Praise the Lord. After I announced that I would be praying in - TopicsExpress


Praise the Lord. After I announced that I would be praying in Jesus Name over prayer requests, I am constantly receiving a flood of prayer requests from Brothers and Sisters in Christ from all over the world. Just want to emphasise that I am praying in the Name of Jesus. Yes. I am a Man of God. I am not a Pastor. I am a 53 year old ordinary layman; partly disabled with lot of challenges; from Goa, India; spreading the Word of God all over the world through Facebook. Besides that I pray over prayer requests and they have been answered by Lord Jesus including very serious ailments and diseases. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD. I BELIEVE and I have FAITH. Please read Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24. Besides I BELIEVE that I have been given the Power and Authority by Lord Jesus over the enemy. Please read Luke 10:19. Please read also John 14:12-16. Please read my testimony posts as well as other testimonies and other posts seen on my wall and in our Group - JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP to know more. There is absolutely NO SPIRITUAL PRIDE. For Prayer Requests always there is and will be FIRST PREFERENCE. Everything will be told according to the WORD OF GOD only. However some are anxious as to why their prayer requests have not yet been answered. Please understand that there is no time frame. Some of the important things to be done correctly and properly and without exception for the change to occur in your life too : Accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. Repent; Do confession - Ask Forgiveness and to Forgive each and every person who has hurt you. Please read Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11:25-26; Ephesians 4:32. Bless all of them and do not curse. Please read Matthew 5:44; Romans 12:14; Luke 6:27-28. Abstain / Abhor all kinds of evil. Please read I Thessalonians 5:22; Romans 12:9; James 4:4; I Thessalonians 4:3; I Peter 4:3. Do not complain / murmur / grumble / argue. Please read Philippians 2:4-5; I Corinthians 10:10; I Peter 4:9. Do not get angry; Do not lie; Do not use filthy language. Please read Colossians 3:8-9; Ephesians 4:31. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks and praise and glory to the Lord all the time. Please read I Thessalonians 5:17-18. Work. Please read II Thessalonians 3:10. Give Tithes / Offering / Contribution. Please read Malachi 3:10; Philippians 2:4-5; Proverbs 13:22; Psalm 45:12; Proverbs 19:17; Luke 6:34-36. God wants to see first a pure heart, a contrite heart, a humble heart before HE manifests HIS works. Is that clear ? After having done the above then start PRAYER AND FASTING. Please read my detailed post on PRAYER AND FASTING which can be seen on my wall as well as in the Group - JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP. Then please read : II Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 4:6; Psalm 37:4; Philippians 4:19. Do all these as told and the required changes will follow. At the moment most of the members appear not to be having any problems at all. They appear not at all interested in either liking the page or making a constructive comment. Only a handful regulars are seen doing that in each group. Does that mean that everything is fine with the rest of the thousands of members and that they have no difficulties or problems at all. Is it so ? Hope this cool and lukewarm attitude will change now onwards and henceforth. Remember clearly. If you want your husband, wife, children, family members, servants, parents to change then you have to CHANGE FIRST exactly as how THE WORD OF GOD wants you to act and behave thus setting the example. Not the other way around. Each and every one of you have an excellent opportunity to get your life back in fine shape; whatever their circumstances or situation may be. All sick patients with even the most serious diseases get in touch immediately for Prayers and you will be healed in Jesus Name. AMEN. - Provided you are ready to do as mentioned above and as directed. All Born Again Christians are requested to make special effort to pass on this message so that a sinner is turned away from the error of his way. Please read James 5:20; I Peter 4:8. Expect each one of you to do a thorough introspection, then once again read carefully, understand and analyse as to where you stand at the moment and if you need a thorough breakthrough for the better in your life. Then do not waste any more time. God bless you all. Amen. My Testimony and other Testimonies are in the post of Testimonies which must be read as to how Lord Jesus does Miracles even during this time. Praise the Lord. Testimony About three weeks ago, a Brother informed me that his life is in tatters totally. Because of various reasons, he told me that his wife had left him and taken away their young children along with her. He further told that she had served him Notice to get Divorce and she had claimed a huge amount as sort of Maintenance settlement. He told me that he could not live without them and he did not want to contest the Divorce in the court as it would mean spending lot of amount paying the Advocate fees and besides that it would take many years for its completion. Moreover he told me that he does not have the required money. Finally he told me to pray for him to get a relief from all this as this was leading him to a state of depression. I gave him the instructions. Told him to comply with all of those directives including repentance, confession and Forgiveness and not to miss out anything at all. I told him to BELIEVE and have FAITH that everything will be fine very soon. I prayed for him and for his situation in the Name of Jesus. Amen. I continued to pray for him ever since that date. Today morning, this said Brother informed me that his wife has come at the house alongwith their children and are staying with him and everything is back to normal and there is total peace. He thanked me. Give thanks and praise and glory to the Lord. Alleluia. Amen. Kindly visit my wall or the Group - JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP - to read MY TESTIMONY as well as other Testimonies. Praise the Lord. PRAYERS FOR PRAYER REQUESTS I will give top priority from to pray for prayer requests received from each and everyone of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and from others too. Prayer is the key. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IS HEREBY CALLED UPON TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME AND FORWARD HIS OR HER PRAYER REQUESTS. Kindly share this message with everyone that you are associated with. I assure everyone that there is going to be a Miracle, definite change in your life for sure once I pray for your prayer requests. God bless each one of you always. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Praise the Lord. To : Brothers and Sisters in Christ. AN APPEAL Those who are in a position to help kindly do show your concern and unity by coming forward to help. If any one of you - my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ - do feel that you are in a position or willing to contribute monetarily or in any other form or manner then kindly get in touch with me. Those who can and are willing especially my Brothers and Sisters from India may also consider recharging my Mobile No. 0091 8806398342 (Vodafone) in order that I continue spreading THE WORD OF GOD in India as well as all over the world uninterrupted. My full name, address and mobile number is as follows : LOURENCO EUSEBIO FORTUNATO FERRAO, HOUSE NO. 622/A, ST. ANTHONYS VADDO, GUIRIM, BARDEZ - GOA - 403507, INDIA. Mobile No. 0091 8806398342 (Vodafone). God will bless each one of you abundantly. Kindly get in touch with me now - immediately - rightaway with your Prayer requests and get ready to experience a Miracle, a Change and Wonders in your life. Praise the Lord. IF YOU WANT A MIRACLE, A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER IN YOUR EXISTING PREVAILING CONDITION IN YOUR LIFE WHATEVER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES OR SITUATION MAY BE OR HOWEVER DIFFICULT IT MAY SEEM TO APPEAR OR IF YOU WANT DIVINE INTERVENTION, CURE FROM SICKNESS OR IF YOU WANT RELIEF FROM FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, OR IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB OR A BETTER JOB, OR IF YOU ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING MARRIED; ETC ... ALL CAN BE ACHIEVED ... EACH AND EVERY PERSON READING THIS .. AND EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF EACH AND EVERY GROUP ... So why wait any more when there is such an opportunity ! Get in touch now. I AM PRAYING IN JESUS NAME .. EXCLUSIVELY FOR EACH ONE OF YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS RIGHTAWAY AND WILL DO SO EVERYDAY AND THERE WILL BE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOR SURE .... PROVIDED YOU TOO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. REMEMBER OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST COMES FIRST. There are steps given also in my posts that can be seen in my wall and/or our Group JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP as regards to DOS AND DONTS for getting changed your current NOT SO GOOD situation. Kindly also visit my wall and / or new Group called JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP to read MY TRUE TESTIMONY; GODS ANSWER CONCERNING .... Financial Trouble; Marital Problems; Discouragement; Establishing safety for your children; You are feeling confused; When trouble hits your house; Have you been deserted; Temptation; Blessing and Prosperity; Being Dissatisfied; Confidence; Fear; Depression; Loneliness; Sickness; Worry; Condemnation; BIBLICAL VIRTUES TO PRAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN; PRAYERS; GODS PROMISES; Scriptures from the Holy Bible). It is also very important to BELIEVE that you have already received and not focus on the negatives, problems and difficulties that you are facing at the moment. (Read Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24); and you must read and follow the WORD OF GOD (Matthew 4:4) and have FAITH. (Read Romans 10:17) Remember everything happens for our good and for a purpose. (Read Romans 8:28). Read also Romans 8:31. Nothing is impossible for God. I have created a new Group called JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP. Kindly join it and you will get knowledge how to experience changes for the better, wonders, miracles in your life; by sending requests to join it. If there is any Christian group where any one of you think that my complete posts could be useful and of help to TURN A SINNER FROM THE ERROR OF HIS WAY then kindly SHARE MY POST to that group. Many thanks. God bless you all. Amen. KINDLY share this post with your friends, contacts and with other groups you are with. Many thanks. God bless you all abundantly. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Praise the Lord. One Brother from Kenya has informed me that he runs a Ministry and has no sufficient Bibles. If any one of you is in a position and willing to provide him with some Bibles free of charge then let me know. Many thanks. God bless you all. Amen. Praise the Lord. Please pray for me too. Please pray for my Financial blessing too as I need the same to meet my expenses and my basic amenities / needs which then will enable me to vigorously pursue spreading THE WORD OF GOD and win many souls from all over the world and to teach and bring them in line and in conformity to THE WORD OF GOD and to make them live a Christ like life daily. If any of you is or are in a position and willing to send amount as tithes or as an offering or as a contribution to me (a Man of God who is praying for you day and night in the Name of Jesus and through the Prayers many Prayer requests have been answered and fulfilled by Lord Jesus) then kindly get in touch with me for which I am extremely thankful and grateful. God will bless you abundantly always. I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. All my Brothers and Sisters in Christ are hereby informed that those who have sent a joining request to join our Group - JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FELLOWSHIP - ... to please bear with me for th delay as there are internet issues presently. I am getting very weak internet, hence unable to get joined to the said Group. In the meantime it is suggested that you may send a friend request to me which will enable to read my posts uninterrupted. Please bear with the inconvenience caused. Many thanks. God bless you all. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:03:30 +0000

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