Praise the Lord and good morning men and women of God. I have been - TopicsExpress


Praise the Lord and good morning men and women of God. I have been awake for some hours. I was laying there listening to the voice of God. Again He was letting me know,all is well and the way has been made. I have Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus bubbling up all in my soul. Then the Lord brought the message back to my remembrance I heard and received unto myself. The Bishop preached from Phillipians 3:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus..These 2 passages of scripture is the secret to success, but we must be willing to be obedient to what it says. The first thing is to forget those things which are behind. The past is what it is the past. Every bad thing that happened in 2014, we must leave them there. The Bishop said, When we nurse the past, we rehearse it,when what we we should be doing is surrendering it to God so He can reverse it. We have got to get our focus right for 2015 to follow Jesus and do as He says and not let this flesh dictate to us what our priorities are. We must consult God for every situation and be obedient to what He tells us. No matter how crazy it may sound. Just be obedient and do what He tells us to do. 2015 is the time for a fresh start and the time for New Beginnings. The Bishop said, We can be so busy working for God, that we dont do the work of God. It is time for us to go down on our knees and say, Jesus what will you have me to do for such a time as this. I know you are working for God, ushering, being praise and worship leaders,being armourbearers, being deacons and deaconesses,pastor aide, etc. But we need to ask Him for make us vessels of honour unto Him to do the works of God. In 2015 we must declare and decree what the scripture says forgetting the past and go forth,not looking to the left or the right, but staying focused and keeping our eyes and our minds stayed on Jesus. As the Bishop said on yesterday: Forever Forward and Backwards Never. It is time for us to rise up and be the men and women of God, He has ordained us to be. New beginnings men and women of God for us in 2015. Lets remember what Jesus said in His word: we are in this world, but we are not of this world. We are to be different, not doing as the world. We are a peculiar people,zealots of good works. Dont let Satan deceive you into doing things that are not godly. Yes, he loves us, each and everyone of us. But when we sin and we know we sinning, He said in His word there remains no more sacrifice. Just because we sin, dont think for a second that we wont be punished. We must repent and not repeat that sin. I tell you the truth, because I fear God. I dont want anyone to go to hell,but that is not my call. Vow to do the will of God in 2015. Make Him your priority and you will never go wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:24:16 +0000

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