Prayer Response. March 31 Heavenly Father, We come to You - TopicsExpress


Prayer Response. March 31 Heavenly Father, We come to You with prayers today as we uplift the needs of the sick, the lost, the lonely, those who are suffering from personal concerns, those who are grieving the loss of loved ones, and those whose unspoken requests go from their heart to Yours, help us Lord we pray. Today we asked for prayer warriors to uplift the name of one person to You in prayer that they did not think would be prayed for otherwise, and Lord we have added very many names to be prayed over. For this we give You the glory that people are being prayed for that they will feel the power of prayer within them. Father, we thank You for our lives, as we give You praise for Your mercy and grace that surround us each day that we live. Please guide us through life and help us make peace with others. Let Your peace surround our families, and be in everything we do. Let Your angels of peace go with us always and stay by our side until we return to You once more. Lord, sometimes each of us feels as if we can bear no more, that its just more than we can stand, but Lord thats when we need You most, to guide us through life. Lord, forgive us for our fleshly bodies as we need you to lead us beyond our worldly troubles. Heavenly Father, We are your servants and we come before you today in need of hope. There are times Father, when we truly feel helpless, There are times when each of us feels weak and alone. We pray for hope, Lord. for a better future and life. We need You to grant us the vision for love and kindness to others as we walk in Your light, and live within our faith. Remember all of our friends who are ill, whom we now uplift to Your compassionate mercy for healing. Comfort them in their pain and ease their suffering. We pray because no healing is too hard for You Lord, if it be Your will. Father, hear our prayers for the sick folks in our lives and for all who are in need. In those who have mental and physical suffering, please may there be comfort in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you heal wounds, cure illness, and make broken bodies whole again. May these folks find lasting health and deliverance, and join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Father, We pray earnestly for people who have allowed their anger to become a tool of wickedness. Help us to curb our voices, that we do not cause discord or strife in the lives of others. Lord, guide us all to be gentle and loving in word and deed we pray. We pray that You bless our friends with Your loving care, renew their strength, and heal what ails each one in Your loving name. Touch each life which You have created, now and forever. Father, we pray for the many unspoken prayer needs that our friends have asked us to offer up intercessory prayers for, and You know how much they need You and Your comfort in their lives. Please let them feel Your love right now to help them through the storms they face. Lord, be the foundation in our homes and provide us Your salvation, comfort and peace. Lord help those whose families have children with special needs. Lord please help the children and their families to be able to find what will best meets the needs of their families. Protect them from the world that does not understand. Lord there are families who are struggling under extreme financial stress. Please help them, Father to weather the hard times and get back on their feet again. Teach them to live within their financial means, to learn how to make ends meet and to know the wisdom of savings. We ask that You show us how to stop those whose hardened hearts are running away from You. Make their hearts hear what You have done for each of them. Save them Lord as salvation dictates they become you children. Provide and protect our elderly and our children and those whose minds cannot think alone. Protect those who protect our country and see them safely home. Lord, our world is teetering at the edge of an outbreak of another war, please Lord let peace prevail. Lord we thank You for all things, especially the gift of our salvation. You, who are the source of health and healing, the spirit of calm and peace, give to us such a awareness of your presence that we may be granted health and strength and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord we ask for salvation for all who still do not know You and Your grace and merciful goodness. Thank You, Lord for our lives and for Your mercy, Amen
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:17:38 +0000

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