Prailine wakes to the soft clanking of an assortment of objects - TopicsExpress


Prailine wakes to the soft clanking of an assortment of objects being laid next to her. Hazy eyes flutter repeatedly as they try and remove the blur thats blocking her vision. She catches a glimpse of a curved object being twirled on Pazus index finger while his head tilts towards her slowly. Adjusting his grip to hold the object within his hand the pinky and ring fingers hold the item while the rest take a light hold of her cheeks. The cold feeling of the object tells her that its a curved blade of some sort leading her breath to pick up pace. I see your finally awake. I was going to wake you up myself before to long. Zuryn says in a merry tone. Removing his hand from her face Prailine watches this man bring both hands towards his helmet and unlatch the hidden clips on either side of his temple. Cherish attempts to sit up when she realizes that she is bound to some sort or table. Again her heart begins to race faster. A soft hum seeps from Pazus neck as he pulls the helmet away and shoulder length red hair falls, in a neat ponytail, in the middle of his back. Turning back to face her, after placing the stifling object on the table next to him, an eye patch ascents his orbital bone, with a deathly scar, covering his right eye. The equipment used in the eye patch allows the ghostly man the ability to see through the intricately woven neuro network within his protective shell. Your probably wondering why I have you strapped to this table. Of course I wouldnt expect you to remember. But our present General has error with you. he says as he sits on the side of the table next to her crossing his hands subtly. A confused look spreads across Prailines face as she attempts to speak but cannot find words to question with. I understand your probably growing frightened with whats going on so let me explain some to you. The General you spoke with earlier this evening is dead. You might find this to be hard to believe but the man you call Darius Regal was the one that took his life. Hes also the one that ordered me, quite a long time ago, to take care of you for him. So, if your still confused, General Regal is handing this down to you. explains Pazu with gesturing hands as he speaks. Cherishs eyes grow wider as the conversation continues and sweat begins to bead across her brow and trickle down her temples to pool on the table. Pazu slides off the table and gingerly walks to the end of the table and places the palms of his hands on either side of her feet. If you may remember a certain incident regarding our former leader Nikolai and a rather unsavory character by the name of Jack Hensley and our newly appointed? He asks staring deeply into her swelling eyes with his one. I may not have agreed with Nikolais methods but Im sure he had the best of intentions. But nonetheless he was collaborating with the enemy and Regal sought to stamp out this little problem just as he was supposed to. However, in the most unlikely of events, he was taken into custody and sentenced to a lengthy stent in the slam. he says while he starts to toss the curved blade up and down in his hand. A quick jab into the bottom of Cherishs foot sends a shrill of muffled screams from deep within her chest. The sedative remains rather prominent in her system keeping her from regaining all ability to speak. Pazu makes an agonizingly slow movement up the bare skin of her foot before ripping through between outstretched toes. The pattering of blood pats the side of Zuryns jaw line as he remains collective and calm. A long audible grunt is all that Prailine can muster as the pain radiates up her leg. I would have you know that Darius spoke with me about the things hes done while he was in that prison. Everything he spoke of made me understand why hes call the Blood Hound. Days in administrative segregation in a room smaller than you arm span. he begins again. This time Pazu brings the tip of the blade towards Prailines Achilles tendon. A quick flick of his wrist allows the cold steal to slip through unnoticed and like a warm knife through butter. The pain, however, remains present and continues to onslaught the womans mind and body. Imagine having to stand in this room for days at a time with an uncovered heating element on all sides of your body. Burning you constantly for twenty three hours a day. And that poor loathsome hour you get without it is what you use to eat and sleep. he continues to explain as he leans on her shin while tapping the blade on her kneecap. Tears start falling from Prailines eyes at the continuing pain and thought of whats going to happen next. This goes without saying that heat and confined are nothing new to individuals like Darius. Prisoners, however, didnt take well to him. Constantly biding their time looking for an opening to take his life. Zuryn says while slowly sliding the blade into her flesh. In two weeks time he managed to break three quarters of the solitary units and dispatch a good quarter of the inmates. Most of which came for him in the hot box. he says continuously without breaking stride with his methodical dismemberment of the medic. The guards gave him a wide birth after the mayhem started to calm down. Especially after he put down twelve men in one go. That was an interesting video to watch. Pazu says with a hint of admiration in his voice. The woman can no longer muster any sound to convey her pain and fear. Air flows from her lungs just as fast as they receive it just like her heart continues to thump loudly in her chest. A quick jab on hilt of blade sends tissue and bone flapping to one side to dangle next to her damaged limb. The knee barely holding on by mere fibers and skin hangs idly before then man grabs it within his hand and pulls away slowly. A thin sheet of skin is torn away when he tosses it away carelessly. Im sure your starting to remember all of this because only three people were privy to everything done to this man. In fact you and our dearly departed Nikolai ordered a series of inoculations that were meant to put him down like the rabid animal you both thought him to be. Pazu continues his explanation as he fingers the new wound sending the womans legs into a tight attempt to stay the pain. The hand of the tortuous man diverts to hold the side of her thigh and slowly make his way towards the inner portion of her leg. A stern grasp takes hold and harshly bends the limb to the side. With great precise movements the blade makes a long cut down the length of flesh. He pulls the leg restraint extremely tight, to slow the blood lose, and reaches for a set of clamps. A harsh jab with the instrument into her leg she can feel he has taken hold of the artery and is pulling it into the chill air. Your mouth isnt exactly the most quiet of things. Those walls werent exactly thickest things in the facility. And thus he knew you were the one giving the order to kill him. And now since that day he has the time to have you taken care of. And me? Well Im just the one that specializes in things like this. Zuryn explains strumming the vital piece of tissue with his fingers. Prailine forces her throat to gulp what little bit of substance, in her throat, she can before muttering her first painful words, P-please dont do this. The man tilts his head and halts his play of the artery for a moment as he is surprised that the woman has fought back the sedative, and pain, enough to speak finally. Unfortunately lady Cherish.. The life we all lead when we join dictate that there is no room for forgiveness per alone mercy for betrayal. You made your choice when you decided to kill one of our own. You just happened to pick the worst one to walk against. he says with a solemn tone. A smirk creeps onto his face as he hooks the tissue and slowly starts to pull. With the stress of the torture his finger feels the fibers of the meat begin to tear. Eventually the blood flow becomes feint and slow from being pinched. Then the air stands still. Every subtle sound in the room stops for a time as the pop echoes through the room. A high pitched shriek follows the silence. Raping the undertone of the dismal tomb and coffin that Prailine is sure to reside in soon. The gushing pump of vital crimson fluid starts to fill the table while Pazu causally cuts the flow short and soon to a halt with the clamps. Zuryns strategic dismantling of the womans body doesnt just stop with holding off her leaking life line in her leg. In fact he does the same thing to the opposite leg as well. Surgically inclined hands trail the length of her rib cage and to the under most portion of her shoulder. Accurate slices lead the man to pull the important vital highways away from their home to ultimately have the same thing happen. Prailine has a fleeting thought that Pazu is locking off her blood flow from the outer extremities to her core to leave her vital organs in tack for just a little longer. The painfully tired womans eyes start to waver from closed to open accompanying slurred speech. Pazu, however, continues his methodical treatment of keeping her alive longer by adding tourniquets to her legs and arms. Lastly a neck length metal collar is strapped to her forcefully. The tight addition to the tortuous scene makes it difficult to take in more air but of course this man shows no remorse in doing so. Nonchalantly, afterwards, he quickly slams two five inch spikes into Prailines hands before pulling the restraints away from her wrists and then bending the metal pieces to lock them into place. Grabbing a small hammer like implement it traces her right arm before reaching its destination on the collar bone. Zuryn brings his lips lazily to Cherishs ear and mumbles softly, Youre just lucky enough that you got me as your tech. And without breaking the tone of the situation a hellish heave destroys the bone and forces her arm to rocket to the sight of pain. The spike rips her hand apart and fractures her wrist causing even more destruction to her body. Shock is starting to set in as Prailines eyes dilate and her breath seeps out of her throat slowly in forfeit. Two fingers pry open the older womans eye with a flickering light following just after. An irritating pinch follows on the side of her neck. A rush of adrenaline sends Prailines chest into overdrive as she suddenly tries to lift herself off the table in contest. A menacing look meets Pazus filled with sheer hate and malice for the man torturing her. Attempting to grab him with her broken, split, hand the dark man smiles and places a single finger inside of the torn wrist and gently pushes down toward the table and back into the restraints. The free body suddenly widens his hand and quickly wraps around her face and slams her still raised head back into place. Cherish suddenly feels lightheaded at the force involved in putting her back in place. Another sharp pain assaults her right side as something penetrates her ribs and lung. The new entry to her pain forces her to inhale a great amount of substance into her lungs making her cough violently. Theres a pause in the torment for a time but the what feels like teeth suddenly start to break through the surface of her skin. Her head shoots towards where her emulator once stood to see a rippling body standing right next to her. Pazu had turned on his cloaking device and was standing still next to her. Her eyes immediately rocket towards her legs to see a lonely drone devouring her open wound right next to her artery. Its ironic that your injection was meant to infect General Regal. Now you get to experience it first hand as a parting gift from me to you. Ive managed to find a couple stragglers. he says softly. A moan to Prailines left draws her gaze to yet another mutilated corpse as it digs its slimy ichor filled fingernails deep into her untouched arm. The monstrosity rips away chunks of meat and begins to shovel its new meal down the rotting throat filled with oozing pustules. The medical officer screams a horrid and painful yell causing both of the bodies to halt their hunger and stare with empty voids at the source of the waling. They both take leave of the appendages and head straight for her neck. Nails begin to snap and scrape as the dismembered bodies attempt to gorge upon the source of the noise. The metal neck brace does its duty as a voice breaks through the tormented womans mind and shatters her world further. You tried to murder what is mine. Instead of joining my horde I will let them feast on your body and consume everything until there is no sign of who you are. says the echoing voice of the queen. As the woman succumbs to the drowning feeling in her lungs and her quickly dying body the sounds of dragging heels and gargling voices fill her ears. More infectious bodies make their way unhurriedly into the chamber. Each converted body finds its place among her body. Each rip and tear violently moves her frame from side to side leaving her head to eventually fall in direction where Zuryn once stood. Through distraught tearful eyes she sees the gleam of the cloak being worn by the man that had lead her to her death. Pazus body shifts back into view as he stands, hand bracing himself, in the open airway. The ghosts dark suit is hard to see as it nearly matches the nights sky but one thing is noticeable. His face sits painfully clear in the medics eyes. She watches as he cranes his neck to look at her one more time. Staying true to her units name the wells that are her eyes suddenly dry. They become sharp and piercing, cold, and stern before being engulfed by the jowls of a mutilated jaw. Pazu places his protective shell back on his head and steps out into the cool breeze of the night. The respirator triggers to mask any sound of his breathing as two fingers gingerly make their way to his radio, Taccomm this is ground control Paul Zulu. Mission perimeters have been fulfilled. he whispers. A short time later a buzz of static comes through Pazus ear piece, This is Taccomm we read you loud and clear ground control. Come on home. says the young chipper woman over the radio. Taking a deep breathe Zuryn lifts his foot and starts a light jog. His mind remains clean and clear of any guilt he continues to run down the hillside. The only thing that comes to his mind in his trek back to the capital building gently places itself at the front of his mind,Now we see what Regal and his Hound have in store for us. he thinks as his suit whisks his body away into the blanketing darkness that is the nights encompassing grasp.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:13:15 +0000

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