Prayer Response Nov 25 Dear Lord, We thank you for this day - TopicsExpress


Prayer Response Nov 25 Dear Lord, We thank you for this day and the interactions we have had where we have been able to sow our seeds of faith for you. Father we hope we have shown love to the angels that you sent to us that we should entertain unawares, as You have requested us to do. Father, stretch forth Your arm which is all healing and health, and cure all those for whom we pray. Please raise them from his/her bed and pain. Dismiss the spirit of weakness which is in them and drive it far from their pains, wounds, chills, fever and weakness. If he/she has sins, please forgive them in Your love for mankind. O Lord, have compassion on us, Your creation, in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom You are blessed, with Your life-giving Spirit, now and always. We come in Your Holy Name to claim healing and peace for our brothers and sisters who have been walking through some tiring and hard times. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we come in faith to ask intercession for their suffering. Lord what we ask in faith, we know you will hear. This Lord is our prayer: anoint your children and cover them Father in your mercy and grace. Give them the strength to fight their diseases and to get through the treatments that incapacitate them! Lord heal your good servants we pray today. Lord, we ask your mercies upon us as we witness to the unsaved. Father, help us to be courageous in our witness and help us to help gather in our brothers and sisters that they will come to You. Lord it is a great task we face. Father touch us that we will be filled with the holy spirit who will guide our mouths to say the best witness and help to plant the seeds of conversion in their hearts. Lord, we come before You for all who do not know You as savior, that they be saved, and that You will uplift Your children each day that we grow in our trusting faith of Your guidance and merciful love. Lord, we pray for the unspoken requests that you hear our pleading hearts and have mercy upon the troubles that are tormenting their lives. Father we ask that you mend broken hearts and broken homes, and to give peace where conflict now exists. Lord to each person who has brought forth a need today, we ask that You bring resolution and give them the help that they need to come to peace within. We pray today for our nation and ask Lord your mercies on those who lead this nation. Lord, we are in a state of great peril both economically and as a position of world leadership. Lord we pray that You will guide us back to be one nation under God again. Be with those who have left loved ones and gone to death and provide comfort to those that they have left at home. Bless the elderly and let us not forget that they held us in their arms to love us that we may return that love to them. And finally, bless the children, Father, that they will have their physical and emotional needs met and that they will grow in love. Father, teach us to love, not for ourselves, but for You. May the love You have allowed to go through us be shared with our brothers and sisters to create a revival of the holy spirit. Lord, be with us we pray that we will love our brothers and sisters as ourselves, that we will forgive one another, and that we will witness to others in testimony of our love for You. Forgive us Lord we pray, Amen
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:49:23 +0000

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