Prayer list 12/01/2014 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS - TopicsExpress


Prayer list 12/01/2014 ******>do you believe in prayer , THIS IS A PRAYER CHAIN , a chain is comprised of multiple links , one link is just that a link but when links are joined together they become a chain , hence prayer chain , to make a prayer chain you simply copy this link and paste it on your pages then its a prayer chain if you dont it stops with you 1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. PRAYERS FOR LITTLE ONES **>EZEKIAL WILEY **> 10/06 JOSHUA JOHN WALDROP, 5 years old is in NICU they just found out he has liver and lung cancer and things look bad , he needs a liver asap , lift up the family and medical staff up also,This page is for Prayers for Joshua John! This sweet 4 year old cowboy has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Hepatoblastoma Liver Cancer & Needs your prayers! ^^Update 11/29 JoshuaJohn had to go to clinic and get his chemo today !All was well...he even gained some weight!!While Daddy Conner and Kail were gone..Cory and I went and donated blood for JoshuaJohn.Cal and Kolt accompanied us!Thank you to everyone who took time out of your day and went and gave part of yourself to my son!When we were all back home Debbie Combs came and decorated a COWBOY Christmas tree that her and Mandi Combs and Travis Combs bought for JDub.Its so cute and just the right size to travel to and from the hospital.. so Dub can have a tree even at the hospital! Thank you all!!He LOVES it! **>MICHAEL SLOAN continued prayers for Michaels healing and for the famiily ^^ 11/25 please continue to pray for Michael even when there is no update , he is in physical therapy >MICAH BUCHANAN had a liver transplant and problems with blood clots afterwards , please continue in prayer for Micah and his family **>ISAAC 8 months old infant has received a donor heart, he has never left the hospital lets lift this whole family up >> POST HEART TRANSPLANT NOW ^^UPDATE came in from mom: Isaac is still stable. His lungs are still a mess though. The results from the lung biopsy taken are not back yet. Thank you for your continued prayers. ^^ UPDATE Isaacs mom is shedding tears! ^^ JUST POSTED 12/1 Progress UPDATE from mom: Doctors just came to tell me they are going to do another bronchoscopy to try and clean out his right lung in a few minutes. His lung was whited out in this mornings X-ray which tells them there is something in there. He had this same procedure last Wednesday. Wednesday night he started going down hill, but he didnt completely crash until the open chest procedure doctors did Friday so we are praying this helps him and doesnt cause harm. Doctors are concerned about his kidneys and this lung. As always, we appreciate your prayers. I am in tears of joy and praise. You are never going to believe this!!! ZERO bleeding this hour. Go Isaac go!! Thank you for all your prayers today! **JAXSON LALE 6 years old has leukemia update by mom ^^ 11/27 post from mom , Happy Thanksgiving to all of our beautiful prayers warriors! We are thankful for life this year! As we celebrate at HOME with our family and friends, we are remembering all of our medical team. Thank you to our sweet Doctors, nurses, PCAS, secretaries, house keepers, cooks, and everyone else who cares for us for your selflessness and choosing a career where you work holidays. Without the good Lord and your alls hard work we wouldnt be home today! >NATALIE ROGERS (Brandon and Rebekah Rogers infant daughter). ^^ UPDATE continued prayers as she has just turned 8 months old **>FINLEY She has sma type 1, just like Nella. ^^ 11/24 Our hearts survived an elective G-tube surgery. Bye bye nose-tube! You wont be missed! **>NELLA EVANGELINE has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular disease .now 8 months old ^^ 11/24 Thank you for your prayers for Nella! She is still working on getting two teeth to cut through, which has made for a cranky little girl. Very heartbreaking, but shes a trooper. Please continue to pray for Nellas comfort, and for her to stay free from illness. This is a video of Nella moving her legs. I am simply holding up her ankle. Weve seen an increase in her strength in her legs, and also in her voice. Nothing we can do or have done can really help increase this. Your prayers are giving Nella strength, and we are more than grateful. Nella is such a fighter, and we are so proud of the determined little girl she is proving to be. Thank you for praying for and loving Nella. We are so blessed to have you all on this journey with us. .>BABY REAGAN has type 1. SMA is a terminal genetic neuromuscular disease Please pray daily if there is no post I promise there is a need **BAYLEE post from her moma ^^ 11/23 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! From the bottom of my heart I am so grateful for what you all have done and are doing. Together we are almost halfway to my goal in the first 24 hours!!! Please keep the prayers and donations coming. A new twist has been added to the problem. The doctor who discovered her disorder, who MIGHT say yes to treating her as private pay, is not currently practicing from his stateside office in Pennsylvania. He is currently only practicing from his home office in Spain. This will be a long road but where there is a will there is a way!!! Im forever in debt to all of you!! **>MAKINNA HESS POSTED by her mom ^^ 11/24 Makinna is being sent back to UVA for more testing! Not sure of whats going on but her left lung looked cloudy and her white blood cell count went from 17.3 to 23.6 in 2 days! So were hoping for answers here! Please keep her in your prayers thank you! ^^ 11/29 We got s call from the ID dr today with some lab results! Maybe going back to UVA Tuesday if her labs come back abnormal again! Please keep us in your prayers! Drs Monday morning! As the holidays are approaching were under a lot of stress! We just want to be home for Christmas! URGENT PRAYER NEEDED **> GREG just found out a good friend and brother has prostate cancer , he has had three chemo treatments already **>LAYNE PITTARD FAMILY in her unexpected passing , remember George her husband and our brother in CHRIST and fellow servant with Biker Down lifted up N.C. >ROB MILLER Rob and his family today as he has surgery to remove his left leg just below the knee. This is so that Rob can get healthy; avoid multiple other surgeries and unending pain in the future. Your support for this wonderful family is greatly appreciated. shared by Jackie Todd Crusenberry >ZEB MCAMIS Prayers needed..took my husband back to follow up on his surgery today.. they took out his stitches and found the wrist is not healing good, so had to Re stitch. Hes in lots of pain and not feeling good Im worried so please say a pray.. Thank you > GREG this is Suzanne Whites boss we have been praying for him here is and update much prayer is needed An update on my boss - please add him back on the prayer list. He is the one with Stage IV lung cancer and was diagnosed with it on 12/12/12. He has hit another bump. Greg had an MRI Wednesday because he was having sinus headaches. Unfortunately, they found that one of his brain tumors has doubled in size from his last scan 7 weeks ago. Because of how fast this has grown and because it was the one he had focused radiation on this spring/summer, the treatment of choice is surgery. Today we met with the neurosurgeon and Greg is having surgery on Thursday. Greg will be hospitalized for several days after surgery and then be off work for 4-6 weeks. While we are bummed to miss Halloween, we are thrilled the doctors have been able to arrange things so quickly. UPDATE Greg had his surgery on 11/14 , update from his wife on 11/11 Greg is recovering well. We had several doctor appointments today. The neurosurgeon and general oncologist are very happy with his progress. The biopsy results on the removed tissue are amazing. There are no active tumor cells. Just dead tissue. So if there were tumor cells before, the radiation therapy did its job. As far as whether or not he needed surgery, this tissue was causing swelling and pain. Also, there is no way to tell by imaging of this was a tumor or not and all the doctors agreed Greg needed surgery. So we are fine with the decision to have the surgery. Gregs most recent CAT scan showed nothing changed again. Good news. We are now off to Chicago to get Greg restarted on his chemotherapy GREG is also on the prayer list for salvation >NORMA LEONARDS moved her to the top of the list she needs major prayer coverage ^^ Well after good news comes more. .... time is up on stay at Select Hospital. They will be taking her to Greystone rehab due to them being one of the only ones that can handle the TPN. They are hoping she will only have to be there a few weeks. . She is holding down her liquids and back on oral meds hoping to get her on a diet and off the iv nutrition soon...were praying this is a step in the right direction, , keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers going! Mom is a trooper and God is Great! >SCOTT HAYES youth minister at Cherry Grove Baptist went down during a ball game last Friday night at the football game, our youth minister passed out. Fortunately, there was an ambulance already there. The aorta pulled away from his heart. I don’t know what would cause that. He was in a very long surgery all night long. They gave him a 10% chance. He made it out of surgery and then Saturday night, he went back in for an intestinal blockage. He is still very critical. 32 y/o, wife and 2 little boys. The outlook is not good, but God still performs miracles. ^^11/22 Scott is now at Quillen Rehab. He can have visitors 11am-3 pm and 5-9 pm. He had real food last night and even sat on the side of the bed to eat! Continue praying for his recovery and Anna & the boys. >PASTOR NOAH STOUT I received a report this morning that his cancer is back **>BUSTER MARTIN went to Duke on Monday 11/24 , he was admitted , he has fluid on his lungs and in his stomach ^^ had two liters of fluid removed from abdomen on last Wednesday >TAMMY DINGUS she was in a motorcycle crash on 421 on Saturday 8\23 she has some serious orthopedic injuries her knee is completely blown out of the leg and all ligaments in left wrist are torn , no internal injuries that i have been told of ^^10/20 she is doing physical therapy now please continue to pray for complete healing >ROBERT LEACH had a motorcycle accident a couple of weeks ago and is still at JCMC in a medically induced coma. We have been to see him several times but he has been out of his room for procedures. Sharon talked to his wife Tina today and Robert is not doing well. She asked that we would not stop praying. Also, if anyone could go by and visit, it would be much appreciated. ^^ 9/22 Robert is still in the hospital I will have a beter update in the morning , please continue to pray for him and his wife >The family of ERIC SMITH he has been missing for several months ,please remember his family , his moms name is Drema please lift her up >SANDY HUNT >RYAN McCracken he is home now , using a walker still has a good ways to go , keep praying his greatest need is salvation >JANE NICHOLS GOD knows , >ANGEL McDaniels Angel was on our list with cancer over a year ago and now tests show a tumor on her brain >GARY WHITAKER is at Vanderbilt awaiting a suitable liver and transplant >DAVID VINSON JR >TANNER continue to pray for GOD to move in his recovery ^^UPDATE I got a report that he has been moved to the Shepherd center PRAYER REQUEST FROM BIKERS DOWN LIFTED UP **> t is with my deepest regret to inform you that Georges wife, Layne, has passed before us. George called me this morning to report she died of heart failure after having fought so hard for her life from the perforated esophagus injury she sustained. She has been in the hospital for several weeks and was moved to a transitional nursing facility to gain her health and recover. George did not have any arrangement plans made as yet, but did relay that she would be cremated and scattered out in a location of her choosing (to be announced). Im sure you will all want to send your condolences to George and family individually as we are, but this email is to request a giving of $200 to a charity of the families choice, from us as BikerDownLiftedUp - WNC. More information will be forthcoming. PRAYERS FOR MINISTRIES OPPORTUNITIES >Evangelist Mushtaq Masih Evangelist to Pakistan, prayers of protection and support for his ministry >BIKER DOWN LIFTED UP TENNESSE , please be in prayer for Robert Jordan and Don Brown as we follow the leading of GOD to bring this ministry to the riding community of our state PRAISE WITH A GRATEFUL HEART 1Th 5:18a In every thing give thanks > Issac receiving his new heart >PRAYER REQUESTS FOR OUR FRIENDS WITH LEUKEMIA >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 >JAXSON LALE infant >CURTIS PUCKET >BERNIE a patient at Duke bone marrow transplant did not take has to go through process again >HOWDY SMITH recently had bone marrow transplant >Mr. GRAHAM >.MR. WATSON test on kidneys >TOM HEATH 8 days post transplant >GRAHAM McBRIDE 3 days post transplant >DENNIS TAYLOR having bone marrow transplant >JOHN BLAIR 6 years old has leukemia and it progressed from stage 2 to acute stage 3 >KEN GODWIN at Duke for bone marrow transplant >VICKY received her transplant >BRUCE TURNER cancer free prayers that it stays in remission >TAMMY HUMAN at Duke 24 days post bone marrow transplant UPDATE doing beter as the sores in her mouth and throat are beginning to heal >BUSTER MARTIN >JULIUS MILLER that leukemia stays in remission >TERRY FLOYD his shingles have began to dry up , if all goes well they will begin bone marrow transplant on 5/20 CANCER FIGHTERS **>GENNY HUSKY WINSER New chemo round starts today. Hoping and praying side effects are better controlled this time >LAVADA MULLINS 10/15 battling cancer starts chemo treatments today. Shared by Tony Kilgore >JODY recently diagnosed with breast cancer > DREAMA SKEEN who has been battling cancer. Please pray for knowledge for her doctors and healing for Dreama as she will be traveling to Cancer Centers of America.. >DENISE >MARTHA GIBSON >SHERILL taking radiation and chemo >BUDDY WRIGHT melanoma cancer >HUNTER WATKINS fighting cancer needs a miracle >BRADY WILLIAMS in operatable cancer >MELISSA KITCHENS stage 4 lung cancer >JASON McKINNEY >MARTHA CLARK >>RODNEY SMITH quote from him If I may ask a favor of you, would you pray for me? I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. I start treatments of chemo on the eighth of January. As a Christian every prayers counts. Take care and God Bless >NICK WATSON and PEARL his wife ,he is a member of the Dover chapter, and has been fighting cancer for quite some time now. He is currently receiving chemo that is pretty hard on his body. Talked to his wife, Pearl this morning, Nick is very weak and sick from these treatments. Please take a few moments to lift Nick to our Father, and pray for healing from THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. >JAY has cancer and is need of salvation >MARLENA SNOWDEN she had her last chemo last week and is now facing surgery in the coming days >SAMANTHA ARRINGTON found out yesterday SHE has Neurofibromatosis type 2 cancer she is just 21 & she has lost feelings in both legs & her left hand >MONICA LADEAU stage 3 cervical cancer also husband Eric >GAIL she was previously had cancer and now it has returned also prayers for her husband Clay as he walks beside her through this battle >ROXIE JOCHEM jerrys wife, has Ovarian Cancer for the fourth time and there are also family problems they are dealing with. They need lots of prayer support. >DIANE been told there is nothing more they can do given 6 months to live >EVA KETRON melanoma >TAMMY ARNOLD lung cancer >MISSY DAVIDSON brain tumor >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >GAIL cancer has pop up again >LEE PEMMONS diagnosed with stage 4 cancer >MARK WICKER He was diagnosed in March with a cancerous brain tumor. Surgery, chemo or radiation are not options. We are a family of believers, who are simply trusting God. He has already used this journey to open doors for us to share our faith with others. this was shared by wife Rhonda >PONTIAC LOWRY >ROSIE DANIELS >KATHY NEAL >DON HATCHER is improving, continued prayers for healing and strengthening **>GREG Suzannes boss there is an update in urgent prayers needed >NOAH STOUT PRAYERS FOR ONES WITH UPCOMING SURGERY PRAYERS FOR SALVATION FOR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES >RYAN McCRACKEN > CLYDE >JOHNATHAN AND MARK BLEVINS >DETON LEE >ROGER DALE >CHRIS >BRANDY BROYLES >TIM MILLER >JUNIOR STIPES just found out last week that he is eat up with cancer, most important probably is his greatest need salvation >LIST OF LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS OF Jimmy and Peggy Phipps >ADAM >DELORES WALLACES GRANDSON >ROBERT WATKINS >LOWERY >Tony Kilgores parents >DENNIS >COLTEN salvation and drug addiction >DONNY >RYAN COOPER PRAYERS REQUESTS Gal_6:2 Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law >STACEY fell and broke her ankle >JAMES TRIVETTE facing back surgery now , please pray back pain is awful I am dealing with now myself >BOBBY BRANCH he has another one of those wounds on his ankle again >FREDDIE AND WOMAN GOD knows please pray for Freddie got some specific medical issues and some tests coming up mid July >FRANKIE MOORE continues to improve able to walk with can for short periods of time still tires out easily, please continue to lift him up in your prayers for strength >JERRY BURGIN continued prayers he has had some major issues pop up >MIKE JOHNSTON the daily struggles with Parkinsons >MARY , DAKOTA, and BRAYDEN >ANGEL BROWN >CHARLES ROBERTS >BALINDA LAMBERTH please pray as she has been diagnosed with chronic health issues and the possibility of lupus >RITA AND JAMES ALLEN , rita with dialysis > GET INVOLVED lets get all praying that can pray, copy and paste the prayer list post on your page make a prayer chain >IF YOU HAVE A REQUEST SEND TO MY INBOX WITH NAME AND SPECIFICS AND WHETHER ITS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EITHER HERE ON FACEBOOK OR TO MY EMAIL dbrown4403@yahoo
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:46:17 +0000

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