Prayer at Dergah al-Farah - August 28, 2014 Amin. Peace and - TopicsExpress


Prayer at Dergah al-Farah - August 28, 2014 Amin. Peace and blessing be upon all souls. Peace and blessing be upon the mothers of the faithful. Peace and blessing be upon the spirit of the mother, caretaking, and guiding, and compassionate, and tender, and subtle. Peace and blessing be upon the spirit of the father, caretaking, and compassionate, and protective, and watchful, prayerful. Peace and blessing be upon all humanity and upon every human soul, O Allah. Peace and blessing be upon Your beloved, and the beloved of Your beloveds. Peace and blessing be upon the blessed Muhammad, upon his wives, his mother, his father, his daughters, his sons, his inheritors. Peace and blessing be upon this magnificent radiance of light which is the Nur Muhammad shining through every cell of existence. O Allah, may the divine consciousness lift humanity into the level of Ya Sami, Ya Basir, the One Who is Seeing, Who is Hearing, the One who is Knowing, the One who is Guided, O Allah. Please increase the diving consciousness within the hearts of humanity, and awaken the beautiful mind of humanity, that mind which is submitted, which is submitted to the truth and submitted to the heart of love, and which allows itself to be guided by the guidance of the messengers, O Allah. Please protect humanity from the negativity which is in the human cells, which has been placed there for the divine pattern and the divine purpose, for the manifestation of the highest levels of compassion and forgiveness, O Allah. But please may humanity overcome this, may humanity triumph and be victorious. May the human heart shine forth, pure and brilliant and luminous, simply as the light of Allah within the light of Allah. Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah!Raise Your saints and the light of Your messengers, to stand and to pray to You, to praise You, so that You are pleased, until You are well-pleased, and that you extinguish the fires of negativity in our human family, O Allah. Please protect those who are innocent and protect those who are in need of protection, O Allah, and protect those who are seeking help, protect those who are crying and in despair, O Allah. May the power of Your saints, may the power of love triumph. Amin, Amin, Amin. Ya Efendi! Ya Nur! Ya Latif, Ya Hazreti Pir! O all the Pirs, form this circle of light and love around our human family, all radiating the light of Rasulullah, and the light of all the messengers and prophets and the mothers of the faithful. Amin, Amin, Amin. And may the highest levels of Quran be followed, O Allah. - Fariha Fatima al-Jerrahi
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:29:24 +0000

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