Power Study Supernatural Niche How do we get to a place of - TopicsExpress


Power Study Supernatural Niche How do we get to a place of being able to help others when were constantly in a place of struggle ourselves? This is where many in the Body of Christ find themselves. We have the desire to help, but not the ability. We have the desire to give more but cant. We want to be obedient to the mandates of God but find ourselves in a struggle to make the decision to honor God or take care of our financial responsibilities. A Niche - is a place or position that is suitable for you. A place that works for you and is distinct to you. Many of us are in the position were in because we havent found our niche in life. How do you find your Supernatural Niche? 1. Listen to your heart. Follow your heart and not just your reasoning. If you have a heart for God, it will not lead you wrong. As Christians, we will never go wrong following out hearts because Gods voice leads our hearts. Your heart has to be in the right place. Proverbs 4:23 - Guard your heart above all else, for out of it flows the issues of life. (It determines the course of your life). Dont ever listen to a heart that is hurt or broken, because that heart is in the wrong place. Dont ever make major decisions from a heart that is damaged. Those decisions wont be sound decisions. As a man thinketh, so is he. A heart must be connected to God in order to be protected. If your heart and your head are not in the same place, youre going to have problems. 2. Get out of your comfort zone - Nobody wants to be in pain, broke or struggling, so you would think that someone in those predicaments would do everything in their power not to be. Sometimes we dont have the courage to move out of our comfort zones, even if our comfort zone is our place of pain. You must have the courage to move from some comfort zones or eventually youll have hell getting out of them. Proverbs 6:6 - Take a lesson from the ant, you sluggard. Learn from their ways and become wise. They have no ruler over them to make them work, yet they labor hard all summer gathering food for the winter. But you, lazy bones; how long will you sleep? When will you wake up? A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - then poverty will pounce in you like a bandit. Scarcity will attack you like an armed robber. Many people are guilty of the sin of presumption. Presuming that something will come to them but they arent willing to work for it. Theyre too lazy to work. Proverbs 20:4 - Those who are unwilling to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest. You dont qualify for a harvest if you havent put any seeds in the ground. Why are we so blind to the fact that we arent any further along in life because of our own actions? We refuse to put in the work, so when we go to someone and ask them to be a blessing to us, theyre going to say no. Some things have to be done in a particular season in order to reap a benefit from them. Think about gardening. Some crops have to be planted at specific times or they wont produce. You cant plant them just anytime you want to. Some planting has to be done at the most inconvenient, uncomfortable times in our lives. Many of us are too comfortable in what were in to do what we need to do to get what we need to have. Dont let brokenness sneak up on you. You cant run things from a broken place. Dont let hardship and difficulty catch you unaware. Find your niche and begin building your own nest. You cant be in someone elses nest trying to store up for your own nest. 3. Take action - it is important to do your homework, but you cant spend your life researching your niche. Faith without works is dead. Youve got to step out and begin working your niche. You may not know youre good at your niche until youve done your homework. Youve got to put in the time and energy to legitimize your hustle. God doesnt give you a niche for you to stay underground with it. Take your niche and use it to get into the industry. It may come naturally to you, but it will only mature when you marry it (legitimize it). You and your niche must become one. You must invest in it (training, investments, alliances, making right connections, etc.). The right niche will make you rich! Stop thinking about it and move on it. 4. Be responsible with your niche. Deut. 8-18. Remember the Lord your God for it is He who gives you the power to be successful (gain wealth), in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed with your ancestors with an oath. Your power is in your niche. You cant operate in someone elses niche. Dont wait on someone else to tell you its OK or when you can be successful. The biggest risk you can take is to do nothing. Dont wait for your ship to come in, jump off the pier and meet it half way. Risk takers understand they must tap in. How can you tap out when youve never tapped in? In reality you never got out of bed. How can you be tired of the hustle and bustle when you were never it it. You were at home waiting for something to come to you. Show God how bad you want whatever it is that He has promised you. Stop listening to the opinions of folks who arent doing anything. Change your circle. Start you a new circle Or Be your own circle 5. Dont wait for the perfect time to start, because there is not a perfect time. A perfect time doesnt exist. The perfect time is NOW. When your niche is discovered it is time to start working at it, even of youre not working in it. God wants you to prosper. Your mind has to be changed with LITTLE before God can take you to MUCH.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:23:58 +0000

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