Prayer Request: I had my baby girl at 2:15 on August 14, 2014.. - TopicsExpress


Prayer Request: I had my baby girl at 2:15 on August 14, 2014.. She is absolutely perfect. But unfortunately I was admitted on the 12 to be induce and after 6 rounds of one medicine (i forget the name), breaking my water then 2 does of cervadil nothing happened. I wound up getting a 103 fever at 5am on Thursday and my dr still refused to make any moves.. Any ways by 1:30 my fever still didnt leave and I wasnt dilated past 3cm I was rushed for a emergency c-section. Because of my fever my baby is now in the NICU for the next week. Turns out I developed a bacterial infection in my placenta at some point during the whole process. Im also still in the hospital on tons of antibiotics. Its extremely frustrating because I feel this could have been avoided if the DR made moves sooner. I just want to go home and be with my little girl. It absolutely kills me to leave her in a different room and now after tomorrow Ill have to leave her in the hospital. I dont normally do this but please send some prayers and good vibes our way. ~11
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:30:00 +0000

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