Prayer is a remarkable force ive never really dissected it before - TopicsExpress


Prayer is a remarkable force ive never really dissected it before but I know how powerful it is .It is source of power we can access anywhere anytime .We can send them anywhere .When we come together in prayer even though separated by hundreds or thousands of miles it does not diminish its power .Its universal used by every religion and available to every person .God in his wisdom gave us all access to it .Ive witnessed its power in my life more times than I can count .When my son was four years old I got so sick I was taken in an ambulance to the hospital .As I lay there in the emergency room I knew death was lurking nearby .I turned my face to the wall and prayed .I told God I could not go right now I have a son to raise and I asked for more time .The Doctor came to my bedside and told me they would need to do exploratory surgery in the morning .I looked him in the eye and said that wont be necessary .He replied I dont think you understand what I mean .I responded I think I do ...your telling me Im going to die if I dont have the operation .He said thats correct .I told him to sign me out I was going home if was going to die it would be in my own bed .I went home still sick and hurting .As I lay in my bed I was getting worse and thought I cant take anymore of this Im going to have to go back to the hospital .Then I heard a small voice in my mind saying hold on .So i reached down to the depths of my being and held on .An hour later I felt a little better .The next morning I was back to normal.keep on keepin on .
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:09:34 +0000

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