Poverty is not simply the lack of cash. Poverty is living - TopicsExpress


Poverty is not simply the lack of cash. Poverty is living constantly with no security, little or no control over your destiny, and little hope that anything will get better. It is knowing that an incident that is only am inconvenience to most Americans - an illness, car repairs, a high utility bill, a family emergency - can render you homeless. Its not being able to protect your loved ones from hummer or illness or violence. Its living in a community where the poverty around you causes desperate people to do desperate things. Its knowing that the authorities consider you to be a lesser person, and that you likely wont get a fair shake if youre brought before the law. Its attending crumbling schools staffed by teachers who are overwhelmed and almost certainly less experienced than their suburban counterparts, and who lack the resources to do their jobs. Its paying more for lower quality good and services. Its turning on the radio on your way to your second crappy job and hearing somebody with an axe to grind call you a freeloader, a thief, a loser, a user. Its wanting more for your children and realizing that their plight may well be worse than yours. Its being part of a class of people that grows larger every year, while watching others profit from your labor and your probation as they grow richer. Its forever being on the outside looking in.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 07:08:21 +0000

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