Praise God for all of the Prayer Warriors that are fighting for - TopicsExpress


Praise God for all of the Prayer Warriors that are fighting for Jenna. Jenna came out of surgery Thursday and was taken to PICU until 2:00 pm yesterday, then we were transferred to a regular room. The surgery was successful! The Doctors came in to explain that she had a subglutenous stenosis-- this is a webbed blocking of the airway within the area just before the espohogus. It was 95% blocked. They were able to go in an place a balloon and stretch the web open. It was not a cyst so it could not be removed. The Doctor explained that this was not a permanent solution. Rather, we now must wait- Thus the verse Micah 7:7 came to mind: Thereofre, I look unto the Lord; I wil wait for the God of my salvation: My God will hear me-- Jenna will have to be protected from any possible respiratory infection that could infect the site of the surgery. Any irritant could inflame the site and she could loose her airway and not be able to breathe- thus, we will be in constant contact with Duke ENT that performed the services. At ANY TIME her breating rate or sound changes we are to contant them and bring her directly to the hospital. The Doctors are on call 24:7. After much observation and follow up the Doctor said that she will be able to tell us more as to how Jennas body will respond to the treatment/surgery that was provided. Every body reponds differently with this treatment. As I told the Doctor- God is in control and we are placing our HOPE in Gods hands. I then prayed over Jenna, For I know the plans for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and faith. Jeremiah 29:11-- With that said, she is resting comfortably in a room working with Speech to take a bottle and receiving IV antibiotic treatment. They are aiming for Monday for us to come home, as long as she continues to improve. She is not eating well right now because she is tired from all of the activity that she has endured over the past 48 hours. She also received so many steroid treatments that they have to do some blood tests to ensure that all of her levels are where they need to be to return home. This mom, is very excited about the opportunity to return home, however, I ask that visitors wait until the Doctors here at DUKE clear her before you visit. We will have follow up visits every week after we are discharged to ensure her airway is healing. Many of my dear friends are texting and asking how are Shane and I doing during this situation. Honestly, we feel liek we are on a roller coaster ride with the many ups and downs that we are facing. Our Faith is in the Lord and I often refer to a saying that my mother loved, When you only see one set of footprints, that is when I carried you my child- Love God-- We are leaning on him and placing our hope in him- Hope is the confident expectation that God will deliver- Thus we Hope that Jenna will not have any recurrant issues with the stenosis and that her scar tissue will not impair her life. Only God will be able to answer that-- For he commands us- do not live in fear- Fear is not of the Lord Many of us say we rely on God, however, when you are at your total end and you realize honestly-- NO ONE can change the situation but GOD- It places you into an entire new realm of life and dependence on the Savior- I ask each of you reading to reflect on your relationship with him and know that all he desires is for you to speak with him and trust him and he will hear your prayers no matter what happens. I will continue to update on Jenna and our family, This has become very helpful for me to post and hear the encouraging words and know that Jennas life has impacted so many-- when God heals her completely- she will have a great testimony and until she can speak I will ring out the Praises to the Lord that Thanks be to God in Jesus name for all of the power and ability that he has demonstrated in this situation-- For many of you that do not understand medically- the stenosis is in her trachea-- it was blocking 95% of her ability to breath- it was scar tissue left from the tube that was in her from the ventilator -- It grew during the 19 days that she was on the ventilator- Scar tissue adheres to each other so, once the ventilator was removed the scar tissue tried to close the tight like a spider web. The doctor was honest on Wed night-- Jenna could have been placed on a Vent, or received an immediate tracheotomy if she did not respond well-- NEITHER HAPPENED -- GOD was in the OR and he is holding Jenna in his arms at all times. Again-- Thank you for all of your love and prayers and we look forward to hearing the Great Works of the Lord in your life.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:45:24 +0000

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