Praise the Lord every body, and give thanks to the almighty God - TopicsExpress


Praise the Lord every body, and give thanks to the almighty God for this wonderful, beautiful day. On my way to work listening to Amazing by Ricky Dillard. Truly the Lord is amazing. All my other clients got to go home for thanksgiving except for Gerald, the guy in the photo, he is amazing also. Gerald lost his brother on Tuesday morning, and when I got to work, he wanted to let me know that he was grieving, and wanted to talk to me about the lost of his brother. I was able to listen to him, and also encourage him, and telling him that we have to pray and God will help him. He said yes prayer works wonders. Many people would be mad if they have to work on this day, but I am happy to spend this day with Gerald so he dont have to spend it alone. Thanks to Ardie McNeal, David & Tameka Boler, and Evangelist Mary Smith for blessing me with food, enough that I could share with Gerald. This is what I live for to make a difference in others life, and to lighten someone else burdens. Truly I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, with the right person to be a blessing. I am blessed to be a blessing, the God of all comfort, comforts me, so I comfort others. I am loved by God, so I give love. Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you (Luke 6:38) and unexpected blessings will come your way, I know because they have been coming my way unexpectedly. Thanks Greta Bennett for the boots you bless me with on this week, they was the ones that I wanted. May God bless you for blessing me, your blessings will chase you down and they will be running over. Happy Thanksgiving again to all, from me to you, and remember to serve someone during the holidays, and deny self to give of yourselves. Kingdom Blessings!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:27:07 +0000

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