Praise God Gabriels surgery went smoothly! His surgery was to put - TopicsExpress


Praise God Gabriels surgery went smoothly! His surgery was to put in a port to use instead of IVs in his hands or feet. For now Gabriel calls it his button and butterfly, but we have heard children come up with many fun names! Due to his serious condition he was not a candidate for a port in Cyprus. After reviewing the MRI from Cyprus, the doctors here saw something that was not seen in Cyprus. They decided to do a second MRI. They took advantage of Gabriel being under anesthesia for his port and jumped through hoops to do the MRI right after his surgery. What a blessing to be at a hospital with the resources, staff and flexibility to do that. Thank you to all that made it possible for us to get here! After reviewing both MRIs, Gabriels treatment will have a different protocol. This protocol will be outpatient so that will mean less hospitalization. But it will mean more months of treatment. Studies show the same outcome. Today Gabriel will begin his new chemo treatment. Some will be oral which can be a challenge with him!!! Our friends in Cyprus have been amazing during this entire journey! They have loved on us from meals, child care, being there in extremely difficult moments, and praying for all of us! They once again blessed our socks off by helping Joshua do a lot of moving today and cleaning our home cleaner than it has ever been. Please pray for - Gabriel to begin to take oral meds without a fight. This is very important for this new protocol! - complete healing in his white matter. - increased strength in his legs so he can walk and that the chemo side effects wont make this worse. - continued destruction of the cancer cells with minimal side effects. - wisdom for the medical staff. - grace for us all during this next round of chemo. - Joshua as he closes up home and details in Cyprus. Gabriel is ready to see his daddy. Praise Him for: - Gabriel adjusting to new medical staff and hospital with smiles and giggles! - the love we have been shown by our Cyprus family helping Joshua packing! - the warm welcome we have received by our loved ones and everyone we meet!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:21:07 +0000

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