Prayer for the Unreached Peoples’ Groups! Day 27 Prayer for - TopicsExpress


Prayer for the Unreached Peoples’ Groups! Day 27 Prayer for Sub-Saharan Africans: Peoples of the Sahel, Fur, Chadic, and Masalit Father, we thank You for writing on our hearts these prayers for the unreached people in the 10/40 window! You have enlightened us with Your understanding that they are to hear in their own language Your plan for salvation! We are Your oxen…tramping out the land…so that the seed goes forth and comes up throughout! Like the walls of Jericho came down through obedience of Your servant Joshua and all with him, we thank You for our assignment to demolish the walls holding all those in the 10/40 window captive! You, Jehovah Saboath, Captain of the hosts, have sent forth Your 2 armies…the angelic hosts…and we Your prayer warriors! We have asked for India and all the 10/40 window…all reached and unreached! We declare JESUS is LORD over the 10/40 window. Gloooorrrrryyyyyy!!!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!! Father, we thank You for writing on our hearts the prayer that we have prayed. We praise You for all the strongholds that are toppling now! We praise You for Your promise to demolish the strongholds in our homes, communities, churches, cities, states, nations, and in the world! All gods bow to the ONE TRUE GOD! All names bow!! buddhism, hinduism, islamism, communism, socialism, animism, demonism and every ism both named and unnamed that has risen to be followed…all bow to the name of Jesus! All sorcery, witchcraft, black and white magic…all powers seen and unseen that are named anywhere throughout the earth…you must bow to the Name Above All Names…JESUS is KING of KINGS!!! JESUS is LORD of LORDS! Every name that exalts itself above the Name of Jesus must bow! All principalities and powers of the air are under the feet of JESUS, and we the Church stand and triumph…taking dominion over every wickedness in high places! We cast down all imaginations…every argument that exalts itself above JESUS! NO GOD but JEHOVAH! JESUS means JEHOVAH SAVES! Wooo Hooooo!!!!! We Your Church LORD recognize our authority in Your NAME! We have the Keys to the KINGDOM! We bind and loose according to YOUR WORD!! We tread upon the serpents and scorpions of the antichrist spirit that is here and has been since You left LORD! We finally get it! It is finished! You said so! Now we simply take our place as the revealed Sons of God! We know we as women are sons because the Son of God is in us! Just as all the Body are the Bride of Christ…not male or female…Hallelujah! LORD, we praise You for all the victories…all the connections…all that You have put in motion by our going to India. Thank You for Asha…and for all the women arising to gather and cry out for their mandals, their districts, their states! Thank You for those reached in the open air conferences and the secret places, LORD! Bless all the sons and daughters hearing the cry and going forth in Jesus’ Name! We praise You LORD for all the children rising up in the 5-fold ministry…so many young evangelists LORD, bringing parents and grandparents to JESUS! Thank You LORD for all the equipment needed…all the funding to pay for translations, printing, fuel, postage, and all distribution costs and sending forth evangelists, pastors, teachers into the Harvest of the villages and forests, in Jesus’ Name. Father we lift up India in Jesus’ Name! We declare the Church of India will truly walk in Christ…shining so brightly…lifting up Jesus who will draw all the lost! We declare all Hindu and Muslim brothers and sisters of India be saved! They shall know the Truth and be set free!! Woo Hooo!!! We declare all the Hindu and Muslim militant groups see the Christ lifted up before them and come to the Knowledge of the Truth! We forgive them for hating Jesus and all that follow Him just as Christ has forgiven us! We forgive seventy times seven! We will not retain their sins against them! We are the forgiven and we forgive all who trespass against us! In Jesus’ Name! We declare the political leaders will judge fairly in Jesus Name! We say NO to religious intolerance in Jesus’ Name! LORD, we praise You for our new horizon of making connection with all those from Fiji that You have sent forth and stationed…all the lay lines…for Women Who Pray to reach and unite to pray in ONE VOICE in the nations!!! O Father we can see it happening now! We can see where demolition teams are all throughout the earth…prayer warriors with the job to detonate…to take down all the strongholds in each nation. Wooooooo Hoooooo We are Believers LORD! We Believe and keep on Believing…standing on these precious promises from now and forever! We occupy until You come! Your Kingdom Come Your Will Be Done!!! In Jesus’ Name!!! Amen and Amen!!!!! Father we join our prayer with Germaine as she has alerted us to the current condition in Africa… We thank You LORD for Psalm 91 over all of Your children Father! We who dwell in the secret place of the Most High abide under the shelter of the Almighty! We say of the LORD, He is our refuge and our fortress! He is OUR God and in Him we trust! Surely He delivers us from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He covers us with His feathers and under His wings we take refuge. His Truth is our shield and buckler! We are not afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand…but it does not come near us! But it shall not come near us…Because we make the LORD our refuge…and our dwelling place…NO Evil befalls us! No plague comes near our dwelling! For God gives His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways! They bears us up in their hands so that we not dash our foot against a stone. We tread upon the lion and the cobra…the young lion and serpent we trample underfoot! Because we set our love upon Him…HE DELIVERS US! HE SETS US ON HIGH BECAUSE WE KNOW HIS NAME!!! WE CALL UPON HIM AND HE ANSWERS US!! HE IS WITH US IN TROUBLE! HE DELIVERS US AND HONORS US! WITH LONG LIFE HE SATISFIES US AND SHOWS US HIS SALVATION!! We thank You LORD for pouring out Your Spirit on World Outreach Missions and all other Believers! Illumine them LORD! We declare YOUR LIGHT in them so bright that they SHINE so brightly that the FEAR of GOD penetrate all that are there! In JESUS” NAME, Amen and Amen!! Father if the ebola virus was released as even the hiv virus was also reported…if they were released on this area of Africa… to do away with it…as we hear some say! We say NO!!! NO to hiv and to ebola in Jesus’ Name!!! We say NO to any scheme of genocide to erase any people group in this earth…for You LORD JESUS CHRIST laid down Your life for them. Father we lift up the Papuan people group located in West Papua/New Guinea/Indonesia. We say NO to the genocide that has been and continues to take place of these precious people that You shed Your Blood for! We stand in the gap and we cry out NO MORE GENOCIDE in JESUS’ NAME!!!!!!! Thank You LORD for my precious sister in Christ sharing this with me last night! Why we in America are not knowing that this is going on by the day is an atrocity in itself! Where’s our free press LORD? We call it to come in the U.S. that we not be only given what our government wants us to hear! Stand up Church! Stand in the gap for the Papuans in Jesus’ Name! Amen and Amen!!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:01:08 +0000

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