Pray tell who are the haters? I only ask because in 2014 folks are - TopicsExpress


Pray tell who are the haters? I only ask because in 2014 folks are still referring to them as if they live next door. I mean seriously your neighbor lets their dog poop on your lawn or steals your newspaper thats a hater. The Haters seem to be an amorphous, ambiguous, anonymous collective of people with no real identity other than hater. A group of people trying desperately to bring any one individual down. What I find fascinating about this dynamic is that the individual is often a very clear, concrete, visible and vocal person, but the hater, the hater is often invisible, unknowable, almost like dark matter. We dont know who they are, what they are, where they are, when they are, why they are we just know that they are because well... they are the haters. Now what makes these people haters they didnt like something you did, said, wore? Maybe they didnt like someone you dated or even worse maybe they just dont like you! (Don-don-dooooooon!!) (Pssst even if that is the case, who cares?! You alive, healthy, interesting go out and live!!) So now youve gone a crusade to remind everyone on social media that the haters will not continue to hate their way into your lives. You will no longer succumb to their hatred and you will rise up and be better than that, better than them. But who is that for really? Is it a reminder to yourself, or is a PSA for any and all haters that may reside a stones throw from your IG page? I often wonder. In any case, youre giving the haters a lot of power by evening making them part of the discussion. Look here, if youve ever studied the law of attraction you have learned that whatever you think about is what you align with and manifest, in the universe. Pretty new-agey right? Lets put that in laymans terms just in case. For example, if you think Im not broke, Im not broke, Im not broke thats the energy you are creating. You will then align with it and manifest it, BUT because all the universe really gets is broke thats how youll stay. However if in your attempt to align yourself with the universe you use language like I want to pay my bills on time every month or I wants to have a car by 2015 and you work toward this (you can just wish it into existence cmon people!!) you are now using very specific very positive language of what you want to bring into your life. Then there will be alignment and manifestation. I actually do this A LOT. You dont have to use any negative words and they basically mean the same thing which is that you dont want to be broke because not being broke allows to pay bills on time or paying bills on time gets you out of debt etc. ALL that to get to the gem... Heres my suggestion... Now this may be a little radical. It may be a little uncomfortable or something to get used to but you basically have two options either name the hater for who and what they are. Put them on blast if you will, stitch a scarlet letter H to their chests and show them to all the world!!! OR if you dont know who the haters are, stop talking about them. Instead of talking about the haters talk about the lovers... Mmm doesnt that now nice? I wanna hear about lovers!! Talk about the people who love you and people who you love; the people who want to see you succeed and the people you want to see succeed surround yourself with positivity and see how that works for you. I care about you and if I could I would take a hot poker and poke those haters right in the eye for you. But since I have no idea who they are really... I just want you to be in a better place. A place sans hate. Its really nice here, I think youll like it!! This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:03:14 +0000

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