Prayer For Oduamadi - Praying at all times in the Spirit, - TopicsExpress


Prayer For Oduamadi - Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints ... - Ephesians 6:18. O Lord, I thank you for the life of my boy, Nnamdi Oduamadi, who you have made to stand taller than the rest of his mates that passed through me at National Grassroots Dream Team and even had the pleasure of living under my roof at my apartment in Surulere, Lagos. Thank you Lord, for giving me the honour of once being Nnamdi’s guardian and mentor, both on and off the field, at home and on the training ground. Dear Lord, I am grateful for how you placed me in a vantage position with memories of good times together with teenagers in their days as budding talents and the satisfaction of eventually seeing them become great players for club and country; and such is the high level of joy I get seeing Nnamdi excel with the Super Eagles, especially when he scored that crucial equaliiser against Kenya in Calabar and then got a hat-trick against Tahiti at the FIFA Confederations Cup. However, dear Lord, I am sad that he is now facing tough times with his club, as the coach at Brescia in Italy’s second division does not seem to take any delight in this lad; and it grieves my heart so much that Nnamdi’s quality is apparently not being appreciated by those who are meant to develop his game to a much higher level, considering that AC Milan loaned him there in the first place for him to get regular playing time and take his game to a higher level before returning to San Siro at a most opportune time. Heavenly Father, please set eyes on my plight, please hearken to my supplication, please answer my intercession for Nnamdi, because he is still so dear to my heart, though he should be in better and tighter contact with me more than he is at present. Yes, the truth is that I am barely in contact with him at present, contrary to the promises we shared back in the days, especially during the Dokun Abidoye U-15 Cup 2006 in Oshogbo and at the height of his spell in the Golden Eaglets’ camp the following year. Because I follow your words, dear Father, I bare no grudges against Nnamdi for failing to keep me in mind the way I would love him to do. He remains a kid in whom I am well pleased, simply because he is exhibiting those qualities I saw in him when he was a kid, showing the ability that encouraged me to take him into my residence when he was a languid upstart. Yes, I was inspired to go all out to ensure he got prime attention from Coach Kashimawo Laloko at Pepsi Football Academy and Marshal Mbre at Flying Sports Academy. However, King of Kings, Eternal Rock of Ages, I still keep telling myself that we are yet to see the best of Nnamdi in the Super Eagles, because I believe he would do a lot better than he is currently doing were he allowed to play as a striker, instead of down the wings – left or right. The Nnamdi Oduamadi I knew and groomed always reminded my about Nwankwo Kanu as an attacker-cum-midfielder, skill-for-skill, goal-for-goal, and creativity personified. That’s why I was happy when Coach Stephen Keshi said he will now give Nna a more frontal role in the Eagles, playing behind the top striker, which made a difference in the routing of Tahiti at Brazil 2013 and largely accounted for that penalty he won against Malawi. Both matches confirmed to me once again that this youngster fondly called ‘Robinho’ can still replicate those magical touches, deft leg-overs and mouth-gaping goals that endeared him to everyone at Shobande Street, Itire during his days under my charge. But, dear Lord, why is the coach at Brescia not seeing what everyone else is seeing? Why is Nnamdi not in good books of the gaffer? Why is the coach either keeping him on the bench, introducing him to the game when the final whistle is almost coming or yanking him off before the match warms up? Why is this storm raging for this lad who cannot hurt a fly? Or is it enemies at work? Is it as a result of sin? Is it because he has neglected his roots? Why has favour somehow deserted him at the moment it is needed most? Why is the cruise that shot him ahead of all others he met under my charge suddenly seemingly stuttering in jolts and jerks? Father God, I have no answers to these questions; which is why I have come before you with all supplications in my heart, knowing I am nothing without you and can do nothing without you. Knowing that you are Jehovah Nissi, my banner, my protector, my warrior, mighty one in battle; the one who fights all battles for me. The Almighty that hears my every voice of appeal. O, please Lord, hear me once again, as you always do when I come to you with a contrite heart, an open mind, and all the faith I can muster. Please Lord, take Nnamdi back to the days of bliss at Brescia, turn his plight into mirth, revive his flight and let him soar once again on the wings of eagles. As you have done it for him under Stephen Keshi, do same under Marco Giampaol at Brescia. Please forgive him, if sin is the reason for his anguish. Please strengthen him if the matter is about physical lapses, enlighten him if it’s spiritual. Whatever it is, dear Lord, please take control and put it right. Thank you for the answered prayer; for in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 14:57:21 +0000

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