Power Yoga for the entire body, Standing Poses, this morning was a - TopicsExpress


Power Yoga for the entire body, Standing Poses, this morning was a great Yoga session, I have to keep in mind I took about eight months out, restructuring myself, but this this morning reminded me my limitations regarding even standing poses “Triangle Poses, and Worrier 1, Worrier 2 Worrior3, here is some of the befits, and you really do feel the effects after these awesome poses. Warrior I Warrior I requires you to maintain a lunge position with the front knee bent and the back leg straight. You allow your gaze to follow your arms as you extend them overhead, keeping your chest facing the same direction as your bent knee. Although this pose is easy enough for the beginning yoga student, it offers many benefits. Your balance is challenged while you stretch your chest, lungs, shoulders, neck, abdomen and groin. You are standing still, but all your muscles are alert and active, which helps strengthen the shoulder, arms and back. In particular, this pose builds strength in the ankles, calves and thighs. Warrior II The warrior II pose is also performed in a lunge position. From a five-pointed star position -- with legs spread apart and arms straight out at your sides -- you lunge on one leg, keeping your chest facing the side but turning your head to face the same direction as your bent knee. The warrior II pose builds stamina while strengthening your shoulders, back, arms and legs. You may find this posture helpful for relieving backache, particularly through the second trimester of pregnancy, according to "Yoga Journal." Warrior III Warrior III is the most challenging variation of the warrior postures. The pose is usually entered into from warrior I. In a lunge position with arms straight overhead, you slowly lower your arms and trunk until they are parallel to the floor. At the same time, you straighten your bent leg while removing the weight from your hind leg, extending it behind you. Because this posture requires you to stand on one leg, it is effective for building focus and concentration. This pose also improves balance and posture while strengthening the feet, ankles, legs, shoulders, back and abdomen. I hope you try Yoga, and give it a chance in your life, it all about incorporation good habits into your daily life. By: Webb Hill, Instructor
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:34:06 +0000

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