Power of Persistence What do Luke 18.1-8 and all these quotes - TopicsExpress


Power of Persistence What do Luke 18.1-8 and all these quotes have in common? They all center on persistence. Persistence is the action or fact of going determinedly or stubbornly in spite of opposition or warning (Webster’s Dictionary). Do we give up too soon on our hopes? We know the stories of people who have died awaiting rescue giving up just before help arrived. Do we find ourselves thinking the same defeatist thoughts when all hope seems lost? We must remember that in God there is always hope. The widow woman in Luke 18 gives a perfect example of how persistence pays off. A widow, she had no one to defend her. At the time of Jesus’ parable, women had no standing in such matters. This widow woman was at a definite disadvantage without a husband. Moreover, she was probably poor, barely making it. Yet she knew who could help her. We can respect the widow woman’s resolve to go forth to an unjust judge to help her. See she did not care about the man’s reputation. She knew he was the only one that could help her. Isn’t it amazing that she would go to someone considered unfair, a judge who did not fear God nor respected any man? The widow woman focused all her energies on the one person who could help her. She might die trying, but she would never give up.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:00:01 +0000

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