Prayer For Revival In the time that we live now, destruction - TopicsExpress


Prayer For Revival In the time that we live now, destruction and despair may be on one hand, but revival and miracles are on the other. Revival is spontaneous and ongoing. It happens when the Spirit of God moves among people. God never intended for the Pentecostal revival to stop. That is why it is so important to be ready and available as God moves and pours out His Spirit. He can minister life at any moment, to one or to a multitude, to a person in a barren wilderness or to many people in a crowded city. Revival happens wherever the Word of God prevails. Miracles, signs and wonders happen wherever the Word of God prevails. Hearts and lives are changed wherever the Word of God prevails. The Bible says God works with and confirms His Word with signs following (Mark 16:20). Look in the Word of God and you will find the life that revival brings. If people pray and dig into the Word of God which is life to them, revival will come and remain. Revival will become an ongoing way of life. As you set yourself in agreement with God’s will for revival, let us pray the following prayer, expecting God to move: Father God, because You care for Your people and want all mankind to have life, You desire revival. Your revival brings life and nourishment, preservation and restoration. Thank You for sending Jesus to give us Your abundant life. Lord, start revival in me first. I am Your servant and I place myself in position to be revived. I feed on the Scriptures as a sheep feeds in green pastures because Your words are life to me. Holy Spirit of God, You raised Jesus from the dead and You dwell in me. So, I yield to You to energize my spirit, restore my soul, and rejuvenate my mortal body. I renew my mind with Your Word. In my innermost being is a well of living water and I am revived! Revival not only is life to me, but life to everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD. Therefore, I intercede on behalf of the people. I call upon You as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I call upon the mighty Name of Jesus. All of mankind needs life, Lord! All of mankind needs revival because it is life—Your life. I speak and sow seeds of revival everywhere I go. I send forth angels to reap the harvest of revival all over the world. I put my hand to the sickle to reap the rich harvest of revival in my home, my church, my community, in the marketplace, on the job, in my country, and in all the world. Pour Yourself out on the people. Lord of the Harvest, send forth laborers, positioning them in strategic places to minister as You pour out Your Spirit on all flesh. Almighty God, show Yourself mighty and strong with signs and wonders. Holy Spirit, breathe on all the people of the world. I pray this in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Scripture References: John 3:16-17, 10:10; Proverbs 4:20-22; John 6:63; Romans 8:11; Ephesians 4:23-24; Colossians 3:10; John 4:14, 7:38; Matthew 13:39, 9:38; II Chronicles 16:9; Romans 15:19
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:00:09 +0000

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