Prayer is a fundamental part of the Christian life . It is a - TopicsExpress


Prayer is a fundamental part of the Christian life . It is a dialogue with God, not a monologue. It is not a recitation of verses that we have learned by heart or a list of formulas that are mechanically repeated. Prayer is a father and son who sit together. The child is for his father to present needs. The father himself took the floor and said, My son , I love you , thats why I listen to you and answer you. In this way , God is not distant , he became not only my Father, but my first partner. An intimate relationship develops between him and me. Why Christians Should Pray? Jesus taught prayer. He did not say if you like , but when you pray (Luke 11:2 ) or when you pray (Matt. 6:5). Prayer is not an option : we must pray . None of us do not eat on a voluntary basis . The food is an absolute necessity for the human body. When a Christian does not pray regularly, it does not receive the spiritual nourishment it needs. Then it weakens, nothing succeeds him, he does not understand why it is not fulfilled. He asks questions, he runs to the left and right , but has no solution. No, prayer is not optional . We must pray for the Lord Jesus Christ himself prayed. If he, the incarnate God , was continually pray to be in contact with his Father , what about us ? Jesus knew that a day can not be successful without first talking with God the Father. Many pitfalls that we can not see ahead throughout a day. If we do not pray in the morning , Satan takes away all the signposts along the way. Thus, the first dangerous turn , seeing no sign , we rush spiritually without being able to hold the road and its a disaster . We ask : Why Lord did you let this happen to me? Yes , prayer is essential. Prayer is not just ask , but first communion with the Father, tell him how grateful we are , how we love it. Then his heart rejoices, he is happy to have a child who remembers him . Prayer is necessary when we have a big decision to make It allows us to know Gods plan for our lives. Jesus prayed the whole night before choosing his disciples ( Luke 6:12 ) . Divine being , he could know and say you come here. But no, he climbed the mountain to pray , for he said : My food is to do the will of my Father. Many of us are in trouble because we never asked God s advice before making a decision. For example: On the advice of skilled people, people bought a house. But two years later, a foul plant was built close to home, it is no longer possible to sleep . Then you go to God : Why did not you tell me we had to build a factory in two years that would pollute my house? And God replied: Did you ask my opinion before you buy? You had legal advisers , technicians, but I am the counselor counselors. I know the end before the beginning. Your advisors know as analyze , evaluate , but they do not know what tomorrow will be. It is I who hold your hands in mine . Its the same with the choice of the profession of our children. Following tests and various boards, the child engages in a way . Then is faced with great difficulties. s father , mother running from one specialist to another. But nobody can say , we never asked God for his opinion ! Prayer is essential in time of temptation (Luke 22:39-44 ) How many people cry, cry today because their life is ruined. When the temptation is reached , they did not go on his knees before God. Therefore , when there is the temptation , Jesus exhorts us : Pray , pray, that ye enter not into temptation. Jesus himself away , he kneels , prays , it is to a great temptation , that do not go to the Cross. He is pure, how can he take upon himself the sins of men ? This is unbearable. The flesh refuses, but the flesh Jesus submits to the Spirit. How ? Through prayer. The flesh should not lead us, it must be submitted in mind. Nobody ever put a car before the locomotive. The flesh is the wagon. The flesh has no value if the spirit that is in us is not the locomotive. The flesh will return to dust one day , while the spirit is eternal. The mind must draw the soul ( feelings, emotions, mind, will ) as the locomotive pulls the wagon. This is possible only when we pray to the temptation. This is why Jesus taught us to pray : Father lead us not into temptation (Matt. 6:13 ) . If we let the tempter come , he is like a roaring lion , says the apostle Jacques , it turns seeking whom he may devour . Let us away ! One rainy day , you say to a friend: Come under my umbrella . And he comes to shelter . At one point , he tells you : I have more confidence in you. It takes away from your umbrella, you can not protect it, despite your friendship. God , morally , can not protect someone with his umbrella if the person does not remain under his authority. The authority on earth is lost - especially in the family - thats why our company is insolvent . The authority of God is set aside. There is only one solution : to find respect for the sovereign authority of God. In Gethsemane , Jesus prayer has helped him to defeat the cross of Calvary. Pierre , who has not prayed in Gethsemane , failed when the cross came , he denied Jesus and wept bitterly . Faced with temptation, we must pray . Different forms of prayer Prayer is a spiritual battle in which we must engage . We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and the Lord needs soldiers . Intercede is presenting a situation where a man of God, that He intervenes so majestic in these circumstances. In Exodus 17:8-16 , Moses went up on the mountain to pray. He raised both hands , which meant Lord I can not do without you, I m nothing without defense , youre my defense , you are my support, my rock. When Moses held up both hands , Joshua was filled with power and repulsed the enemy army. When Moses lowered his arms tired , the enemy army had the upper hand. Then came the Aaron and Hur intercessors . They held the arms of Moses until the evening. And Joshua could fight and destroy the Amalekites . This is valid for the Church , pastors also . Sometimes pastors engaging in battle back and watch the church has given up ! Every pastor needs intercessors behind him. People of God, if you want to avoid that pastors fall into depression , intercede behind. This is a real fight . If we can not come to church , take ten or fifteen minutes and pronounce the name of the pastor and leaders asking God to give them fresh food. Christians are tired of eating food kept in refrigerators ! They try to eat anything else and turn to new philosophical religions , Eastern , giving them seemingly good things, but that will destroy them. To avoid these pitfalls , pray for pastors. Prayer ask and receive. Everyone who asks receives (Luke 11:5,10 ) . When we receive , we know that God has answered . But people say, I prayed , I hope that God will answer . When you buy bread, you do not say to the baker : I hope you will give me bread one day , when Im hungry, I ll come see you ... When we ask God for something , He answers us. That is why our prayer must be precise. If you say, God bless me and he sends rain when you need healing , rain is it a blessing to you ? We must ask God specific if you want to receive things . Pray according to Gods will (1 John 5:14-15 ) If we ask anything according to his will , God listens to us . He tends his ear. And if we are sure that God listens to us , we already have something in our pocket . We must pray according to Gods Word and His promises. If I have a specific need , I must seek the Word of God to lean on my faith. God is bound to His Word. This promise of God allows me to tell him : You said , Lord, You failliras not , youre not a man to lie I have confidence in what you say . . . God is pleased when he sees a man , a woman who reminds him of his promises . Speak to the Mountain If anyone says to this mountain, Get out there and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be accomplished . and whatever you ask in prayer , believe that you have received it and then it will be yours . (Mark 11:23.24 ) An example: The disease destroys you , it destroys your family. You do not have the right to remain motionless in front of the mountain . You have the power that God has given you in prayer. Say to this mountain . Disease , you do not have the right to abuse my child, my husband I received of the Father the strength, power , authority, and I command thee , sickness, to leave my home because it belongs to Jesus Christ. Do we not feel sorry about ourselves . This amounts to saying to God : You see, I suffer and you do nothing for me. In reality, it is the accused . Let us persevere and move forward , even if we wait to see the fulfillment as was the case with Elijah (1 Kings 18). Obstacles to prayer Some things can block our prayers. Sin. Isaiah 59 says that Gods ears are not deaf , his arm is not too short, but only our sins are an impediment between him and us. Lack of forgiveness . Many Christians are bound by unforgiveness . This blocks , it creates diseases. The church is filled with people who have hatred against each other and do not want to forgive. So God does not grant the prayer of someone who does not forgive. (see Mark 11:20-26 ) The disbelief. It is impossible to please God without faith (Heb. 11:6 ) . This is normal, you can not be friends with God if you do not trust what he says. Occult practices . Satan understood that Westerners are , then it is a form of intellectual . He says that God does not exist, you will need to ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse you , because you are civilized . Then Satan proposes new solutions : yoga and all kinds of practices. Satan is a blackmailer , a senior intellectual, because it is the most powerful angel. He knows the man, he knows what the man wants. He hides behind a lot of things to send . Today, the western world is caught in the lethargy of Eastern spirituality . Asia , Africa and Latin America are continents filled with magic and witchcraft. And Europe is open to all. If you give your finger to the devil , he will take to the elbow. When he has his elbow , hell take the neck . And when he has neck, hell sink into the mud . I am a former practitioner of these things I speak knowingly . Caution! These practices destroy man and block your prayers.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:10:10 +0000

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