Prayer for Pastors and Leaders this morning: #TAG your Pastors and - TopicsExpress


Prayer for Pastors and Leaders this morning: #TAG your Pastors and Leaders In Jesus name, we bind the fear of failure and the fear of man (John 14:1). Let our pastors confidence not be eroded by the daily resistance to the gospel or his vision. Allow our pastor and leaders to fear God mightily. Amen. Father, heal our shepherd’s heart of any grief caused by ministry. Bestow on our pastor and leaders a crown of beauty instead of ashes and anoint them with the oil of gladness instead of mourning. Clothe them with a garment of praise, and remove every form of discouragement and depression. We call our shepherd “an oak of righteousness, the planting of the Lord”to display Your splendor (Isaiah 61:3). Apply the promise of Your peace to our pastor, and leaders, and their families. Let them know the plans You have to prosper them, to provide a great future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Keep Pastor and leaders bathed in anointed worship. Keep them from the traditions of men and religion which deny the full presence and power of God. You promised to make Your ministers a flame of fire. Do so with our shepherd (Psalm 104:4). Grant Pastor and leaders a fresh revelation of heaven and hell that they may preach with increased unction (Isaiah 6; Revelation 4). With our shield of faith, we cover our shepherd’s mind to quench every flaming dart of doubt, or vain imagination, or mental distraction (Mark 6:5-6). Let the mind of Christ be strong in him. Lord, we stand against the enemies of our pastors, leaders and churchs prayer life, i.e.: business, compulsions, moral compromise, fatigue, fiery darts, gossip, seductions, late meetings, over commitments, and doubt. Grant our pastor and leaders an ever increasing spirit of prayer and intercession. Grant also, that nothing whatever would weaken Pastors grip regarding walking in authority for the fellowship, region, and nation. We rebuke every distraction to his devotional life with You in Jesus name (Mark 5:36). Raise up intercessors to uphold our pastor and leaders every day of every week of the year. Also, let a spirit of prayer and fasting abide with our pastor. Through prayer, preaching and teaching, cause his ministry to increase our effectiveness in the Kingdom. Lord, grant our pastor and leaders boldness to confront sin and have converts. “He who winneth souls is wise.”Honour our pastor’s stand for You. Come to his rescue. We claim a harvest for our fellowship. Lord, use Pastor and leaders to renew our church (Proverbs 18:16). Use them in an effective way to promote evangelism and holiness. Grant favour and fruitfulness. Give them the very land upon which they walk (Joshua 1:9). Again, grant them the favour, authority and harvest You have promised. Amen and Amen! Grant Pastor and leaders deep convictions and high moral standards. Do not allow them to tolerate compromise and liberalism. Guard them from an ambitious spirit. Increase their genuine desire for souls. Lord, true promotion comes from You, therefore, promote them in Your Kingdom, in Your timing. . Grant Pastor and leaders increased ability to trust in the Lord with all their heart. Let Pastors faith increase, for by it we shall inherit the promises of God. Bless our pastor and leaders with rich study time. Give them special selected readings which are full of truth, and nuggets that may in turn be taught to us. Let them preach in the energy of the Holy Spirit. May the people of our church be presented to You holy and blameless as a result of Pastors preaching and our willingness. Lord, as You answer these prayers for our leadership, we become the recipients of Your blessings. Therefore, do not withhold any good thing from them. Cause their ways to be Your ways, that our paths may be pleasing to You. Jesus, bless our pastors preaching. Bring apostolic results with signs and wonders following. Let Your presence produce great conviction. Bring the sinner to repentance. Bring the saint to holiness. Never let us be intimidated by the ‘status quo.’ Lord, grant our pastor and leaders fruitfulness in ministry. May conversions ‘stick,’May many become disciples and bear their burdens well before You. Amen. God, grant our pastor and leaders the ability to stand firm for You. Surround our pastor and leaders with men and women whos hearts are trustworthy, who walk with integrity, and who are continually thankful for their own salvation. Break off every root of bitterness with Your tenderness. Heal us of any and all roots of idolatry, intimidation, deception, immorality, false pride, and presumption. Grant us new roots of holiness, and abundant fruit of the Spirit that we may walk together in unity of relationship. We claim Psalm 133 for our pastor and leaders and church. May we see Your standard for unity. May we see lasting fruit as souls are won and kept for Your glory. Lord, grant us wisdom to build this church, and understanding to establish it so it may continue to stand for Your glory in Jesus Name! We love you Pastors and Leaders!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:50:33 +0000

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