Prayer Requests, People updates for this week...As always, add to - TopicsExpress


Prayer Requests, People updates for this week...As always, add to this if you would like. Thanks for being people of prayer.Rob Fraser Carolyn Boley in the passing of her older sister. Dick Hall for pain relief and day to day strength. He goes back to Cleveland later this month for a pain pump procedure. Betty Wolfe requested prayers for someone she knows with colon cancer. Andy Cosper’s mom had a bad fall and hurt herself. Pray that she heals quickly. John Turner, Bill’s brother, for chemo treatments to go well. Denny Roby- has to go back to Cleveland again soon for new medicine evaluation. Dick Dutton is still not improving much (Vernice’s brother). Scott Wilson- goes back to Cleveland soon for procedures. He had a bunch of tests this past Tuesday. Ron Bunner’s father Charlie needs our prayers as his health isn’t good. Michelle Wilson asks for continued prayers for her mom and dad. Dick Wolfe has back pain that is hurting him regularly. Erik Umensetter’s aunt-Mary Jane Stevenson. Diana Farson- finishing up her 30 day sentence Wanda Hammett- finally at home- recovering from heart valve surgery Helen Amos- recovering from cellulitis Chuck Johnson, Jr- will be starting a new job soon that keeps him home more! Chris Bulluck- also has a new job coming that will benefit his family Megan Jones- baby due soon Michelle Jones- job status Denny Roby’s mother- health is failing her at 92 yrs old LeAnn Shultz- medicine being evaluated again- relief for her lung pressure From Linda Wilson: Susie, Tom Wilson- malignant mesothelioma Ruth Ann Dehoff
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:59:10 +0000

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