Powerful, heart centered women co-creating ritual.... 11 - TopicsExpress


Powerful, heart centered women co-creating ritual.... 11 women, all leaders, all healers, all incredibly powerful in their own way.. all gifted in profound ways to share with the people whose lives they touch. What happens when you bring them all together into one space for a ritual? It’s an evening that is deeply healing, integrating, affirming, creative, powerful and most of all full of heart. From the moment we all sat in circle, there were tears just behind my eyes, when I opened my mouth to speak, my heart felt like it wanted to burst out of my chest and demonstrate my love for each and everyone of them. Some of them I don’t know very well, some of them I sit with regularly, some I know just by what they do or say on Facebook (which is of course, only a small part of anyone’s reality). And yet I feel love for each one, because I know that she, like me, wants to transform her own life, so that she embraces love, power, spirit and her true essence, providing inspiration to the others in her community. What was the intention for bringing these women together? My dear friend Rebecca Stewart came to me and shared that she had a vision to bring together the women who are leaders in our community, who are doing powerful work in the world, to create a ritual with the opportunity for each of us to vision for ourselves and our community. For us to co-create space and be the conduit between spirit and community. To receive messages and support from the divine to guide our next steps. And so we started planning, knowing and trusting that the energy created by a group of women together is far greater than energy created by each woman separately. What if being in ritual space with each other deepened our creativity, enhanced our gifts, brought through stronger messages and fortified each of us to know that we are not alone. Also, being in ritual spaces provides the opportunity to be together without our public faces, without masks and to truly see who each woman is in her heart. I loved being part of the birthing and the creating process; I felt so alive to support the birthing of another’s vision. There has been an incredible flow in the way planning and communication happened for this ritual, as though it was divinely guided with every step. There’s a desire that each woman leaves after the ritual feeling fortified by the co-created space. And when I say fortified, it’s fortification that happens through the heart, strength through connection, strength through sharing authenticity and real, raw, embodied experience. Our rituals included creating the space, eye-gazing, bringing forth individual and community intentions and a deep process of journeying in the astro wheel. Each woman chose which sign she was guided to work with and what energy (planet / asteroid / god / goddess) she would work with in that sign, allowing each woman to have a unique experience, to work with exactly what she needed to work with on the evening. This was a bold and pioneering step to take, but it felt appropriate to the intention of the night for each woman to be as self guided as possible in her journeying, whilst myself and Bec simply held the space. There were a variety of aspects played out in the wheel – Sun in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn, Medusa in Virgo, Shiva in Aquarius, Ceres in Pisces.. just to mention a few.. and the details of their journeys are personal. However, what I can say is that each woman fully embodied the experience in her own way, some cried deep tears of long held grief, some expressed rage, some danced their joy, others were moved by sensuality in the body, others had deep communication with the divine, some laughed and celebrated and some journeys had a variety of these flavours. Bec and I held each other through journeys the previous night, so that we could be fully available for holding space. In my ritual, I visited Medusa in Leo (for the second time) and it touched me from the inside out. I experienced strong charges of energy rushing through my body, I felt an aliveness that wanted to burst through me and up and out through my heart and throat. Medusa was calling on me to stop playing small, to cut out any of the games, to stand in my full strength, to accept the quality of fierce love that burns inside of me, to allow that to be a lived and fully expressed experience in my life, because when I don’t allow it, that’s when the energy gets twisted inside of me, and can result in conflict and destructive patterns. And when I allow the fullness of my power, this fierce love has a sweetness and expansive flavour that washes through my body with ease, so I can relax into myself even more. Medusa is asking me to step into this next level of my love, my power, my self-expression and my creativity in the world. There is a part of me that still hides, that plays small, but she’s being called out, as it doesn’t serve me and it doesn’t serve my community. And there is nowhere to hide when holding space for powerful women, it requires being fully embodied and in heart and full flow of energy in the body. Holding space is one of my favourite things to do, and to share that with Bec for this ritual was profound, to be bringing together all these incredible women and holding space for them to journey was an honour and a gift. My whole body, my spirit, my heart felt aligned and on and so available for the experience. It feels like it’s own rite of passage to hold space for peers, women who I respect and admire for the paths they have chosen and the inspiring gifts they offer. And then to feel the depth and beauty of everyone during the closing circle, is an experience beyond words. I felt truly humbled by the journeys I had witnessed, by the willingness of each woman to go exactly where she was directed by her own body and spirit, to feel the fullness, the support and the interconnectedness in the room. To know that each woman’s energy was supporting herself and everyone else in the room to reach for her full potential, to bring visions and dreams into an embodied state. I felt love in the words spoken, I felt love in the food we shared, I felt love in the connection of eyes, and I felt love in simply being. And today I feel so much gratitude for this experience of the astrology wheel, to every woman who participated, to myself and to Bec for trusting and dreaming that this could happen. My heart definitely feels fortified knowing and feeling the experience of myself more deeply and all these beautiful, incredibly powerful and loving women. So much heart shared and expressed last night. I also feel love for all the women and men everywhere in the world, knowing that at heart, we all long for connection. And knowing that as each of us empowered women steps forward, we create space for others to come in and share the gifts and blessings of the rich journeys being offered in our community.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:50:02 +0000

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