Practitioner Breakthrough Workshops With Sam Thorpe @ - TopicsExpress


Practitioner Breakthrough Workshops With Sam Thorpe @ IntoAlignment Therapy Studio, 305 Kingsway, Hove BN3 4LT I have a maximum of 8 places on these 4 dedicated practitioner intensive workshops 10am - 6pm The aim of these workshops is to clear your deepest blockages. In each of these workshops you will; • Use NLP Coaching techniques including Values and Strategies to structure your Personal Peace Procedure for maximum personal development • Use a range of key techniques including EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, the full Colour Mirrors System, Emotrance, Psych-K, Picture Tapping Technique, Tappy Bear, Visualisation Meditation & Qigong Energy Exercises • Work individually, in pairs and groups with a range of energy techniques and tools • Tackle your greatest fears and blockages in a safe and ‘hi vibration’ environment in our personal therapy studio With the support and safety of the group and the facilities available, you will make each workshop a personal breakthrough. Sunday 14th July – Your Personal Peace Procedure – Discover your deepest blockage to your greatest desire and release the root-cause. You will need to bring your PPP and any record or diary of your personal development work Cost: £75, refreshments and Lunch Provided Sunday 28th July – Music to be Triggered by – Using music to stir your emotions you will uncover the blockages that are causing the greatest drain on your system. You will need to bring music that makes you upset and music that makes you happy Cost: £75, refreshments and Lunch Provided Sunday 4th August – Self Portrait Work – Using a collection of personal photographs from your most difficult times, you will uncover the issues that are preventing you from being a ‘whole’ person and moving forward. You will need to bring a minimum of 8 photographs including at least 1 from pre-six years old Cost: £75, refreshments and Lunch Provided Sunday 11th August – IntoAlignment – Extend your personal tool kit with a range of techniques to align yourself with your soul purpose. Learn valuable practical skills and exercises to use in daily life to help you when you get ‘off track’. Cost: £75, refreshments and Lunch Provided Special offer for booking all 4 workshops: £237 More details to follow
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:48:02 +0000

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