Prayer brigade request: Hello Facebook, Last Friday, - TopicsExpress


Prayer brigade request: Hello Facebook, Last Friday, November the 14th 2014 my wife and I mailed to the US Supreme Court our Petition For Writ Of Certiorari. What that is is a petition invoking US Supreme Court jurisdiction in Our fraudclosure case. As I understand the rules, if I invoke diversity jurisdiction (We actually invoked four types of jurisdiction along with the tenets of Haines v Kerner 404 US 519 (1972)) they must take this case absent any opposition from opposing counsel. At item 1, of page 6 of Our Petition we serve imperative judicial notice of the fact that no lawful opposition will be served Our petition by any party with any certified lawfully delegated authority to represent any alleged interest of the respondent of this Instant Case, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (DBNTC) pursuant to verification below at item 77. A verification or verification clause in a legal document as I understand it is a statement saying that We are so sure that what Weve presented in Our paperwork is true and correct that We are willing to go to jail if it is wrong, and by the same token, demand any one challenging Our presentments do so under the same conditions that if they are wrong, that they go to jail. Because of that verification clause, I know there wont be any response by the Plaintiff in Our fraudclosure case because since We started using that verification clause in the Florida Courts, the alleged Plaintiff in Our case has not served a single document into this case and the Florida Courts have been ruling against everything We file of their own volition without any input from the alleged Plaintiff of this case. Therefore, Our fear is that the USSC will deny jurisdiction just because they are traitors and have sided with the conspiracy of attorneys We expose in Our fraudclosure case. I pray that they do not betray Our Nation and Our species and that they accept their responsibility to hear this case. I ask that you to pray that the USSC does the right thing here because as We stated in Our Florida Supreme Court invocation and in previous documents served... Appellants herein express the belief, based on a reasoned and studied judgment, that this Instant Case requires immediate resolution by the Supreme Court and is of great public importance, and will have a great effect on the administration of justice throughout the state because the name Deutsche Bank National Trust Company is being used by a conspiracy of attorneys in both a Statewide and Nationwide effort to steal the equity and homes of not only Floridians but of all the American People. Appellants have been made to believe that exposing the truth about Deutsche Bank National Trust Company being used as a tool in a scheme or artifice to defraud Appellants and the American People of their real property will lead to the exposure of the fact that the majority of the “Plaintiffs” in the foreclosure cases State and Nationwide are fictitious and illegitimate. Said revelation stated above will undoubtedly lead to the revelation of the crime of Fractional Reserve Lending that has been unleashed upon Our Nation (see: Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago: Modern Money Mechanics, bottom of page 6, 6th paragraph, 2nd sentence, “Of course, they [the banks] DO NOT REALLY PAY OUT LOANS…” [emphasis added] because if “they” [the banks] do not really payout loans, then how can “they” [the banks] legitimately seek collection on loans they really didn’t pay out?) And ultimately, said revelation would expose the fraud of the US National Debt and the Global Debt because most of the global debt is born from the same Fractional Reserve “Lending” scam whereupon America’s illegitimate debt is derived. Said revelations will lead to a National and global debt jubilee that will free the world of the crushing debt slavery put upon it. Said revelation and the ensuing global debt jubilee will lead to the end of war and famine, scarcity and disease, etc., and will lead to peace, prosperity, and abundance for Our entire species world wide. That is of how much of exceptional importance this Instant Case is. The above two paragraphs are cut and pasted from Our Florida Sup. Court invocation. We cite the same in other filings also. Below is Our verification clause that weve used to shut the mouth of Our unlawful opponents. And attached to this comment thread is the PDF of Our USSC invocation. The attached invocation is primarily a history of Our Motion To Vacate Due To Fraud Upon The Court which is Our motion on appeal to the USSC right now. I offer it so that you could read it for yourself and decide on your own if this USSC invocation Ivett and I served the USSC merits your prayers or not. If you believe that what Weve done is good, please pray that the USSC does the right thing. Please share this with everyone you know and tell them to do the same and make this prayer viral. 300 million Americans praying to God that He moves the hearts of the Supreme Court judges to do the right thing like he moved the heart of Pharaoh to renig on his promise to let Israel go might cause Him to answer appropriately, If the USSC accepts this case, the wold will know peace and abundance shortly thereafter. Heres Our verification Clause: Petitioners hereby declare and proclaim under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements are true and correct and demand that whosoever challenges the facts as stated within this document, in all or in part, do so under penalty of perjury, while forfeiting any and all immunities, whether such immunities are written, assumed or implied. Furthermore, Petitioners demand that anyone challenging this Petition herein that claims to be an attorney for Deutsche Bank National Trust Company provide proof of claim that they have been delegated lawful authority to represent said Trust Company’s alleged interest in this Instant Case in the form of a certified, true and correct copy of a lawful contract signed by an officer of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company delegating lawful authority to opposing Counsel to represent the alleged interest of said Trust Company in this Instant Case as well as providing the contact information for their alleged client and alleged client’s Registered-Agent and a certified copy of their alleged client’s lawful registration, all of which are necessary to lawfully conduct business in the State of Florida. Further Petitioners sayeth not. Facebook, for some reason I cannot upload the PDF of Our Petition here on my wall but I was able to upload it in a FB Group Im a member of. Heres a link to their page where Our Petition can be read. https://facebook/groups/196499613716315/865007956865474/?pnref=story
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:39:10 +0000

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