Praise and Prayer Updates A Prayer Chain x Martha Way - TopicsExpress


Praise and Prayer Updates A Prayer Chain x Martha Way LaBelle Community PRAISE AND PRAYER December 25, 2014 “She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, He will save His people from their sins.” Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:” BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL,” which translated means, “GOD WITH US.”(NASB) I thank and praise God for those in our community who pray for others. A special thanks if you have been thoughtful enough to help with updates. It is a wonderful help! You may call us (Randy and Martha J. Way) (675-2785) or email us at labelleprays@gmail 1. PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN ST. JUDE: Many of the families that have sick children at St. Jude are always asking for prayer for the other families there. So, we will continue to do that in this space. St. Jude is a blessing from the Lord with their research and their compassionate policy of children receiving needed medical help. So, as you spend time with the Lord, please remember to lift up those suffering with various forms of cancer that are being treated at St. Jude and at other hospitals. We are in prayer for the many families that are suffering for their children, and we pray especially for those that have lost their babies and children to disease. We thank Him for the doctors and nurses and pray for His wisdom and care as they minister to others. 2. PRAYING ALWAYS: Our prayers are made for all children and others everywhere that have been diagnosed with cancer. We pray to our Almighty God, our Creator, Lord and Savior for there to be tremendous advances and a cure and eradication of this disease in its many forms 3.SALVATION: Dewey,Vincent, Claudette Sellers, Patricia Doub, Larry Bunning, a child, Kacey Miller, Jay Anderson, Larry Bush, Bob’s family, Rhonda, Gertrude and family, Bob, Hilton, Ronald Tanant and wife, Joyce King, Jewel, James, Randy Mellwood, Jennifer, Janet, George Crawford, Laurie and husband Randy and daughter Rachel, Mark and his family, family of newborn that died, Mike Herrera, Connie, Samantha, Jack, Ginger, Donny, Don, Shirley and Jay and a daughter, Greg MacDonald, Rudy N., and family, and Donnel, John Ledbetter, a man, Richard Lawson, family of Crystal, Yamet Montanigro, Jerry 4. PRAYERS FOR HER: Betty Edwards has many health problems. Please lift her to the Lord. Remember Bill her husband, also. We remember this family in our prayers. 5. PRAYERS FOR YOUR MIRACLE FATHER: Betty Courtney has been diagnosed with a lung disease and is undergoing lung therapy and rehabilitation. She will have PET and CAT scans periodically to monitor her condition. Betty is on oxygen 20 hours/day at this time. Doctors have found some spots in inoperable areas in her lungs they believe are cancer. She will be having a biopsy soon. Remember to pray for David her husband. David has been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. In this disease, one’s immune system produces antibodies that block or destroy many of one’s muscles’ receptor sites between the nerves and the muscles. With fewer receptor sites available, the muscles receive fewer nerve signals, resulting in weakness. The prednisone David has had to be on has caused him to be diabetic. He is having many issues with blood sugar levels fluctuating. Remember this couple as they strive to help each other through these very hard times. 6. THANK YOU FATHER AND OUR PRAYERS CONTINUE FOR HIM: Wally Fallin got a cancer free report. The doctor said everything looked good. He had an ultra sound on his kidneys, and that showed the cyst was a bit smaller than 6 months ago. The infectious disease doctor said his lungs looked and sounded good, and the CT scan was much improved. All pneumonia is gone with just some scar tissue. Wally will continue on antibiotics for another year as the bacteria is slow growing and very slow to cure. Wanda and Wally know the Lord is enabling them daily, and they give Him all of the thanksgiving and glory. They are trusting His care in all areas. Thank You Father for caring for them. 7. PRAYERS FOR HER: Rae Reitz is dealing with many severe physical symptoms that involve her motor ability and other areas. She has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Rae has just been referred to an orthopedic doctor, and is also seeing other specialists. She had a spinal epidural Monday, July 28th, and that went well. Rae was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease in early September and continues to be treated for that. She had recently seen a hematologist and has now received test results. A bone marrow biopsy had been done Tuesday, Oct. 21st, and she has received the wonderful news that there is not cancer! Thank You Father! She is always thankful for the prayers of the faithful. 8. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MERCIES, FATHER! PRAYING FOR A SPECIAL FRIEND: Lovvorn Julie Currie has been diagnosed as having a large mass in the colon. She has undergone tests at Shands in Gainesville. She was transferred to a nursing home in Gainesville Monday, July 14th, where she underwent the chemo and radiation needed before the surgery for the cancer. Her surgery has been done, and she has just recently returned to Dowling Park. I am thanking the Father for His care! I received word today, Dec. 22nd, that Lovvorn has received a cancer free diagnosis from her doctor! Thank You Father! 9. PRAYING FOR HIM AND HIS FAMILY: Wilbur Smith is dying with cancer and is prison. He has been allowed to come home and be with his mother and family. His doctor has given him 3 months to live. I received word today, December 23rd, that Wilbur is back in the hospital. Our trust and hope are in Jesus. 10. Mary Delatorre has ended the second round of radiation treatments for two tumors found on her brain. There were 5 treatments. Mary has also had to have 16 cc of fluid drawn off of her knee. This was very painful for her. Friday, October 31st, Mary was admitted to Lee Memorial with severe headaches. CAT scans and an MRI revealed no problem areas, and she was allowed to return home Sunday. Our prayers continue. Thursday, November 13th, Mary went to LeHigh Regional Hospital at 4 a.m. with chest pains and they kept her for 24 hours. She will be seeing a doctor to follow up for this. She also is being scheduled for a knee replacement. 10. PRAYING FOR A DEAR SISTER IN CHRIST: Donna Minimi is remembered in our prayers as she is trying to get her full strength back after a stroke in March. 11. PRAYING FOR HIM AND HIS FAMILY: Larry Woosley and Ellen his wife and their family remain in our prayers for the Lord’s special care and strength. 12. PRAYING FOR HER HEALING: Irene Doub has been diagnosed as diabetic and the doctor has begun her on medication. Please pray as there seem to be several unanswered issues. 13. PRAYING FOR THE FATHER’S MIRACLE: Mike Huddleston, brother of Jerry Huddleston, became very ill and they have not been able to rouse him. Doctors have confirmed that Mike has had several strokes. His eyes are open, and he does seem to understand what is being said. He is being move to a rehab facility where he can receive more specialized treatment. 14. PRAYING FOR THE FATHER’S MIRACLE: Dwight Overstreet has been told that there is cancer in both of his lungs. Doctors say the cancer is inoperable. It has spread to his thorax. One lung has been diagnosed with cancer stage 3, and the other one is in stage 1. The doctors are optimistic with regards to the chemo and radiation. We will remember his wife Kathy in our prayers, also. We are trusting our Father for the healing Dwight needs, in Christ’s name and will. 15. OUR PRAYERS CONTINUE FOR THE LORD’S MIRACLE: Pastor Cliff Avery had a recheck of his bladder (cancer recheck) on Tuesday, December 16. The doctors did find that the cancer has returned and is the size of a pea. There will be surgery Tuesday, January 13th to remove that cancer for the third time and also use a medicine that is specifically to kill that type of cancer. 16. PRAYING FOR HER: Lola Craig suffered a fall Tuesday, December 9th and was transported to LeHigh Regional. She did undergo surgery Wednesday, December 10th for a broken hip. Her creatine levels are a concern to the doctors. She had two units of blood Thursday, December 11th. The doctor will recheck her Friday. She is now in rehab. Our prayers continue for any areas of concern the doctors may see. 17. PRAYING FOR HIS CARE AND HEALING AND THANKING THE FATHER FOR HIS SALVATION: Roy Curry was taken to Gulf Coast Hospital Friday, December 12th with labored breathing and low blood oxygen levels. They were able to stabilize him, but he will be there for a few days. Roy did ask Jesus into his heart while hospitalized. 18. PRAYING FOR THE LORD’S MIRACLE: Dulce Martinez’s medical issues with her blood remain the same. Doctors are seeking ways to deal with the problem. 19. PRAYING FOR SALVATION: Chad Kindra and a friend need to receive the saving power of Jesus. 20. PRAYING FOR HER NEEDS: Debbie Lamkin, a prayer warrior for Eastside Baptist Church, has some financial issues. 21. PRAYING FOR A YOUNG CHILD: Kaelyn Murray is 7 years old and had a fall Saturday, December 20th. She broke her elbow and had surgery Sunday, December 21st at Health Park Hospital. She did well with this, and our prayers are for her perfect healing, in Christ’s name. 22. PRAYING FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Robert Washington has died. 23. PRAYING FOR HER CARE AND HEALING: Sadie Johnson has been hospitalized in Gulf Coast with pneumonia. 24. PRAYERS FOR HIM: Willie Earle remains in our prayers. 25. PRAYING FOR THE CARE OF THE LORD: Emmanuel Taylor is out of Army basic training and enroute to Korea. 26. PRAYERS FOR HER: Elouise Pugh is in a nursing home in Clewiston and on kidney dialysis. 27. THANK YOU FATHER: Keonia’s gallbladder surgery went well. 28. PRAYING FOR A GOOD SURGERY AND STRONG RECOVERY: Tiffany Harnish will have surgery Monday, December 29th, at Hendry Regional Hospital in Clewiston. 29. THANK YOU FATHER: Jim Lamkin has an infection that has caused his liver to enlarge. He has been able to return from the hospital. His wife Nancy is home but suffering with pneumonia. Praise and Prayer Missions List Our prayers continue for all missionaries as they serve the Father in many areas of our world. We pray His continued blessings and protection for them and their families. For the safety of those working overseas and their contacts, please do not re-post any of the following material to Facebook or any other websites. Update from Steve & Dee Allen 12-10-2014 Our BIG concern is Hannah’s adoption as the deadline is less than 2 weeks away now (Dec.24th is Hannah’s birthday to become 14 which by local law disqualifies her from being adopted). Please pray that the adoption will be approved before Dec. 24th. Update from Gary & Sharon Tiner 12-10-2014 My step sister, Jerry Lee Moss, went to be with her Lord last Saturday. She lived with her only child, Sharon Burchfield, in Arkansas. Sharon is not only having to deal this loss but also has acquired an unexpected debt for the burial expenses since she is the sole breadwinner for her family. Please pray for God’s comfort for her and for His provision for this financial need. Her funeral was Weds., 12/10, at 2pm. Gary’s 1st message was this past Sunday on series named “Overseers, Elders and Deacons” was translated well by Hubert and responded to well by the congregation. All praise go to God whom spoke through Gary & Hubert. Please pray for “Xiang” to accept Christ in faith as her Savior. She heard the Gospel for the first time in her life during this service and had many questions after the service as God appears to be drawing her to Himself. There was a 2nd lady (I can not remember her name) also being drawn. She came from an hour away and committed to return this weekend to learn more about the love of Jesus. Gary & Hubert are bringing the 2nd message of this series on Sunday, Dec. 14. Sharon is training several children’s teachers each Weds. night at our home on the true meanings of Christmas as well as preparing the costumes and the script for the Christmas program on Fri. night, Dec. 19th. Gary & Hubert & Pastor Steve will also soon be preparing for the Christmas Eve candle light service with the Lord’s supper. In His service, Gary Tiner Update from Jesse and Kristen Kroll Our prayers continue with this family as they faithfully minister to the Lord. We pray for each area they work and teach/preach in, and for all that is done to give the Lord all glory and praise. Jesse and a friend have been able to share the redemptive story of God, from creation to Jesus’ wonderful works, sacrifice, and resurrection. Jesse has also been a part of training tribe pastors and evangelists. PRAISES Kristen is back to normal after Dengue Fever Trinia and Kristen got to share Jesus’ love through a sort of “Prodigal Daughter” dance recital at a Thai girls’ juvenile detention center. Her dance class has another opportunity at an orphanage on Christmas Eve night! Net, a young Thai man who is seeking, came to Sang Phraphon Church with a Christian friend. Jesse got to share the Gospel with him and give him a Thai New Testament. Kristen is making an impact ministering through free speech therapy to Thai and expat families. PRAYER REQUESTS Kristen’s dad is recovering from colon cancer surgery. Uanbu, the new believer in NaaBua, the Mien village where we’re helping to plant a church, is doing well. Please pray for his relatives who are carefully watching his new faith and life in Christ. Tsanchong the witch-doctor has said his heart has already gone on to Jesus, but his family is still pressuring him to continue in his occult job. Please pray for the many Christmas outreaches planned with our Thai partner churches. Update from Josh and Amber Payne Their Christmas parties went really well. They had parties for two nights and there were a total of 55 that attended. It was a joy to share the Gospel, and they are looking forward to the follow-up meetings. Their labors of love for the Savior have had many positive results. Jesus is building His church. Students are maturing into leaders and reaching their friends for Christ. There are many opportunities to share the Gospel. More students are attending Bible studies. Praise and Prayer Military Please send names to labelleprays@gmail or call Randy and Martha J. Way at 675-2785 ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’ Jeremiah 29:11-14 (NASB). All Military Chaplains Anthony Kasey Akin Madison Ancinec Walton ‘Holland’ Bankston IV Matt Billings S. Braswell Roland Carter Woody Caudill Linda Cavazus Gary Allen Clark Cy Clayton Chance Cline Robbie Cones Chris Cordona Theresa Curella Ethan Curtis Patrick Dalton Christine Lamb- Davis Daniel Castano Debedout Frederick Deras Roger Dixon Daniel Donaldson David Donaldson Taver Eniss Charles J. Fallang Mark Gallaher William F. Goodwin Chris Hamby Gigi Hernandez Robby Hinkle Vernon Holland Amber Greer Josh Grimaldo Michael Huff Amanda Hudson. Earl Johnson Michael Kennedy Shannon Lamb Thunder Laredo David Lawson Antonio Luna Javier Martinez Chris McAvoy Stephen McIntyre Robert Mendoza Clayton Merritt Timothy Parrish Matt Platt Jacob Powell Katrina Riddle Kenneth Ring Jonathan Risener Mike Rodriguez Robert Rosario Matthew Santiago Burgess (Bud) Shelton, Jr. William Robert Smith Ryan Strickland Josh Smith Kevin Stockmen William Robert Suarez A.J. Suha Joey Taylor Mark Taylor, Jr. Greg Thompson John Thompson Trey Toms Jon Ullam Steven V. Alex Verbaguer Arin Van Wagenen Brian Wagner Alisha Ward Josh Weeks Gary Whidden Steven White Jimmi Williams Randy Zaremba Ethan Zimmerly
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:58:36 +0000

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