Pray for world’s peace Dear Heavenly Father God Almighty, - TopicsExpress


Pray for world’s peace Dear Heavenly Father God Almighty, Most High God, Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah Jirah, EL Shaddi, I come before your throne of grace and mercy with humble heart in mighty name of Jesus Christ to request for peace of world. Oh merciful God Almighty, you created human Adam and Eve, but human did sin in your Holy eyes, they had got out from Garden of Eden because of their disobedience. Oh Glorious God, You gave divine message to all human who are still in darkness and walking in disobedience. Even there was no religion, sect and denomination but human had been got out from garden because of his disobedience from your divine order. Oh merciful Lord God, You had been sending prophets, Saints, Apostle to show right path to human to be righteous from unrighteous ways. Human still had been disobedient to your divine Laws and covenants. Even oh victorious God Almighty, you did destroy whole world in age of Prophet Noah because of disobedience who did hear voice of God’s servant on earth because of wickedness except eight person who did obey God’s words. But human in ages had been disobedient and face wrath of God even in age of Lot, when Sodom and Gomorra had grown much in wickedness, oh God You destroyed both cities because of disobedience of your holy words. Even today people who did not obey your holy Words because of their wickedness, oh God You destroyed those authorities and powers. Nothing is impossible with you God; God You can use any one for your glory. You are holy; You can not see wickedness and persecution over your faithful children who are in this world that walks by faith humbly. Oh merciful God Almighty, You did find your heart’ faithful man of God, Abraham to whom you bless him who had not child, You blessed him in old age when he and his wife was thinking that they are not able to give birth child, but it was your divine promise and system to bless Abraham who is called as father of faithful people. You blessed him with child “Isaac” from promised wife Sarah and her servant a child “Ishmael” and their children will be like stars of heavens and sand of sea that both are uncountable for human. It is blessing of You God to whom You blessed. All human are children of you God who gave authority to human to have authority over animals, all creature of world and love each other and obey You God. You had been sending prophets time to time and age to age in all for teaching truth and show path of truth and righteous when human are on way of wickedness, selfishness, self praise for getting their power. You never said to worship other gods and prophets before Heavenly God Almighty who is creator of human, heaven and earth. Because prophets are also human, even prophets, Saints, Apostles did mistakes even sin in your eyes oh God because they are also human. Even there had been so many false prophets, people used them to curse human for their own powers. God You loves all human impartially. Oh merciful God Almighty give wisdom today human who are disobedient to your holy words, selfish, self praising and killing each other for power and praise even polluting prophets teaching, There is not any Holy Book that prophet wrote and written to kill human, they will get paradise. Because you oh God loves all human to be obedient to your holy words without any prejudice. You want from everyone to repent from wicked sins and get new life in holiness. Oh Merciful God Almighty, Prophets who prophesies your divine orders and messages for the right path of righteousness for human as messenger. Prophets are nothing in themselves. Until YOU, oh Creator of Heaven and earth revealed for the divine message to give to the people. Prophets also ask your mercy all times and ages as obedient servant for their own salvation. It is written in your Holy Words of New covenant of Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Peter said about your divine saying oh God through prophets (Acts 2: 17 and Ezekiel 36: 27, Joel 2: 28 – 32), in last days that God will send His Holy Spirit on every human being, sons and daughters even bonded servants and maids will prophesy who tried to keep themselves aside from worldly thoughts and tried to be holy, young will see vision and old will see dream. Who does prophesy, he who is called as prophet, We thank Lord Jesus Christ, you have given us Your Holy Spirit to do prophesy rightly to save world from wars, personal fights, disputes, love each brotherly on basis as human. Apostle Paul said, try like me, as I am trying to be like Christ minded, thank God, at least we can try to be Christ minded to serve Humanity for peace. Today, whole world is in disharmony, unrest, wars, civil wars and many of them are in natural disaster because of wrath of God on some countries of world, USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine even Pakistan etc because of their disobedience of your Holy words, Oh merciful God Almighty, I ask your mercy and grace to stop these wars and civil wars and give all of them repenting heart from their sins to establish Peace in their minds and in whole world to please God than human groups, so called glory. Because war and fight never ends. God is not against human. God is against wickedness. Repent from wickedness of hearts and personal fights. I ask your mercy for every heart and mind peace to establish peace of whole world. I ask in mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank God for your Holy words that teaches us to do good as written in your holy words, who knows to do good, if he did not do then he does sins (James 4: 17), I want to keep myself away from those sins and I always tried to do good in all condition of life, even I am being discriminated, persecuted for name of Jesus Christ, even evil spirit knocks my heart’ door with adversities. But I love all human as you did love with whole world (John 3: 16). I rebuke always those evil spirits In Jesus Holy Name who wants to come in my mind to disturb my peace on the prejudice basis. Even most of time, I had been forced to keep myself under high position who think denominationally with prejudice, uneducated, spiritual blind even anti – Christ’ spirit to make me slave of sin. Even most of them blocked my gifts, talents and blessings even financial blessings to serve you, But I always pray to you God for all to change their minds for me and soften their hearts and restore me and my trust “Shelter Organization” to do your good work for humanity’ peace and Your holy words promises. Because of Your Holy words that forces me to pray for whole world’s peace positively. I ask in Jesus Holy Name. Amen. With Humble heart request Your brother in Christ FS Bhatti
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:07:30 +0000

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