Praise God His mercies are fresh and new every morning! Forget the - TopicsExpress


Praise God His mercies are fresh and new every morning! Forget the mistakes of yesterday, only learn from them and move forward with Gods help!! He helps those who help themselves! Self pity is not in His vocabulary move onward!! Choose to make this your best day ever!! Love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, bless and be blessed!! Thank God for your blesdings!! Salvation, a personal relationship with Him! My daughter Ella and my son Loyn Howie! My friends, and family! My job, managers and coworkers! My home, my auto, my health, my finances, the peace and joy that flows from Him!! He said in His word, I have come so that they might have life more abundant and full!! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! When I am weak He is strong!! He wants me to forgive as I have been forgiven!! To love as He has loved me!! To be blessed and share His blessings with others!! Be salt and light for someone today! We are all broken in some way, help someone heal today and recieve His healing share it with everyone!! Be the light He has stoked up inside of you!! Be that light in the darkness!! God I am asking you to make yourself real to me in my life today!! Give me an opportunity to share your grace mercy forgiveness and love with that person who so desperately needs it!! Because you know I am that person!! Let me be a victor in You not a victim!! Have a beautiful God filled day fbook family!! Smile because God loves you!!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:17:14 +0000

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