Prayer for Sunday St. Francis composed 14 psalms of his own by - TopicsExpress


Prayer for Sunday St. Francis composed 14 psalms of his own by piecing together his own thoughts with bits of many of the psalms he prayed every day. For the next week or so we will use these as our prayer. How wonderful to become familiar with them! Psalm VI O all you, who pass by the way - attend and see, if there is a sorrow like My sorrow. Since many dogs have surrounded Me - a council of the malignant besieges Me. They indeed have considered and inspected Me - they have divided for themselves My vestments and upon My garment they have cast lots. They have pierced My hands and My feet - and they have numbered out all My bones. They have opened above Me their mouth - as a lion seizing and roaring. As water have I been poured out - and all My bones have been dispersed. And My heart has become like molten wax - in the middle of My belly . Dried up as an earthen pot is My virtue - and My tongue adhered to My throat. And they gave Me gall for My food - and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink. And into the dust of death they have lead Me - and upon the sorrow of My wounds they have added sorrow. I slept and I rose - and My Most Holy Father took Me up with glory. Holy Father , Thou has held My right hand ~ and in Thy will Thou has led Me - and with glory Thou has assumed Me. For what is there for Me in Heaven - and apart from Thee what have I wanted on earth? See, see that I am God, says the Lord - I shall be exalted among the nations and I shall be exalted on the Earth. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who redeems the souls of His servants from His very own Most Holy Blood - and does not forsake all who hope in Him. And we know, that He comes - that He comes to judge with justice.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:25:40 +0000

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