Prayer for Wednesday St. Francis composed 14 psalms of his own - TopicsExpress


Prayer for Wednesday St. Francis composed 14 psalms of his own by piecing together his own thoughts with bits of many of the psalms he prayed every day. For the next week or so we will use these as our prayer. How wonderful to become familiar with them! Psalm II Lord God of My salvation - at day I shout and at night before Thee . Let there enter into Thy sight My pleading - incline Thy ear to My prayer. Stretch to My soul and free her - on account of My enemies rescue Me. Since Thou art He who have drawn Me from the womb ~ My hope from My mothers breasts - upon Thee have I been cast forth from the womb . From My mothers womb Thou art My God - do not withdraw from Me. Thou know My reproach and My confusion - and My reverence. In Thy sight are all, who oppress Me - reproach did My heart expect and misery. And I endured, one who would be made sad at the same time and he was not - and one who would console Me, and I found him not. God, the iniquitous have risen up against Me - and the synagogue of powers sought My soul and they did not set Thee forth in their own sight. I have been reckoned with those who are descending into the lake - I have been made free as a man without assistance among the dead . Thou art My Most Holy Father - My King and My God. Stretch to My assistance - Lord God of My salvation.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:01:19 +0000

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