Ppl are really getting fed up with all the INJUSTICE that has - TopicsExpress


Ppl are really getting fed up with all the INJUSTICE that has become the norm in our American JUSTICE system. From Casey Anthony killing her own 2 yr old & getting off then casually making youtube videos, to George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin & getting off then shooting up & beating up other ppl & still walking around free, to Michael Brown & countless other innocents being shot, beaten, and killed. Everyday, all day, now-a-days, we are see our police and govt just blatantly break the law & violate our human rights. Then the media and authorities turn around & try to justify these acts by alleging that these VICTIMS are criminals or have committed some crime. These alleged criminal acts are always discover days or weeks after theyve been killed as some part of a bs investigation. Im here to tell you, a storm is coming. And if things dont change quick, theres gonna be a huge Civil War in this country real soon. Theres gonna be a lot more deaths. We must ask ourselves some questions. 1) Is this part of a plan by the powers that be? 2) Why are we giving our police forces tanks, humvees, military guns, armor, & armor piercing ammunition? Is it in preparation for the fallout of the coming Civil War? 3) Why do we have FEMA (aka Concentration) Camps set up all over the place that were not using yet? Weve had plenty of natural disasters where we couldve used these camps to house ppl who lost their homes and belongings. So why havent we used them yet. 4) Are the police and authorities now a new race of heartless, soulless, zombies, driven by money, power, and control? Surely these ppl have family and loved ones. How is it they can be so apathetic? What drives a man to pepperspray an innocent child & feel nothing? What drives a man to beat up a homeless woman on the side of a freeway? What laws did these ppl break? How are you keeping the peace and maintaining order by harming them? Do the corrupt officers, corrupt judges, politicians, and business men just go home at the end of the night & sleep with an empty conscience? Gods heart must break daily seeing what his children have become! I pray that he heals the pain and emptiness of all of these terrible ppl. Heal us all! #TeamGod #actwithlovenotmalice #betterchoices
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:21:45 +0000

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