Practice what you Preach A lesson I taught my very mature 9 - TopicsExpress


Practice what you Preach A lesson I taught my very mature 9 going 10 year old girl here is that you must always do what you say you are going to do. It is important to know who you want to be, what you want to stand for, and it gave her something to think about. All too often I observe parents who practise what I consider inappropriate behaviour. Despite teaching the child that it is good to do the opposite, if you are still doing it, what do you think the child will grow up doing eventually? Unless the child has another very close influence to emulate, you can bet a litterbug or a short tempered parent will raise litterbugs and short tempered children. A parent who fails to stand up for what is right raises a weak child who is also fearful of standing up to others and a parent who loves gossiping about others will also teach the child how to gossip about others. It could be anything really, so have a think about your more unfavourable habits and ask yourself if it is what you want your child to be. Because they will follow the person they are closest to. It is what they know. Your shadow is a reflection of you.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:58:52 +0000

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