Pray unceasingly, as you put God first in your life. Words that I - TopicsExpress


Pray unceasingly, as you put God first in your life. Words that I always tell people, who comes to me for guidance and prayers. This is the secret that everyone should understand. Secret that is hidden to people, whose concern mostly is mundane. Yes, there are three types of people that are deaf to hear this secret, and are blinded to see the joy of making this secret, as their primary objective, or way of life. This secret is hidden to people, who submerged themselves wanting worldly things that they think, could make them really happy. Blinded by the fame, wealth, and power that surround them, they can no longer hear God’s calling. They think that there is no end to the temporary happiness that they are experiencing. They think that they own their lives. They think that no one can stop them, and they can do everything that they want. Until one day, their business fell apart, or bankrupted, a love one died, they are fired from their job, got life ending sickness, or unfortunate things happened. At that moment, there are only three things that these people will do. First, they will realize that there is someone above them, which will make them understand that everything in this world is temporary. This knowledge will make them change their lives and will make them understand the aforementioned secret. They will search for God, and once they found Him, their hearts could finally rest in His care. They will put Him first in their lives, as they pray unceasingly. The second response that they will do is to get angry with God. Because they think that God made their lives miserable, they will get angry with Him, and instead of hearing His call, they will choose not to believe in God anymore. Until, in the end, they will never find the true joy of living. For without God to nourish your soul, you are like a dry ground, not living your purpose of growing the plant of faith and love. They will live a more miserable life. Lastly, because they have not experience, so much grief in their lives, there is no other way for them to cope up with the pain. They commit suicide for they have a total blindness to the path that lead to God. As Jesus said, “They have ears, but they don’t hear, and they have eyes, but they don’t see.” When you totally separated yourself to God, a vacuum is created, and until that vacuum fills up by repentance, love, and hope, you will never experience God, and without God, life is hell. It is also hidden to people, whose focus are more on working hard to have a life of ease. These people are striving to death, just so they could have the money that they believe is the only reason for them to be happy. They make night into day, and leave their family, hoping that one day; they will have the money for them to have a better life. They usually say that they need to get out of where they are now, for nothing will happen to them, if they stay. There is nothing wrong in aiming for a better life. What is wrong is when your focus is more on your work, and earning the money is where your world revolves, which makes you forget God and the joy of being with people you love. You are living to work, not work to live. The last group of people were this secret is hidden are those people who focus more on their problems, and the negativity of life. You can identify these people by listening to them. Every time they open their mouth, you can always hear them complain. They will also blame other people, but their selves. There is no peace, when you are around them. They talked and talked, and will always tell you that they suffered so much, and they never had experience a moment of ease. If they will only heed God’s call, if they will just momentarily read the beatitudes. “Matthew 5:3-12 - The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Then and only then, this secret will be understood by them, and see how it will manifest into their lives. Pray unceasingly, as you put God first in your life. This is the only secret, for us to live in peace. This is the only secret, on how our prayers will be answered, as we want it. This is the only secret that will give you the real happiness right now, not waiting for it in heaven. As Saint Agustine said, “My hear Lord will not rest, until it rest in your heart.” I hope that many eyes and ears were opened today. Do listen and understand. Do look and see deep in the recesses of your spirit. Do pray unceasingly, as you put God first in your life, and everything you want will follow. Yes! Want, not need. I am praying with you all. (ADAI)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 22:17:47 +0000

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