Poverty bring corruption. One month ago I post a box to - TopicsExpress


Poverty bring corruption. One month ago I post a box to Gambia with my sewing machines. I paid 105 euro to send it true the post office. It came very fast within 2 weeks. The problem was not sending it. It was collecting it. At the post office in Gambia we had to pay for a stamp and this is when the stealing started. They wanted to charge me base one the value of what was in the box. The first price they call for was 30.000,- dalasie. Thats like 500,- euro. So the price to collect the box was more expensive than to send it. We got in to an argument because for me it really made no sense that someone was trying to deceived me in that way. Do I really look like a money tree? From 30000 dalasie he went to 9000 dalasie thats almost 200 euro to get my box. Today I finally got my box for 2700 dalasie. Thats +/- 60 euro. I cant even blame them for trying to rip me of like that because hear everything is expensive. A salary of an average gambian is 1500 dalasie. The water bill is 700, in good times 600 dalasie a month. Electricity is also costy thats 100 dalasie for 2 days. And then we only us it at night. Even the price for rice is sky high. One bag of rise cost 1000 dalasie wich is not even the salarie of one person. There is no job opportunities because the country is not develop. This is the Sade effect of colonisation. Having a president will not solve the problem. Plus I think its a European concept and I am not down with that corrupted European mindset. The Arabs have small shops hear wear they sell mostly tin milk and tin food. There is no fresh milk. They sell the people food that are very cheap in Europe but for a high price. Why must africaans in Gambia studie and go to school if there is no job opportunity for when they graduate. Do the children in Europe really have job opportunity when they finish there study? Because the way I see it is. The government is cutting jobs and replacing man labour with machines. Do you really have security? Think about it. Why is the whole world punishing for two building that came down on 9/11 with bombs. Money is fiction they can create it. How long are we going to suffer from the ritch man greed?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:08:50 +0000

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