Powerful Emotions To Change Your Life When you learn how to - TopicsExpress


Powerful Emotions To Change Your Life When you learn how to manage your emotions, you can have tremendous power in your own life. We actually have more control over our emotions than we think we do. Two techniques you can use to take charge of your emotions are being aware of what you are focusing on and using motion or being aware of your body’s physiology. Disempowering emotions can wreak havoc on our lives and we don’t have to let them do this. You can look at your emotions as a garden and it is up to you to weed out the negative emotions to allow the positive and empowering emotions to grow. Tony Robbins’ new book, “Re-Awaken The Giant Within” goes into a lot of depth about this issue. Tony is the master of learning how to take charge of your life. These are some of his ideas. From now on, consider negative emotions as ‘Action Signals’. Instead of trying to avoid or deny these emotions, use them as signals to take action to make a change in your life. There are 10 emotions that you can focus on to help you to change your state. When you focus on these and use them, you can change your life. Love and Warmth are very powerful emotions. Love can conquer all. When you are dealing with difficult people, smother them with love. Eventually they will melt to being loved. Remember the saying, “Be kind for everyone is fighting their own tough battle.” Appreciation and Gratitude are powerful spiritual emotions. To live life with an ‘Attitude of gratitude’ will give you a whole different perspective on life. You can be grateful for all of the people and experiences you have had in your life. Realize that they have been there for a reason, usually to help you to learn and grow. Curiosity can change how you look at things. As Tony says, “The quality of our lives is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask.” By asking, “What is good about this and how will my life be better?” you can become the victor instead of the victim. Excitement and Passion are the juice to life. The best way to create these emotions in your life is to decide to feel them. You can use words and motion to create these feelings. Be aware of what and how you are saying things. Determination is a state of mind when you decide that you are bigger than any challenge that will come into your life. When you make a commitment to take on anything you choose to, then you will be able to handle the upsets, setbacks, and disappointments that will surely come up in life. Flexibility is an absolute necessity to be successful in life. When you get those Action Signals, you have to be able to take the message and change what is not working. Confidence is a result of doing things over and over so that you know that you can overcome your fear. One of the best tools is to have faith. Things will get tough but by continuing to take on the challenges, you will gain confidence that you can do it! Cheerfulness is a state when you realize that no matter is happening, you can choose to be cheerful. This is not about living life in denial. It is about realizing that your situation will still be there but you realize that you know that you will be able to get through this. One of the best ways to do this is to practice smiling. Think about that! Vitality is very important to living a good life. When you take care of your physical body you will have the energy to do what you want to in life. Without feeling good, you are fighting an uphill battle. Contribution makes you feel good when you help others and you do not focus on yourself. This helps you to see the bigger picture and helps your focus to expand rather than contract. When you apply these emotions, you will find that you will take on your challenges and move closer to your goals. If you want to be in a community of people with similar attitudes in creating the life they want, I invite you to join me in the Empower Network. Go to timeandmoneyfreedomnow
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:01:51 +0000

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