Prayer for Today..... Our Father and our God, thank you for - TopicsExpress


Prayer for Today..... Our Father and our God, thank you for today, thank you for the gift of life, thank you for being here with us and always for us. Lord, we come with grateful hearts for you have answered our prayers , we believe that your hand is upon us Lord. Lord, we ask and call for the opportunity to be closer to you; To taste the power of Jesus cleansing blood, may we keep before us your promise of the bright mansion already prepared for us. Your grace Lord is sufficient to elevate us from whichever conjuncture we are facing. Lord give us grace, and opportunity to walk daily with you for it is a place of no more wanting, a place solemn and sweet to share. Lord our righteousness is as was prophesied by Isiah-filthy rags, yes Lord they are we acknowledge it, cleanse us one more time may we stand for you, thank you for the blessed hope, to be raised from this sin sick world and to live with you forever. Lord, prepare our minds, soul and body to be always pure for your service. Today as we start a new week be with us and guide us. We put before you our different points of need Lord. May your will be done. Your kingdom come and your grace abound. For this is our asking in Jesus name. Amen. Sam Barks from Suba, Homabay County Lives in Migori County, Kenya
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:37:12 +0000

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