Powerful and Almighty God, Father in heaven, hallowed be Your - TopicsExpress


Powerful and Almighty God, Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your power can raise One from the dead and sit Him in a powerful position at Your right. Thank You for Your sovereignty. Only Jesus deserves to sit at Your right, the position of power and honor. Lord, the Bible says those who are in You are joint heirs with You. Wow, how humbling! Joint heirs with Christ! Thank You for salvation. Father, as You know there are so many wondering out in sin, with no thought of the eternal consequences. Just wandering along fulfilling the desires of the flesh, the pride of life. O Lord in some way get their attention. Some way let them know the depth of Your love for them. May their blind eyes see the sacrifice that was made for their sin. May they be sensitive to Your Spirit, may their cold hearts be melted, may their hard hearts be softened. In some way, I pray they will come to realize that life with You is so much better that what the devil has led them to believe. They have been deceived, I pray they would have the discernment to know the difference between the lie that Satan has led them to believe and the truth of God’s Word. I pray today they would know the Truth and the Truth would set them free. In Jesus Name, Amen. Until next time, study God’s Word, seek His face and know the joy of His salvation, In His Grip, God Bless, Bro. Anthony
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 12:35:14 +0000

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