Poverty is too often seen from the perspective of donors, highly - TopicsExpress


Poverty is too often seen from the perspective of donors, highly paid officials and NGO staff. They can become a product to be packaged and sold to donors. Charity becomes a business or just a comfortable job. Or it becomes an ego play .... Poverty should be seen from the beneficiaries, the poor, the abandoned children,the sick and the old. It seems in Myanmar, orphanages are sprouting out everywhere to con unsuspecting donors. In Cambodia, there are orphanages that get tuk tuk drivers to bring well meaning tourists to visit them. There are so many stories of well wishers supporting an overseas projects only tofu d years later, the project has not turned out as expected I wonder how the children feel to be used to enrich the operator. As a penniless villager, how would I feel if I know that NGO staff visiting me and taking photos is earning $250,000 a year while he scraps by at $2 a day. How many NGO staff knows about corruption in their overseas projects but hide the fact? How many have accepted corruption as part and parcel of the work because it is hard to fund projects to support? Being well paid is not wrong but being well paid for not doing the work well is wrong. A well paid staff that ensures a project is done effectively with no fraud and maximizes the benefit to the people they are helping is great. He must be trained in systems and procedures, be street smart and has good local knowledge . All NGO staff must do work worth what they are paid. This is fair and right.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 01:03:21 +0000

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