Prayer list 11/18/2013 * indicates update or added today I - TopicsExpress


Prayer list 11/18/2013 * indicates update or added today I would like to give each of you a challenge for each and every day with this prayer request that each should already be praying, GOD please put someone in my path this day that I might be a blessing to that I may show them the love of JESUS living in me >This prayer list is one of the ministries of Mountain View Ministries Helping Hands thanks for being a part >do you believe in prayer , prayer spreads like fire , copy , paste , post 1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. ... >PRAYERS FOR LITTLE ONES *>MARY BETH MOORES BABY, she delivered last week and the baby is scheduled for surgery on 11/19 to put a shunt in and if all goes well in a couple of weeks they will take a vein from the neck and connect to the heart >FRONTLINE BIKER CHURCH OK peeps calling on our prayer warriors, please remember our youngest grandson AIDEN as hes got to have a procedure done in the morning. Thanks in advance for all your prayers. UPDATE Thanks for the Prayers Little Aiden is out of surgery and doing great thanks again and thank you Lord for watching over our Grandson >COLE CROSS a brittle bone disease and cancer lets lift up this entire family , Darrin, Jessica, Cole and Hayley >UPDATE FROM COLES MOM Jessica Cross Cole has had two good days! He has had a lot less pain and a lot more fun, including many visits and the cancelled birthday party that friends brought to him is the hospital. We are very blessed with great friends and family! >HAYLEY CROSS this is COLES sister she has Cystic Fibrosis >SILAS HUFFMAN needs a heart The Berlin Heart is now doing the pumping work for his failing heart. The external pump is a bridge to transplantation for children in advance heart failure. The ...hope is to buy the 5-month-old time until a donor heart can be found. Silas father, a member of Casting Crowns, tweeted that they are now prayerfully waiting for that donor heart to comes through >BELLA CLEVER this is a 9 year old girl that is having extremely bad chronic pain mainly headaches , she having a really hard time right now , > JOEY ADAMS 10 yr old He is the son of Dr. Joe and Heidi Adams. He has a seizure disorder and just went through a craniotomy, brain mapping and then a partial resection at the Childrens Hospital in Ohio. He is doing good and they are on their way home. I would just like everyone to keep him and the rest of their family (4 other little boys and one on the way!) In their prayers as they go through the unknown in the next few weeks and months >ADDYSON this request comes from a concerned grandmother ADDYSYN, AMANDA , SHEILA >ELLA LAWSON this came in from Makinnas mom she is 9 years old and is being treated for lieukemia at Vanderbuilt and was recently discharged. Her family has to stay there a minimum of 6 months until they can come home. *>MAKINNA HESS that her heart continues to get stronger daily Makinnas hip is hurting this morning along with her arm again! So Tylenol again around the clock for the day! She has alot going on in the next few weeks! A pageant this weekend and then she was asked to be in the Christmas parade in our town and ride a float as a special Guest! How cool is that?! Boy is she excited! Then she has a biopsy on the 25th then Thanksgiving! We couldnt say thank you enough to our community who has helped us in every way they could! We love you guys! Please keep Makinna in your prayers along with Eric Smith the missing hunter in our town pray they find him, today has been a week since anyone has seen or heard from him! > AIDEN PARSONS 5 weeks old she was born with a huge birthmark on the side of her head and the doctors was to do some testing on it. So she had a biopsy done, Aiden Update: Results are in and its negative for cancer but it is still high risk spot for cancer to start so the drs still want to remove it. I will post more when I get dates for surgery! >the unborn infant of Marybeth Moore that upon delivery will need heart surgery immediately >WESTON KEETON is a 6 year-old awaiting a heart and double lung transplant >TAYLOR 8 years old continued prayers of healing and strength and for his parents >CODY GOBLE 12 year old with a malignant tumor on his neck >JESSE SCOTT 5 YR OLD with growing and muscle control problems doctors are unable to diagnose his illness UPDATE, still no change at this point keep lifting him up URGENT PRAYER NEEDED *>DONDRA WILSON goes for her first ultra-sound this morning at 10 >MARSHAL HONAKER JR. he was in ICU with surgery on his foot due to diabetes. Pray he can beat this and not let anymore infection invade his body. >KYLE OVERTON this is our CMA brother Marks dad he is in a hospital in Knoxville with a large stomach aneurism that is leaking, they are keeping him comfortable >JAYDAWG LOGAN Prayer Warriors, Please lift up Jay JayDawg Logan who went down last night on Market St. in Greensboro NC. As of now details are sketchy re what happened. JayDawg is in 3rd floor ICU at Moses Cone. He suffered some head trauma, broken bones and internal injuries and may have some hearing issues as a result but all this is preliminary right now. Please pray for his complete healing. Submitted by Rhett Macomson Chapter Elder BFC-Orange County NC >NEIL PRICE she has a biopsy on a place on her breast tomorrow 11/13 to determine if its malignant >SHIELA MILLER she is sick and has been for several days >BILL HOLEY Bill went to the doctor and they have found a mass on his kidney which may possibly be cancer. He is likely to have surgery and may lose the kidney. Please pray for his healing and for the doctors knowledge in his treatment. >ERIC SMITH and his family not been seen since Friday morning when he left to go deer hunting, searches are going back into the area around his home again this morning >CAMMIE and the boys and family as they continue to struggle in the loss of Colten >MARYBETH MOORE she was having to take some meds which has damaged the babys heart and immediately upon delivery the baby will require heart surgery UPDATE , they will be inducing labor on the 11/13, and the baby will have to be taken straight into heart surgery , please lift up mom and baby along with physicians and all staff working on these two >JOYCE WHITE doctors have all but given up , this is Gary Garlands sister >SIRENA PERRY she is going for a job interview this morning 11/14 >TAMMY DINGUS posted a unspoken prayer request >MONICA LADEAU stage 3 cervical cancer also husband Eric these are active CMA and Abate members >there is a lady that Buster meet that I dont have the name for at Duke with brain cancer that was having a port put in her head , I will get a name when its available >SONNY HAGY we have been praying for Sonny and his battle with leukemia for several months now , the medical team at Wake Forest have sent him home telling him there is nothing more they can do and told him at best he has 2 or 3 weeks short of GODS intervention and we know GOD and GOD alone is in control of our departure date, pray for GODS healing in his time UPDATE he is back in the area , Sonny had gall bladder surgery and is on the ventilator UPDATE Sonny remains in ICU unresponsive >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >DEBBIE SOREY she had major back surgery 10/17 . got 2 rods ,plates and screws put in prayers for healing and recovery UPDATE Debbie is home prayers of healing and relief from long term pain are needed >VICKI had a double lung transplant, she is breathing on her own UPDATE she is out of ICU and now moved to clinic >RODNEY WHITE and his wife are living in the apartments where Buster is living at Duke , Rodney had a double lung transplant this week UPDATE , Rodney is out of ICU and doing good >LEVI GRIFFIS update by son Randy Griffis >BILL WATSON he was on our list for a good while and has now taken a turn for the worse cancer is back >JUDY WALTON she is in a lot of pain with her bladder , she has surgery coming up but continues to work where she has no one in place she can trust to run her business while she is down >BOB BARTLEYS DAD he is in a lot of pain something irregular in colon they fear may be cancer and a large blood clot in both lungs >GARY WHITAKER is at Vanderbilt awaiting a suitable liver and transplant >STELLA SHEETS has a large mass in her shoulder area so large it actually broke her shoulder , further tests show malignant >LARRY SHARRET UPDATE now he has pneumonia , stroke they have brought him out of the drug induced coma and he is unresponsive, without GODS intervention they are only giving him a 5% chance of living UPDATE Bobby and I went to his room on Monday he was not responsive >FREDDIE FLETCHER possible prostate cancer >AERON MARTIN total and complete healing from a stroke >MARY HANKINS after yet another battle with cancer where they removed all of her large intestines >MICHAEL GRAHAM possible liver cancer doing tests >BOB WAGNER has pneumonia, doctor says 50/50 chance at his age and physical conditions >SAMANTHA ARRINGTON found out yesterday SHE has Neurofibromatosis type 2 cancer she is just 21 & she has lost feelings in both legs & her left hand >DAVID VINSON JR >VINSON FAMILY as Davids mom and dad care for him >NANCEY LAFFERTY needs a liver transplant >BOBBY BOOHER in need of a kidney transplant and many other needs also >FRANKIE MOORE continued prayers for healing and restoration as he continues to heal up from the motorcycle accident >TANNER continue to pray for GOD to move in his recovery >KAMMI a hedge of protection >TRACY STUFFEL posted by wife LIBBY continued prayers for healing and recovery PRAYERS FOR MINISTRIES OPPORTUNITIES >SWORD AND SHIELD RIDERS Please keep in prayer our Chapter President, Craig Mercer, and his wife, our Chaplain, Tammy Mercer, as they are in Ecuador on a CMA Missions trip. May God use them divinely to intercede into the lives of the lost as representatives of Christ Jesus. >HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH MISSION TEAM Praying for the missions team from Harvest Baptist Church as they leave tomorrow morning for Jamaica and a week of construction, evangelism and ministry with Cletis Titus, Pastor Andrew and the people of Bay Life Baptist, Jamaica. >CMA MISSION TEAM Randal and Lisa will be leading a mission trip to India. Several from my home State of Georgia will be going (Dan & Karen Montgomery, Kelly & Denise Newsome and Deena Handy). We need to cover the team in prayer so please add this request to your list. They will be leaving this Saturday, Nov. 2nd. >HANK & GRACE RICHLANDS with there stepping into or up with a new position in CMA >MOUNTIAN VIEW MINISTRIES HELPING HANDS please pray , its faith partners giving time of the month again and I just want to pause and say thank you to all of our faith partners for your giving and support , you play such a vital roll in HELPING HANDS, we could never do what I do without your part in this ministry , I would also like to encourage others that have always thought you would like play a part in a ministry that you knew was at work on a daily basis in and around our communities, GOD is truly at work and adding to our ministry daily, I invite you to come on board and become a faith partner today , if interested contact us today , GOD will bless you and you will receive a blessing by helping us help spread the love of JESUS as we minister to those in need >181 motorcycle rest stop we rode over and meet the awesome folks that are running that ministry stop if your over that way stop in and visit with these fine folks you will be blessed its just this side of Morganton not to far off the parkway PRAISE WITH A GRATEFUL HEART 1Th 5:18a In every thing give thanks >PRAYER REQUESTS FOR OUR FRIENDS WITH LEUKEMIA >KEN GODWIN at Duke for bone marrow transplant >VICKY received her transplant *>BRUCE TURNER one of our CMA brothers this is his post Praise God! No better or more appropriate way to start this bone marrow transplant update! Third day of chemo therapy to clean up my own bone marrow before I receive the transplant on the 22nd. What a treat, three flavors. God remains with me and is gracious, continue to eat my meals completely. But the most awesome encouragement is, that no matter what happens, I know he is here going through it with me. P.S. , thank you Lord for my wonderful beautiful help mate. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I feel the love, and believe in the power of prayer. God bless you greatly.... >TAMMY HUMAN at Duke 24 days post bone marrow transplant UPDATE doing beter as the sores in her mouth and throat are beginning to heal >CHRIS MALINA >DON ROBINETTE recently diagnosed with leukemia and has taken a turn for the worse this a Tammy Goodmans cousin >DANNY JACKSON that leukemia stays in remision , also his wife KAREN >BUSTER MARTIN had bone marrow transplant on 10/24 , 15 days post transplant and he is doing great , keep praying a hedge of protection around his physical body >CHRIS ESTEP that leukemia stays in remission >JULIUS MILLER that leukemia stays in remission >TERRY FLOYD in great need of our prayers now there have been some spots show up on his lungs >PEGGY WITSEL >SONNY HAGGY has taken a turn for the worse CANCER FIGHTERS >BANNON MYERS >MARGIE MYERS this is Bannons wife this is the post from Troy Hollins she is in terrible bad shape. Cancer in her brain and running rampant through her body. As u all know I asked for prayer for Bannon not to long ago for cancer as well. His mom has cancer and they just a year ago lost his dad who was a great man to it. Plz plz plz pray. Ty. >CHARLES LOUCKS had three rounds of chemo and awaiting an MRI in 3 weeks to confirm that the cancer is gone >LEE PEMMONS diagnosed with stage 4 cancer >MARK WICKER He was diagnosed in March with a cancerous brain tumor. Surgery, chemo or radiation are not options. We are a family of believers, who are simply trusting God. He has already used this journey to open doors for us to share our faith with others. this was shared by wife Rhonda >PONTIAC LOWRY is going to start chemo treatments in the coming days >ROSIE DANIELS >KATHY NEAL >DON HATCHER >JODI LEONARD she was diagnosed with breast cancer on Friday 8/02 >RONNIE WOODS bone cancer in 85% of his body >MARYANN >SHERRY she continues to improve and should be released to come home soon >BRUCE STEPHENSON >MIKE SCEARCE great results on PET scan but they are going to do 10 radiation treatments on the brain just for precautionary measures >MIKE MAZZINO lung cancer has gone home from hospital >DEE SMITH >DALE OVERBAY >CINDY MORELOCK she has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer UPDATE she has began a treatment schedule that will involve a series of chemo treatments and radiation over the next 12 months >KATIE KING she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and will beginning radiation immediately >Ms. WILLE had major surgery on her nose to remove cancer and they wound up completely removing her nose , this is a very dear saint of GOD >BETTY STATZER had surgery for colon cancer on Thursday 6/6 >DICK BAILEY terminal cancer >ROBIN HYLER posted by husband James had her last radiation treatment >SHAUN going to the cancer institute of america >HASSEL TILLER had brain surgery and begins chemo on Monday >SHELIA pancreatic cancer , Sonya sister lift her up also >KAREN colon and ovarian cancer to large and advanced for surgery starting aggressive chemo , Sonya sister lift her up also >CARL NIXON recovery and strength from all the treatments >GREG so far his test results are still showing that he is improving and his cancer has reduced. >TERESA METCALF had lung cancer had one lung removed got a clean bill of health on lung cancer and now she has cancer in one of her kidneys >EULA ROARK she now has pneumonia and scan revealed another spot on her chest wall >PENNY HOLBROOK and husband DENNIS ,UPDATE she got results back on the last scan and it was all good with the exception of one spot on her lungs which they say is a spot from her breast that has gone into her lung and they diagnosed it as stage four breast cancer >SANDY KRAVITZ starting extensive chemo therapy this week >TIM FOSTER PROSTATE cancer >BENJIE in the hospital with stage 4 cancer >RONNIE FRAZIER cancer in both lungs and esophagus >NOAH STOUT still taking oral chemo , he has now resigned as pastor of Friendship Baptist >SALENA BARTLEY 38 YEAR OLD lady diagnosed with lung cancer (non smoker) tumor in brain was not cancer doctors are trying to decide what to do about the lung >RYAN MC COY just found out yesterday 1/18 a growth on his neck was cancer they are going to be aggressively treating it immediately >SUSAN DILLARD chemo treatments and victory over cancer >DARYL RYAN recovery from surgery to have his bowels reconnected PRAYERS FOR ONES WITH UPCOMING SURGERY *>JUDY having thyroid surgery *>KIM MICHAELS has a heart cath coming up *>GLEN CARR is going to have his second open heart surgery PRAYERS FOR SALVATION FOR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES >LIST OF LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS OF Jimmy and Peggy Phipps >ADAM >DELORES WALLACES GRANDSON >ROBERT WATKINS >MIKE MAZZINO >LOWERY >Tony Kilgores parents >HARLAN FRAZIER healing also >DENNIS >COLTEN salvation and drug addiction >DONNY >RYAN COOPER PRAYERS REQUESTS Gal_6:2 Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law *>Please keep Pastor Bob Johnson and family in Prayer this morning Bobs Dad went home to be with Jesus. Bob is a Member of the Emerald Coast Chapter of Heavens Saints MM *>FELICIA job issues *>LORRAINE traveling to Duke to spend time with buster and jane >DARYL BRANSON Update-Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I went to hospital yesterday did x-rays. Infection hasnt reached bone yet. Was sent to family doctor today, they couldnt do anything but set me up with a wound doctor for tomorrow. God knows whats going on . Not my will, but thine be done >JOY YVETTE FLEENOR Feeling like poo!!! Got bronchitis and two ear infections... Wheezing from my asthma and coughing my head off... Say a prayer that this goes away!! Thanks. — feeling annoyed. >MARK GODDARDS GRANDKIDS Need prayers. Daughter and granddaughters just got their car totaled. Daughter is in ambulance. Will keep informed *>MALISSA JEN dear cold, I have been with you for awhile now. ur making my whole body ache, now my ear, throat. i dont want to be with you anymore. please go away so i can feel better an do things i need to do. sincerely, cold infected... >WAYNE MORRIS is the crossing guard at Holston View School and every day that I pass him, he never fails to wave back. Today, he was struck down by a car that had too much frost on the windows. Really? Too much frost? Please pray for him and his family. He has been released from the hospital but this could have been worse and thank the good Lord that it wasnt but someone couldnt take the time to scrape frost? Get a grip! >TAMMY FLEENOR has the shingles >MISSY JONES SHAFFER Could really use some unspoken prayers right now. >HANNAH MULER missed this one from a friend of the prayer list in another country Please could you pray with me for repentance for my landlords cheating on me? Could you pray with me the LORD may bring her down on her knees before the LORD and that GOD will save her ?? could you help me praying for another home... BUT I need the LORDS provision in all... I dont know where he wants me to be.... but here it is not well. To many things to explain but the LORD knows........... Thank you for praying with me... something need to change here..... I told my friends she is visiting a forthtelle, I mean a witch and this is what is happen here witchcraft tries to rule me since 18 month... daily fights......... >ALMA STOPHEL pneumonia talked to her yesterday seems she is feeling some beter >CLARA COX sinus infection >HAROLD MACROSKEY recovery from back surgery >RANDY GRIFFIS recovery from dental surgery >GENNY HAWTHORN >HOWARD BROWN my dad is doing good needs the wound on his chest to close up doctors hope it to be healed in about 4 weeks prayers of protection against infection >DARYL McKinney borrowed a friends motor cycle and had an accident on it yesterday 10/28 >RANDY WHEELER having thyroid issues UPDATE Saw the Surgeon this morning, my surgery will be next Friday the 15th. Not sure what time yet. Thanks for all the prayers. I saw and talked to him Sunday night neck is so swelled up lets lift our brother up >DONDRA WILSON AND DAVID they have found out this week that she is expecting, I am asking for dedicated daily prayers for this little one and its soon to be mother , prayer warriors this is a major commitment >>BEAR ALPERIN talked to Pontiac this morning said Bear is doing beter that they have adjusted his meds, keep the prayers going up >DON GALLOWAY recovery from surgery he is experiencing a great deal of pain *>JOYCE HENSLEY chronic severe back pain UPDATE they doing some test now for the possibility of cervical cancer >JAMES WALTON prayers of strength to deal with temptation and pressures of this life, UPDATE spent some time on the phone last night with him , he is in need of our prayers , he is standing at a cross road in his life >DANIEL JOSHLIN one of our CMA brothers still dealing with a lot of pain >WANDA MOORE diagnosed with chronic bronchitis , COPD on 9/19 >JERRY BURGIN this is Roaches dad he fell and broke a leg and arm over the weekend all this is complicated where he had a stroke on the opposite side of these breaks >CAMMIE looking for a job >EARL LEONARD recovering from neck surgery >ERIC TRIVETTE talked to James this morning still no word ,family has not heard from him in many days >LARRY JARRETT strength and wisdom for the days to come, Carrey >SUSAN ROARK really struggling she is in a lot of pain on strong medications she has had an MRI this week , she is also dealing with non malignant tumor on her hip that they think may have some nerves inside of it and causing some of the intense pain she is dealing with >ROBERT LIGUS new friend I met and had the pleasure of ministering to at the race, Bob has Parkinsons and has had brain surgery to relieve some of the symptoms associated with it >ANN PIPPIN >CLARA LEONARD still in rehab for knee replacement >DONNA SCEARCE as she so faithfully walks beside her husband Mike my brother > SANDY HUNT , sandy is having some issues with dimensionia and now she has been diagnosed with MS >ROBERT HUNT >MIKE JOHNSTON the daily struggles with Parkinsons >MARY , DAKOTA, and BRAYDEN >ANGEL BROWN she called and ask to be added to the list for prayer for herself >JAMES TRIVETTE (TANKDADDY) carcinoid syndrome >CHARLES ROBERTS >TIM AND ASHELY >BALINDA LAMBERTH please pray as she has been diagnosed with chronic health issues and the possibility of lupus >RITA AND JAMES ALLEN , rita with dialysis > GET INVOLVED lets get all praying that can pray, copy and paste the prayer list post on your page make a prayer chain >IF YOU HAVE A REQUEST SEND TO MY INBOX WITH NAME AND SPECIFICS AND WHETHER ITS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EITHER HERE ON FACEBOOK OR TO MY EMAIL dbrown4403@yahoo
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 14:06:22 +0000

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