Prayer... November 17, 2013 at 11:00pm Message to The Black Man - TopicsExpress


Prayer... November 17, 2013 at 11:00pm Message to The Black Man By the Honorable Elijah Muhammad CHAPTER 68 THE PREPARATIONS AND ITS MEANING 14 Standing erect to address our Superior is proper and again it shows respect and honor. The raising of the hands with the palms open in the same direction shows an act of surrender to the King of Kings and Lord of the Worlds and is coming before Him with clean and emptied hands. 15 The hands, the most active members of our bodies, play the part of evil and good for the body. They sometimes bear witness for, or against us. The Muslims declare that there is only One God, and none deserves to be worshiped except Him. This is true. 16 Almost all religious persons acknowledge that there is but one God who made the heavens and the earth. The Muslims declare in one of their prayers that they worship Allah (God) in the best manner, in the direction (East) in which He turns Himself -- towards to the holiest of places and one day the whole of the people of earth will be just as holy or holier. I would say holier. 17 This position also has another meaning; it refers to the lost and found people of Islam. Before their return they must turn in this direction with clean hands and hearts, bow in submission to the will of Allah alone with the righteousness that they may be welcomed to take their place again among their own people. This shall soon be made clear to my people here, that if holy war be declared, no so-called Negro could return to his native land and people unless he or she accepts Allah as his God and Islam as his religion. O you who believe, enter into submission one and all, and do not follow the footsteps of the devil. Surely he is your open enemy. Holy Qur-an 2:108 18 Here the Muslim is about to begin his prayer. He has cleansed all the exposed parts of his body, washed out his mouth, nose and ears. Standing upright, with his face towards his Holy City (Mecca), which is in the direction of sunrise, he lifts his cleansed hands up beside his head with the thumbs towards the lobes of his ears and declares that: Allah is the Greatest (four times), and that: Nothing deserves to be worshiped but Allah. 19 What better preparation could have been made for the service of our God? With due respect and great honor, he is turned in the direction of sunrise in which our planet is carrying him at a speed of 1,037 1/3 miles per hour. Physically, he has turned his face in the direction in which he is traveling, and in which he looks forward to the light of day. From the same direction (sunrise) came all the spiritual light -- the holy prophets, the holy land and the holy cities of the earth. 20 With his cleansed hands open, with the palms towards the Holy Land and cities he signifies an open confession of his internal purity and entire submission to the will of Allah (God). Whatever evils he has committed with his hands, by washing them with the water of life he shows for this his heart=s repentance for the evils that his hands have committed. 21 Now as the open cleansed hands show forth a sincere surrender to their Maker without concealing or hiding anything, so it is with the heart -- that only Allah (God) can see into -- is clear of the evils and desires forgiveness, for such evils have been washed from the heart, the ears from hearing them, and the eyes are closed to keep out the evil morals, for none can turn away from me the evil morals but Thee. 22 The above prayer is preferred as the morning prayer, but can be said by the individual any time that he likes. Here the prayer declares that he is strictly a believer in one God Who originated the universe (the Heavens and earth) and not in three, and further declares that his sacrifice, life, and death are all for Allah (God) and to Him does he submit. He acknowledges his sins and asks protection against them, or rather against a future sin. Chapter 69We, the lost-founds, should repeat the above prayer seven (7) times a day. For it sums up our greatest hindrance to freedom and self-independence. We must get away from the idea of depending on others to do for us what we can do for self. Fear, cowardice and laziness are our greatest enemies. We are brave enough to fight to preserve the white races independence, but not brave for self and kind. Shake such shackles off and face the consequences like men and we all will be free! Supreme Wisdom Vol. 2 By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Study the Muslims way of worship and you will agree with me that there is no better way of divine worship. Why? For one thing, the Muslim always washes and cleans himself before communicating with Allah (God). In other words, he first cleans his own body and then invites the clean Holy Spirit to come (into his body). That is the best state (of body as well as of mind) in which to say ones prayers. Our Saviour Has ArrivedBy The Honorable Elijah MuhammadChapter 11 The Knowledge of God HimselfSaviour’s Day, February 26, 1969) You are natural - born and part of that in which you were created. You are the only man who needed light to light up Your Universe. You brought forth that light. You are walking around looking for a God to bow to and worship. You are the God! Salat: Divine Yoga of the GodsBy Maliki FardSalaat is the divine yoga of the Gods. As we know Salaat is a slight innovation to the ancient Kemetic sun salute. The times of Salaat are designed to attune us to the universe; its function is perfectly designed to align the chakras. For instance, Qiyaam has the same affect of the yogic mountain pose and activates the 5th chakra. Ruku is the yogic forward bend and activates the base or root chakra. Sajda activates the root and the heart chakra. Juwls is similar to the yogic dragon pose and activates the root chakra, also the 2nd through the 4th. The left foot folded a certain way as to put pressure with the left foot heel into the upper part of the buttocks over time with direction of the will activates the coiled dragon causing its head to rise. Sajda is considered the perfect position and the position of the most blessings, not because, Sajda represents total submission alone, but because, during the bowing position, blood rushes over the brain causing oxygenation etc. etc. The bending motion during Salaat massages and realigns the spine. During Salaat the body must remain in a perfect posture, back straight, even during ruku. Many dont know that just by the change of diet many of our latent faculties begin to awaken. The study and memorization of the lessons redirects the mind and trains the many animals that run a muck unrestrained in the zoo. Minister Farrakhan once stated that when we study the lessons, that we, are actually communicating with MFM tala and the Messenger. If we are communicating with these two divine personages we are actually being drawn up into their minds and thus their way of thinking. Many do not apply the teachings thus we dont actually attain such a lofty position. Preliminary Science: The control of breath is the key to the control of or the slowing down of thought, thus the, quieting of the mind.Our Messenger in Theology of Time taught us that if we wanted to communicate fro...m mind to mind, to go somewhere where it is quiet and we wont be disturbed and concentrate (visualize) on the person or thing that we want to communicate with. Parenthesis added.Our Messenger also taught us how to will things into being. He stated that he would think about a thing and forget about it and it would come into being. Now let us look deeply at the Ministers divine words. The mind is the repository of Allah; and that Prayer is the reaffirmation of desire! To prove this the Nabi Muhammad (Pbuh) stated that we should pray as if we see Allah, but if you do not see him, he sees you.The above statement clearly shows the difference of those who approach prayer from a God state and those who do not.The Sufi Master M.R. Bawa Muhayadeen stated that in prayer you will only see to the limit of what you bring with you to prayer. He said that Man is God and that if what man wants to attain is God, that he must only bring God with him to prayer. He said God has to pray to God. Our Messenger in his divine wisdom said that we have been praying to ourselves all this time unknowingly; that we are the Gods that we are to bow and worship; that we are the direction that we should look for God, and that we answer our prayers. When we approach prayer we must approach it humbly because at that moment we are in conscious communication with the divine mind of the universe. Our minds ascend beyond conditioning and mortality and begin to break free from the fetters of form, and stretches forth into the infinite. When we step on the prayer rug we are told to hold our gaze on one spot. We are in reality are slowly reaching dharma or one sightedness. The prayer rug or flying carpet (smile) is oblong in shape. The oblong shape symbolized the earth in some traditions and the universe in others. So, when we stand alone on the prayer rug with our gaze fixed in one location we have at that minute made the earth our footstool as we gaze into the world of the finite, till by divine will and concentration the rug disappears and everything around it and All that remains is where our gaze is affixed; we are slowly perceiving the infinite. When we are in prayer we are to have our legs spread a part shoulder distance. The human body has six sides the same as a cube; therefore the body is a cube. The cube in alchemy is associated with salt and salt is considered to be in which all of creation is concentrated, therefore is divine the human form; the product of the equilibration of all the elements and forces of the universe. So in reality during prayer man is actually God standing upon the earth (his footstool steering into the infinite. Only God can attain to God. Only Allah can see Allah. Note:It is very important to commit Salaat constantly; just flow with the inner urge, that inner intuition. The inner voice will tell you when it is enough. If you continue in Salaat at some point you will become totally engulfed in the divine worship of Allah. It’s important to take your time and examine the beauty of each word being said in Salaat, know that you are uttering these words/ will into the universe. When you have finally ascended in a sense during Salaat you will forget everything but devotion; you will begin to utter the words with all your emotion; all your mind and energies of your being. You will become overwhelmed and may begin to cry. After long periods of time, it may be shorter with others; you will begin to feel an itching sensation between your eye brows, at that time your lower ego will urge you to stop, and scratch etc. but ignore the feeling keep your being to worship. Do not be alarmed the itching sensation is the slight awakening of your Ajna center. This is the written name of God in the forehead. We already have everything we need we just dont utilize the Supreme Wisdom. The teachings are complete our understanding of them are incomplete. We are undergoing the greatest experiment under way, the grafting back of the members of the Lost Found Nation of Islam back into the Original Man! Study your lessons; they will keep the Spirit of life in you! T.H.E.M. To the angels their lessons are their blessings! T.H.E.M. SOME OF MY FOLLOWERS ARE IN THE HEREAFTER NOW BECAUSE THEY UNDERSTOOD! T.H.E.M. The Savior and the Messenger gave us true Worship, Proper diet, how to obtain Right thinking. They taught us how to awaken our latent powers, if we just apply the teachings and adhere to the laws Perfectly. It’s hard but it can be done! Sajdah (Prostration) and its beneficial effect on the Pineal Glandby AnNur El Muhammad الله What benefits do SAJDAH (prostration) have on the Pineal Gland? And how does this Correspond with Cosmology and Scripture? SAJDAH (PROSTRATION) is the bowing position in which the palms of both hands, the toes, both knees, and the forehead (SEVEN body parts in all) are touching ground. Prostration is the only position in which the heart is positioned ABOVE the Brain and Pineal Gland where the circulation of Blood from the heart - to the Brain and Pineal goes WITH gravity, and not against it. In the position of Prostration, due to the increased blood flow to the head area, both the BRAIN, and the PINEAL GLAND – which is located in the center of the brain, receives more nourishment (oxygen, nutrients, etc) from the blood supply. This has positive effects on memory, vision, hearing, concentration, psyche and all other cognitive abilities that are processed in the BRAIN - which is the THRONE of ALLAH - the Divine Infinite Living Unseen MIND - of the Original Man. The Human BRAIN is composed of SIX basic parts: 1) the Medulla Oblongata, 2) the Pons, 3) the Mid brain, 4) the Cerebellum, 5) the Diencephalon, and 6) the Cerebrum - and is surrounded by an alkaline (electric) salty water known as Cerebral Spinal Fluid. And He (ALLAH) it is Who created the heavens and the earth in SIX periods; and His THRONE of Power is ever on water - Holy Quran; 11:7 The Pineal GlandThe PINEAL GLAND - which is a separate component located in the Center of the BRAIN - is the chief regulator of all the bodys electromagnetic frequencies - aka spirit - or any form of energy that travels in the form of waves such as light, heat, sound, thought, etc. In esoteric circles, the PINEAL GLAND is represented by the Third Eye, also associated with the 7th Chakra, and is often referred to as the SEAT of God-Consciousness. The PINEAL GLAND is ACTIVATED by Sunlight.Our Ancestor knew of the Suns ability to activate the Pineal Gland In Aboriginal Cosmology - You will find within the anatomy of Man - 12 Major Organ Systems - which correspond with the 12 Major Star Systems of the Ta-Moor-ian (Egyptian) Zodiac. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught of a Supreme Circle of 24 Original Scientists - 12 Major and 12 Minor. Each of the 12 Star Systems (Constellations) are represented by two Scientists - one from among the 12 Major, and his understudy from among the 12 Minor. 1) The Brain and Central Nervous System - which is ruled by the Constellation Aries. 2) The Endocrine (hormone) System - which is ruled by the Constellation Taurus. 3) The Respiratory System - which is ruled by the Constellation Gemini. 4) The Lymphatic (immune) System - which is ruled by Constellation Cancer 5) The Heart and Circulatory System - which is ruled by the Constellation Leo. 6) The Digestive System - which is ruled by the Constellation Virgo. 7) The Excretory System - which is ruled by the Constellation Libra. 8) The Reproductive System and organs - which is ruled by the Constellation Scorpio. 9) The Muscular System - which is ruled by the Constellation Sagittarius. 10) The Skeletal System - which is ruled by the Constellation Capricorn. 11) The Meridian System (Plexuses, Chakras) - which is ruled by the Constellation Aquarius. 12) The Integumentary System (skin, hair, nails) - which is ruled by the Constellation Pisces. The FIRST System to develop in Man - the Brain and Central Nervous System - is ruled by the First Constellation Aries - which has for its Sign - a Ram, or a LAMB. When the LAMB had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders bowed down in front of him. Each held a harp and a gold bowl full of incense, the prayers of the saints. - Revelation 5:8 - International Standard Version (©2008). All of this is symbolic of that which takes place within the Temple of God (body of Man) when Man is in the position of Sajdah (Prostration). How so? During Salat - when Man is in the position of Sajdah (Prostration) - all the 12 Major Systems and their sub-systems are bowing to and sending energy (worship) towards the LAMB - which represents the BRAIN - which is the THRONE of ALLAH - the Infinite Unseen MIND of the Original Man, and the PINEAL GLAND - the SEAT of the All Seeing Eye. This is why it is said that Man is in His Most Exalted State when in Prostration. In Islam, the times of Prayer and Prostration correspond with the positioning of the Sun. Their are NO obligatory prostrations established between Fajr (pre-dawn), and Zuhr (shortly after the Sun reaches its peak). Why - you may ask? This is because the body (in general) and the Pineal Gland (in particular) is being fed and kept ALKALINE by the light of the Sun and its strong presence between the time the Sun first appears on the horizon, while it RISES on its way to its peak or PRIME (noon), and then begins to decline (set). Again - there are no prostrations (prayers) made obligatory while the Sun is rising on its way to its full strength and brilliance. The fixed Prayer and Prostration times are BEFORE Sun rise (Fajr), immediately AFTER the Sun reaches its PRIME (Zuhr), and on the Suns DECLINE (setting) in light and power (Asr, Mahgrib, Isha). Why? The Sun keeps Mans Vibration level high and keeps His body at an alkaline balance. As the Sun fades in strength, Man too fades in both physical and Spiritual strength. The fixed ties of Salat are done so to keep the Pineal Gland, Our Thoughts and Ourselves at an alkaline balance, and to keep from waning in strength and falling into weakness / wickedness - as the Sun is waning in its strength. These are just SOME of the many reasons that the fixed times of Salat are set before the Sun appears and while it is still dark (Fajr), and when it is fading in strength - Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. HadithBukhariA narration attributed to Abu Hurairah reports: “ One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, What is faith? Allahs Apostle replied, Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection. Then he further asked, What is Islam? Allahs Apostle replied, To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan. Then he further asked, What is Ihsan (perfection)? Allahs Apostle replied, To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you. Study Guide 19: The Knowledge of Godby The Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan Master Fard Muhammad, The Great Mahdi, came to North America by himself. He is a Master with Knowledge and Understanding of the root of this world. His knowledge enables him to uproot this world and begin a new one. His complete understanding of our illness and the illness of the entire human family enabled him to design a medicine to heal us. Master Fard Muhammad is the conduit through whom the message from the Lord of the Worlds came to us. He is alive and has absolute power to bring his will into fruition because his will is in complete harmony with the eternal will of the Originator of the heavens and the earth. If Master Fard Muhammad is so powerful, why does he pray? He would not have such power if he did not pray. Through his prayer, he draws from the Power and Creation of The Originator at the point of its origination.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 21:21:39 +0000

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