Power to the people...not to the elite who are money hungry, power - TopicsExpress


Power to the people...not to the elite who are money hungry, power hungry...to rule over all mankind ...they see themselves as Gods...they are not ..mere mortals just like the rest of us!! God have mercy on their souls. And ours as they use us for their own agendas..in our collective names, they order GENEOSIDE of innocent people.. people who just want to live raise their familys and worship, In their own lands in their own way!! Dont tread on me..should be recognized world wide...Not just in America...Greed has become the way for this country...we waste so much an then run all over the world taking what we want...Please dont take me wrong I love my country, wouldnt want to live anywhere else, but Im not proud of the way we have become, because of a few super elite filthy rich mongrules, who control everything in our American lives. Its no wonder other countrys hate us as a whole, Historically we are bullys, taking from the poor n giving to the rich...but really the elite take from all of us, and we take our little piece of the pie and go to our little homes and sit down and be quiet, in hopes we dont become noticed..targets of the elite,domestic terrorist if you will, simply for voicing our opinions, Freedom isnt Free...they expect you to go to work pay your taxes and shut your mouth!! With the exception of their welfare programs, social security fiasco, IRS scandal, voter fraud,and all the other BS they spend your..OUR money on and DO NOT want to be questioned about...one lady saidyou dont have the right to know what goes on in goverment...Really..G O P..its OUR money why dont WE have the right...BECAUSE THEY HAVE MISHANDLED IT FOR SO LONG THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE IT ALL WENT...THEY SPEAK IT AND STARTED MAKING MORE PAPER DOLLARS...AND HAD NOTHING TO BACK IT UP WITH...THUS AMERICA IS IN SERIOUS DEBT FOR GENERATIONS TO COME...Children who have not even been born yet...can you imagine.God blessed America...an look what has been done to her, Use your voice, speak up..Dont allow these atrocity s to continue in your name 1 day longer!! Its God I give the glory, satan has no power here in America, hallelujah. PRAISE GOD THRU HIM WE SHALL PREVAIL..AMEN
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:15:53 +0000

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