Praise the living God! Psalm 116: 1-13 “I love the Lord, - TopicsExpress


Praise the living God! Psalm 116: 1-13 “I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.! Dear ones, Its a very busy week for me as I prepare for Sunday 17th August PBB Ministries 8th Anniversary. I expect thousands to fellowship with us from 2pm at City Primary School grounds, Opposite Fig Tree Stage/ bridge in Nairobi Ngaara. Friends, today I have a Prayer item concerning this big event ahead: Can somebody pray with me over a mighty move of Gods Presence this weekend? Pray for Divine Grace & Favor, Fresh Anointing , Pray for People to get born again and confess Jesus Christ as we mark a NEW BEGINNING of this Ministry and do not forget the Financial Provision for my heavy budget. NB: Am posting Prayer guidance over the 100 days of our united Prayers for Kenya. From yesterday Tuesday 12th to Saturday 16th August by the mercies of God. The above scripture gives us hope. We are ending our week 5: THEME HAS BEEN PRAYING FOR A NEW IDENTITY Yesterday was our day 35. God is the same today ,yesterday and forever. Read Isaiah 61-62. You are anointed! Do not keep silent. Ask the Lord how to confess your faith. Go through your new gate. Decree that you are not a city forsaken but that you will be ‘’SOUGHT AFTER ‘’ .The redeemed of the Lord say SO. Shout ‘’SO!’’ Ask the Lord how He wants your gift to be aligned to the corporate body of Christ. Today Wednesday 13th August 2014 is the beginning of our week 6. THE THEME IS WORSHIP Wednesday 13th August, Day 36 of our united prayers: We read 2 Chro7:14-16. Let us Pray that there would be Repentance, that the blood of Jesus would cleanse the church of sin. Repent for the sins of the Church which include Pride, leading to disunity & competition among ministers, Ministers loving dishonest Gain. In Jesus Mighty name!! Thursday 14th August is Day 37 of our united prayers: Read Heb 12:14. Pray that there would be a sincere, passionate return to the Fear of God in the lives of individual believers. Pray that believers would live a holy life, valuing righteousness, purity and holiness .Pray that the church corporate would ‘’Return’’ to her Divine Mandate & Purpose: a. To live lives of obedience to the Word of God. b. To be salt and light in society. c. To take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth....In Jesus Holy name! Friday 15th August is Day 38 of our united Prayers: Read John 17:23. Pray that the church would unite around the true gospel. Pray that we would no longer be separated by petty differences, lack of humility and a desire to build for self rather than building for the Kingdom.....In Jesus Holy name! Saturday 16th August is Day 39 of our united Prayers: Read Luke 4:16-18.Pray for a fresh anointing to come upon the Church that she may out her God-given duty of setting the captives free with a fresh zeal and power .pray that the church would champion the cause of the less privileged in society – the poor , the widow, the orphan, and the prisoner and the alien. ......Hear our Prayers God in the mighty name of Jesus! FOR GOD WILL NOT LET KENYA GO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:33:54 +0000

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