Powerful words spoken by a lady inspired by the Spirit of - TopicsExpress


Powerful words spoken by a lady inspired by the Spirit of God: The HEAVENLY prospectus of a man’s Pursuits. My heavenly father sent me this Divine assignment to talk to men and woman of God. So here we have it we back to square one woman say, hearts broken, empty promises filled with lies and deception of you were supposedly the one? Where bitter hearts engrave this statement `there are NO good men and they can’t be found in the church too! `Ask yourself WHY ARE YOU LOOKING! God has ushered revelations to me that I have to share with you through my experiences and greater through His Holy Spirit. The greatest formula of being hurt is being in the pursuit of looking for a man rather than enjoy the time of the purification process of singleness, being fully absorbed to the goodness of God in your life, God wants to bring your husband to you, don’t bring your husband to God! The only reason you should be in a relationship is only for MARRIAGE. Men know how long they will keep you on probation just to check in the next woman they will keep you there until they have settled scores with their next, now these men have a form of Godliness yet deny the power thereof, see men will study who you are and try to appease your appetite with your best interest these men are part timers just renting space in your heart so they can get a sense of authority and sense of worth through your genuine transfusions of Love. However these part timers are not entirely seen as wrong in what they do, for that is their Job description now it is us the woman who deny the signs who run along with the compromise HOPING that they will change yet firstly you did not even pray for the men who came to rent space in your heart, hence we keep getting burnt by the fires of lust which makes us bitter woman who say there are no GOOD men. NO darling the men you got were NOT yours!!! IN THE BEGINNING GOD (Genesis 1;1): Now see there is a formula for the first prospect of a man of God the men of GOD ought to know that HE alone cannot get proverbs 31 woman by his own merited strength for a woman of God are a RARE find(proverbs 31;10), she is so hidden in Christ the man who seeks to pursue her has to be guided by the word, to unveil the truths scripted in the bible that would lead him to you. See it’s like the man is in a maze and he has to seek councils from above to get to the woman that HE yearns to be with, see diamonds are treasures now if you give a diamond to a man whose not ready for it He will not polish it in prayer nor keep it in the treasure box of the word. A MAN WHO PURSUES: I am in LOVE with the way Boaz pursued Ruth, see Ruth was busy with her own work in the field serving her former mother in law with compassion, she was not desperately waiting for a man to save her, for I believe once we give a man the super hero syndrome we commit idolatry, a man is NOT your saviour he ought to be there as someone who unites with you to elevate you to the Throne of GOD not himself. We often get this wrong many times we run along with the word I LOVE YOU deceived with the words of illusion that his love means I want to stay, see a man who pursues you may never let go of the treasure HE received for daily he will read through the manual of life to get instructions on how to preserve the jewel.(Ruth 3:18) A MAN WHO PRAYS: A man who prays will carry you in the spirit to the Throne of the KING; see I am reminded of Daniel who prayed three times a day Daniel 6:10 not because he never had things to get busy with but prayer was his life. I loved an illustration I got from some sermon of an eagle,the woman eagle would drop a stick to see how fast the male eagle would catch it, and the woman who throw a heavier stick, see the woman is making sure if the male will grant her the security she needs for her and her family now if a man cannot catch you in prayer when you feel weary and sick how then can HE be suitable for the woman of GOD? Prayer grants us divine security, a man who dwells in the courts of God is better than a man who dwells in the courts of pride and boastful riches. A MAN WHO IS COMPASSIONATE: Let’s take a look story of Gomer and Hosea, one of the compassionate man in the bible Hosea who was sent by God to marry a harlot see some of us today would say WHAT I cannot acquaint myself with such. Hosea’s compassion was God driven see if we are acquainted to the vine where He leads we will follow. Now a man who will discredit you because of your temporary state and position who seeks to find a perfect being is not sent by God. To love is to deny self; compassion is to care about ones wellbeing. Compassion is like a life jacket, handed to someone who is drowning, the one granting the life jacket has to get re-assurance that you are keeping afloat so the jacket of compassion does not seem an in vain act of Love, that’s what Hosea did constantly checking on Gomer to the extent that he bought her back.(Hosea 3:1-2) There are many good man in the world yes EVEN in the church just that we have to wait for the man of God to pursue us, deny the standby mentality. You are not meant to be references to a thousand men till your one finds you! You cannot jump from the next relationship to another without consulting with God first, take the time to self-introspect what the past relation revealed about YOU and not the one who left. Often we become quick to pin point the other partners wrong now sit back and ask yourself questions see the devil has No new TRICKS the same men you were in love with may come back as the same man a wolf disguised in sheep’s skin. A man who RESPECTS HEAVENLY STANARDS [ 1 CORITHIANS 3;16] Woman of God write down your Standards in a book and pray for them daily, those are to be your guiding lines, see a woman with standards won’t attract just anything and even those who would try to use the cunning ways of the enemy yet through prayer and signs all won’t last long ,I’ve Always said your standards in this world will get you rejected a couple of times yet it would surely lead you to the right one. When we have to compromise ourselves for a man to stay we have compromised the wealth of love as a whole, love respects, a man that’s yours has to respect you. Once we realise that we are temples of God every act of immorality brings clutter in the temple of God and cleanliness is next to godliness. The most heart eroding thing in separation would be that if you tried to mend a relationship with what was not yours and when the man runs off he has took a piece of you with him yet if you were stagnant to your standards you realise the foundation of Gods will in your life and you run along with faith and Hope. Many men are unwrapping gifts that are not meant for them. Woman make a covenant with God give your purity to God so the one who claims to Love you will have to court with you and introduce you as a pure sacrifice to His Father and God will grant Him the gift of unveiling you after marriage you worth the wait! There is no TRAGEDY in being single the greatest tragedy is consuming the love that’s not yours. The most selfish thing one can do is to keep a gift that God has preserved for someone else waiting to usher in what’s yours, often we made boyfriend achievements, see the greatest achievement is a relation that is united in prayer that elevates you to the throne of the I AM. We MUST shun away from the trophy girlfriend/boyfriend tendencies. A man who cannot be faithful to God can NEVER be faithful to you, that brings this thought date your kind, do not be unequally yoked and it goes deeper than spirituality. In that single state GOD wants you to have a 100% relationship with Him first so He may send you an earthly representative to transmit the love he has been giving you, nothing LESS! (JEREMIAH 31:3) LOVE is a gift from God, a heavenly plant that ought to be nurtured with kindness, patience, and an affectionate heart. TRUE love does not die out under heated temperatures of refinement called trials, love is protective when someone Loves you they will value you. A growing plant is vulnerable that’s love. Preserve the wealth of your love for someone in prayer; seek councils of older people who have genuine concerns for your growth who have wisdom and experience, friends may give you a trial and error answer! Never seek approval from someone who never had the revelation of you getting the diamond that you have, when you let it go they will be the first to catch it. LET NO MAN STEAL YOUR LOVE! A guy Friend of mine once said to me check who the man is close with, see the man may easily introduce you to the parent who is close with him to break the tension of your supposed assumptions if he really loves you see the seriousness lies where the man will introduce you to the parent who is stern in their nature see we have made our hearts pillows accepting any form of compromise just to get comfortable with love, love is never unsure says writer Maya Angelou ,create the bounds of friendships see when we just jump into the train of love without a friendships,we woman are like onions there are layers that will constantly be revealed yet if the man who did not create a friendship relation with the woman he yearns to be with, when the layers are revealed the man will run away because he was not sure. Let a man introduce you to His parents yeah I’ve heard the excuses that we need to give it time, I’m sure you have too. If you had created bases of friendship before the unions of a relationship you would know, A MAN KNOWS HIS MOTIVES, BE NOT DECIEVED! Have you found yourself in a toxic relationship, where all the signs give you a RED robot? The truth will set you free, ALWAYS be true to yourself and mostly to GOD, be honest with your current partner, see honesty will break, mend, or give you time away from each other yet it’s better to be honest with them. Some of you will get it’s over for speaking about the truth don’t fret the man was not yours. CAUTION: Never stay in a relationship where a man will cheat on you, see the sad part about us woman we ask God for signs and still cry over the signs we get I feel that’s pure selfishness, a man who did not respect you does not deserve your TEARS. A Man who pursues you does not compare you to other woman get out of the relationship, you are meant to be the one not one of many, often we pray for a man to be changed by God right? That’s not going to happen on your account to keep the man. God will have His way and at times may lead you to the High way of moving on. Now this WOMAN of God don’t break off the relationship with hate see this world is not our home forgiveness is a gift, we have been bombarded by the ill-mannered ways of separation ,don’t degrade the your character by granting vengeful acts to someone who came as a lesson, you received the gift of being wiser didn’t you? Now run along with that.“True love is a high and holy principle, altogether different in character from that love which is awakened by impulse, and which suddenly dies when severely tested.” A woman of God attracts a KING. (1 Peter 2;9) Kings don’t pursue layman, they are attracted to royalty, where is your royalty woman of God proverbs 31:25 your character is a priced position, a woman with a character elevated to God shines among the rest, she is like a crown that reflects the standards of Heaven a man who will get that crown will perfectly be guided by Gods light and not the woman’s exterior for they will eventually fade. HE WHO DWELLS UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE MOST HIGH…WOMAN OF GOD BE FOUND DWELLING THERE.[ Psalm 91:1-2] and the MEN OF GOD WILL FIND YOU THROUGH PRAYER. “The boat does not sink because of the water around it, it sinks when the water gets in the boat” STAY DRY! Men of God would stand up and be gentlemen if we would sit down and be ladies! STAY BLESSED AND BE A BLESSING Writings of Bulelwa Buli Mpinda. Be blessed...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:13:41 +0000

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