Praise God for HELP when we need it. Just this year my husband - - TopicsExpress


Praise God for HELP when we need it. Just this year my husband - sitting across the room from me while eating chicken breast suddenly fell to the floor out of his recliner. Silently he fell forward on the floor face down. He had been choking, and was near death. Turning grey and blue, I could only hear a whisper of air going through his throat to his lungs. I tried to grab his and pul him up enough to thrust his chest from behind while he was on the floor. It wouldnt work. I grabbed the phone dialing 911. The phone suddenly wasnt working. I tried again pulling at him with all my might. He was limp and too heavy for me to pick up and thrust. I screamed out for help during the whole time - hoping someone might hear me. We live away from town, so no one could hear me. I ran to my purse and got my cell phone. I dialed 911 again and it worked. I told them someone had to come now! Im loosing him.... I prayed out loud . Father, help us! Please dont let me loose him. Please help me God please! The lady on the other end of the line was hearing everything and I had to lay the phone down beside us on the floor so I could again try to lift my husband up off the floor just enough to thrust his diaphragm, but it wasnt working and I was in pain from trying to lift him up. I was becoming very weak. My husband wasnt breathing. He was blue and cold. I screamed out for that moment a paramedic burst through my door - he was a tall and big man with muscles. He picked up my husband like a rag doll and brought him up to his feet. Thrusting my husband three times and chunks of chicken that had been packed in his throat flew out everywhere. I KNOW HOW SCARY IT IS TO SEE THIS. I THANK GOD FOR SENDING HELP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. My husband was fine after a while. He didnt have to go to the E.R. - but later that night I did. I had pulled some ribs away from the tendons in my chest, and my whole body was bruised from using all the strength I had while my adrenalin was pumping so hard. It took me a few weeks to recover. My husband still has problems being choked. but we have had him looked at and know the cause now. Bacteria infection in his stomach and esophagus swells up his throat. He is on meds for it now. I think back now and wonder what I would have done had no one came? Would I have ever gave up trying to make him breath? what lengths would I have gone too to accomplish this,would I have ever stopped trying? I pray I never have to find out!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:19:50 +0000

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