Praise God I love u all! A new thing is about to happen. Those who - TopicsExpress


Praise God I love u all! A new thing is about to happen. Those who have been in hiding and in the wilderness stage, those who have not bowed down to BAAL will be suddenly taken out and will change everything. These same old preachers on TV that talk about money all the time and never about sin, hell, the cross, repentance will be suddenly gone! God said He cannot have 2 prophets at the same time saying opposite words. Yes there are blessings that a late coming but some who think they will be in on it will be sorely mistaken. God said in his word that blessings come with obedience. Do not envy the rich who have souled their soul to the devil for the blessings He gives even if taken away will be given back to U double. So many wicked deals going on behind closed doors and God said what is done in the dark will come to light. Ppl before have tried to reveal the illuminati and been killed but not this time for God is the one in control. I tell you this with a pure heart and with heaviness in my heart because when God had me study about CHRISTMAS and I saw how wicked it is started by the Romans and Catholics. JESUS said my name is not associated with CHRISTMAS. It is Nimrods birthday and the catholics and Romans made a deal to celebrate their birthdays on the same day. No where and I mean no where does it say in the bible the word Christmas. No where does it say to celebrate the birth of Christ. EASTER is also a pagan holiday and good Friday. Look up Drew Carey on YouTube about Christmas and he tells the truth! When you tell your children there is a satan clause you are what?? LYING!!!! lying is an abomination to the lord. If some of you already have all UR decorations up let this be a warning to you about next year. No decorations nothing! Jeremiah 10 even talks about the pagan god christmas tree! They would throw their children thr the fire as a sacrifice. They even put gifts under this pagan god. You say well I dont worship the tree. Yes you do! Everytime you bend down and put gifts under it. You say well I dont sing praises to the tree. Yes you do...0 christmas tree o christmas tree... Isaiah 1 God says he hates our traditions our festivals our conferences! ( you know where all the CHRISTIANS gather together and talk nonsense) He even says he hates our sabbath!!! Sabbath is on Saturday! I hear so many ppl say well Jesus is the sabbath! Listen if the sabbath wasnt important to God then why would he put it in the 10 commandments? Now back to christmas God wont fault U now because you were living in darkness. Study it yourself. And I know its hard not putting up all the lights and trees but do you want to displease your Father in heaven. God has put this heaviness on me about all our holidays for 3 yrs. This ur I just couldnt do it but I didnt know how to tell my husband. Well God works out all things. He knows I am close to the Lord very sensitive. And when I told him how I studied about it how in all my years I couldnt understand it but I hated Christmas. Didnt know why but now I do. Whether U believe me or not I have the Fathers heart. So please I beg you no more christmas after year God is not in it and is disgusted with it! You know its not about Christ. What in the world does buying gifts for one another have anything to do with Jesus? Ppl are mad disappointed, families get into fights its awful! Stop!!! Be obedient to God. Oh how wonderful He is. One night as I was lying in bed crying to the Lord I asked Him Lord do u know my heart? Do you know how much I love u? I asked this crying about 4 times and in the middle of the 4th time I heard audibly Yes! No know God knows the heart but I wanted to know if He there was something unclean and He would tell me cause I love Him so much I literally have it all planned out how we are going to meet face to face one day. Ppl say oh I cant wait to see my mom or my dad or spouse but I say to you Im running as fast as I can barefoot in a white dress as a little girl with my long blonde hair in a field of flowers to meet the one who died for me. When ppl die and I know they have gone to be with the Lord I know this sounds crazy but Im jealous. I cant wait to walk hand in hand with my Jesus. I know this was long I apologize but I wanted to tell you the best is yet to come and God is about to pull you out from your hiding place that he had to keep you away from tainted ppl. ITS YOUR TIME!!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 07:38:07 +0000

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