with me, and I shall drive them out” (Jos.14:12). This is the language of faith. Yet the sons of Joseph, unlike Caleb and company, said, “This hill country is way too hard and the people there too strong so give us something easier.” This is the language of the fearful, fleshly, and lazy. They say things like: Why have you? Why only one? It’s not enough. They have “iron chariots.” They are too strong. With attitudes like this, you will never go beyond what you’re capable of. With language like this, you will never see your potentials realized. God’s promise to bless us does not mean He will simply give things to us, but that He will help us, empower us, and encourage us as we act in courageous faith. Listen to Joshua’s challenge to those who would act in faith: Go up! Clear it! Drive them out! You are great! You are strong! God is with you! Though they are strong, but you can drive them out! Instead of living your life paralyzed by fear, flesh, and selfishness, be motivated by faith and go claim the blessings of God. Don’t be lazy. Get up, go up, and clear a place for yourselves. Fight the good faith of faith and grab hold of your inheritance in Christ. Unless you are willing to act, all your potential for greatness will remain just a potential.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 15:18:59 +0000

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