Powerful words that serve to build Have you ever been around - TopicsExpress


Powerful words that serve to build Have you ever been around someone who always has the floor and positive words of love ? Do you remember how you felt constructed, built and supported by their positive and loving words after spending your time with them ? Do not you know you can do the same thing for all those who are around you ? Look at what God s Word says. We are in Romans, chapter 14, we read verse 19. Romans 14 : 19 : Thus, the things which make for peace and to mutual edification. Gods Word encourages us to follow after, or seek after eagerly, contributing to peace and to mutual edification. Verse for the word building in this verse means build. This word implies the encouragement the other to grow in wisdom, it is to promote the growth of the other in the divine wisdom, holiness and divine joy. Now, how can we build and encourage us to grow each other ? One of the most powerful ways is in our words. We can say tender words, words that are used to build and communicate grace to each other. Ephesians 4 : 15 : But speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head, Christ. Ephesians 4 : 29 : It out of your mouth no bad word, but, if necessary, a good word, which serves to build and give grace to those who hear. As children of God, we choose to pronounce soft and healthy truths that build belief and hunting doubt, worry and fear. When we share the Word of God with people, we present their profitable words, words that are used to build them and strengthen them. Ephesians 4 : 29 also shows that when we are silent words that serve to build up not out of our mouth, Let not your mouth so no bad words .... Proverbs 11 verse 12 we part b informs that : But the man who has understanding is silent. In Psalm 141 : 3 : it is said : LORD put a guard over my mouth, watch over the door of my lips ! And a guard is in order to control what comes in and what goes out. We must put a guard over our mouths. We are not there to allow something bad, rotten or putrid (this word in relation to the state of putrefaction ), can get out of our mouths. Person builds it does, it does not build one. These are words that do exactly the opposite. And the opposite of building is the destruction of reversing or demolish. 2nd Corinthians 13 : 10 : Thats why I write these things being absent, so that now I do not have to use sharpness, according to the authority which the Lord gave me for building up and not for destruction. This can be any hard or critical communication or communication that discourages and prevents other think the truth of the Word of God. Our words are powerful and produce a great effect on people. Proverbs 18 : 21 says : Death and life are in the power of the tongue... Sarcasm ( or mockery ) is a type of destructive communication. By definition, the sarcasm is designed to cause or hurt, and it is usually directed against an individual. Sarcasm is a form of humor which aims to ridicule or hurt someone. This is an ironic and hurtful remark. Sometimes, we may be tempted to think that being sarcastic is funny, but it is often at the expense of someone else. This can be very discouraging and disheartening, not only to the person whose comment is directed but also for those who are there to listen. So what do you think of what Gods Word says in Psalm 34 ? Read verses 14 and 15. Psalms 34 : 14, 15 : Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile ; Depart from evil, and do good ; research and pursue peace. As Gods people, this is what we want. Do good, seek peace, edification, and not bring destruction. We need to build the habit of pronouncing words that serve to build instead of sarcastic words, harsh words and criticism. However, impose tender and gracious words does not happen automatically. This is a decision that each of us must take the decision and this requires deliberate thought and action. Psalm 39 : 2 : I said I heed to my ways, lest sin with my tongue I will put a stop to my mouth, as the wicked is before me. Look at the individual responsibility is emphasized here, the use of the personal pronoun I . It is an individual responsibility. The emphasis is on individual responsibility. The psalmist David watched over his ways not to sin with his tongue. The responsibility of all of us individually. Here are two simple and practical keys to help us pronounce words that serve to build. 1. Fill our hearts with Gods Word. Read, study, listen and love We must allow the Word may dwell in us richly. Matthew 12 : 34 : ...For it is the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The thing we spend our time thinking, this is the thing we spend our time talking. So if we want to encourage us, we build and edify one another, we need to keep an abundance of the Word in our hearts. 2. Think before you speak Proverbs 13 : 03 says : He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life : he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. The phrase sleep on her mouth means that it is prudent or paid attention to his words, his speech and his conversation. We must be careful with what we say. For Proverbs 10 : 19 adds saying : He who speaks much no shortage of sin, but he who restrains his lips is wise. We can control what we say thinking before opening his mouth. Thats when we ll make sure - to protect and keep - our soul, our life. We want to think before you speak or think in order to encourage and edify those around us because what we say is powerful. Every day is filled with many opportunities to encourage those around us. Foremost we decide to think and speak soft and graceful while our heart is filled with Gods word words. The words that are used to build, coming out of our mouths, have power to help others achieve a higher level of thinking in their spiritual development. We can encourage, build, and strengthen the love with our words. Now we use powerful words that serve to build ! God bless you abundantly !
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:02:39 +0000

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