#Powerful multimedia journal about a Deaf teacher’s journey into - TopicsExpress


#Powerful multimedia journal about a Deaf teacher’s journey into a phonocentric work environment. youtu.be/zC8sFtS4xTo Note: Transcript is not complete. We started part of it and are asking community members to volunteer their time to help us complete the transcript. Please post in comments. Transcript: Content: 6:35 multi-media video journal documenting the experiences of a Deaf person who is interning as a teacher. Gobsmacked: 13 Weeks- Heidi’s Journey Opening footage has graphics with alternative words for Gobsmack from Urban dictionary. Words include: “speechless, shocked, surprised, stunned, astounded, confused, dumbfounded, gob, amazement, astonished, blown away”. Definition of gobsmack: “completely dumbfounded, shocked. From the Irish word, “gob” meaning “mouth.”” Footage segues into slide show of different images (owl with the word “Heidi,” image of feet in red shoes, image of road/grass with low hanging stormy clouds and the words, “navigating the unknown,”) Next text: “…teaching in a hearing classroom via two sign language interpreters = artificial shoes that is not my life.” B&W Picture of what appears to be an academic setting with a lot of people and art supplies. Text: “identity stripped.” Text: “apart from art” Colorful pictures (three strips of different artwork posted against walls). Artwork moves in different directions (each row moves in its own direction), scrolling up and down. Picture of bulletin board with sky blue background and “rules” posted on it. Has photos with words like “Respect wildlife,” and also a large list of 7 rules related to protecting the environment. The bulletin board picture moves up as if it is pushed upwards by another image of vocabulary cut-outs against a large piece of paper. Words: “known, knack, knight, wrap, wreath, wrong, gnash.” Then both images are pushed down by a larger image of vocabulary cut outs. Text: “Trapped in a bad comedy show.” Image pushed sideways, and a new image appears. It is a photo of a book page, with vocabulary words and instructions on how to pronounce (hard c, soft c, hard g, soft g). Text: “out of my element.” Text: “Phonetics…is everything= dehumanizing.” Image of kids with faces blurred out. They are in a loose crowd/circle, some holding hands. Text: “artificial belonging.” Text: “System’s view: hearing impaired= broken= special education.” Text: “Community’s view: Deaf= Culture= Language (sign language)= Living” Image: upside down photo of vocabulary list with phonetic cues on top of each row. Text: “not in my own skin” Image: food art. Cucumber in middle with celery as flower stem and sliced carrot as petals. Image: different cut-out pictures of food. “Plant Parts we eat!” Seeds, Roots, Leaves, Flowers, Stems Fruit.” Image: Assorted squares of pictures of people on a nature walk of sorts. Shows students touching plants, close up of what appears to be a centipede-like bug, Image of student face blurred out with tissue hanging out of nose and ear. Student is smiling. Background shows shelves with baskets in them and a bulletin board, lots of stuff hanging on the walls/boards. There is also a table visible behind the student. Image of oil and water separated in a cup, with the oil on top of the water. Text: “oil and water” Text: “…dysfunctional without visual porters: Deaf culture & ASL” Image: Photo of three students in a circle signing to each other. There is also an image of a drawing of hands raised up high and barbed wire across the arms. “Belonging to social grou[s is a major goal of most human behavior.” (Quote is attributed to someone but difficult to make out the name.) Image: Body of water with person in dress sitting at the side (dress covered lets and hands resting against seat are visible). “People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.” Image: Blue circle (appears to be a glass bowl, photo taken from top of bowl so that the bowl appears to be a spiral circle with white cloudiness towards the center (bottom of bowl). Text: “human nature exists in certain climates just as plants” (stopped transcript at 2:08)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:54:28 +0000

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