Prayer Requests and answered Prayers! March 7, 2014 10:22:12 AM - TopicsExpress


Prayer Requests and answered Prayers! March 7, 2014 10:22:12 AM CST Dear Friends, I have a couple of local prayer requests I’d like to pass on for your consideration in your daily prayers. Please remember these and pray that God will intervene in their lives to grant them comfort and healing. Hi, this is Darla Vance. My husband, Mark McGarvey, & I attend TCOG as often as we can with our 2 children Owen & Lily. We are requesting prayers for our 9 year old son Owen. On Wednesday, Feb 26th he was badly burned when an entire bowl of ramen noodles fell on his upper thigh. An area larger than an outstretched hand does not have skin on it. Some of it is deep. He is an out-patient at the Hillcrest burn unit. Though he is not in any pain & there are no restrictions on activity, we are very worried about him. We are still waiting to see if he will need skin grafts. Thank You Darla Vance ****************** Please also remember Jane Cochran. She has been having some difficulties recently and has been needing to use a cane to get around. The doctors are still trying to determine exactly what is wrong. If I understood correctly, they suspect a blockage but not yet sure where. She is progressively worsening and may need to soon use a walker to get around as the difficulty started with once side of her body but is now progressing to both sides and making walking difficult. Urgent prayers are needed to help her discover the problem and recover fully. ******************* I recently received the following from Ilya Kononchuk and wanted to pass it on to share in his praise! O Victory in Jesus! Some of you may know that I tore my ACL (2nd time) at the end of January. Diagnosis revealed a severe injury which required surgery and would put me out 3+ months. I sucked it up like a pirate and hobbled along until the following Sabbath services where I would be anointed before scheduling any additional testing. That same night, I felt an incredible response in my entire leg, a sensation of extreme heat and pressure as if my leg was going burst into flames. Yesterdays results shocked me and the doc! My ACL was no longer torn. The injury reduced to a minor fracture in tibia and torn meniscus. Praise God my Healer! I didnt want a man patching me up, rather Gods intervention. It was His firm hands squeezing my clay leg back together, but leaving a little behind to let me know how fragile I am and how dependent I am on His intervention for a full recovery. Even though meniscus surgery is minor (20 mins) and takes 2 days to recover I prefer Gods firm hand squeezing my puny knee over the scalpel. Thank you for your continued prayers and All Glory Be To Our Awesome God, Forever Amen!!!!!! Ilya from: Richard J. Gawith Tulsa Church of God
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:05:57 +0000

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